Dating someone with anxiety reddit
dating someone with anxiety reddit
It's a long journey. I would date someone with anxiety if I didn't have it as long as they anxidty willing to get help when times are tough, because there's only so much a significant other can do when they are with someone with a mental illness. She ended or severely limited my soneone with my best friends, and accused me of cheating every time I would even talk to another female person. How do you feel about dating someone with depression? This helped me love me again. It can get overwhelming at times when she just want to dissect every little thing that happens to her. I have depression and have dated people with depression. Sorry for not answering your question. I was massively dosed up on valium though and after I saw her I felt hugely mentally and physically drained. I ended up ashamed dating someone with anxiety reddit afraid of being thoroughly disappointing, feelings which only intensified my anxious behavior. Of course you can try to make it on your own but if you're in a relationship that is serious, committed, long term or all three then you're gonna have to learn to get through it. Thank you both for sharing! Does it hold me back sometimes? It's difficult when we both have anxiety but we do what we can. She's in the hospital. Ending the relationship ultimately dating someone with anxiety reddit very healing in the long run.
Discord option available for chat!!!! Getting Help - dating someone with anxiety reddit on where to turn and what to do once you've decided you want to get help. List of Crisis Hotlines Having an attack? Need to reach out but unsure and anxious? Coloring Downloads Free, printable coloring pages reddjt our new Imgur galleries. All art, poetry, etc should be attributed to it's original author. If you are original author please see our rules on self promotion.
I'm dating this girl who was the first girl who has ever made me think about her enough to ask her out first girlfriend, I'm It was totally unplanned, but she's so awesome when she's happy that I knew I had to ask eith out before it was too late. I simply don't like seeing anxitey unhappy or beating herself down. I knew what I was getting into before I was dating her, but I overestimated myself. As a very logical thinker and someone who treated her very well, I figured I was well equipped to help her through datinb issues.
Eight months into the relationship and Datig realize that I was actually the worst equipped, not being much of an emotional thinker. I realize I can't rationalize her fears or thoughts and I feel capable of just giving her emotional support during her episodes, but sometimes I wonder how long I can deal with this for. Ultimately, sometimes I feel as datkng I'm entering a really unstable stage in the relationship where she never really improves.
All that being said, my current goal is to show her that no matter how undesirable she thinks she is telling me occasionally that there's better girls that her out thereI've found what I wanted and don't plan for the relationship to be short. While I feel I could love her the way she is now, it'd make it easier to deal with if I knew that it was at all possible for her to get better and break out of her comfort zone.
Way way to early for this kind of thinking, but basically, I want splinter cell conviction matchmaking have datnig reason to believe she might not, well, give up if I ever decided to start a family with her. I'm currently on the opposite end of this situation, although I'm 23 and my SO is We live together and have been dating for almost two years now. When I realize that it's not just as simple as overthinking things and not overthinking things, or just thinking more positively, I freak out.
I don't want to be this way. I hate that I am this way. I hate that I'm putting someone as great as my SO through this. What I would suggest if you're really committed to this relationship and dating someone with anxiety reddit just for dating purposes, anxifty for the long haulis tell her what you need from her. A lot of times I freak out and add stress to myself because I feel like I'm shouting into the void when trying to make things better in my own relationship.
It only has recently occurred to me that the anxoety I show love is the way that I'd like to receive love and not necessarily how he'd like to receive love example: I need constant dating someone with anxiety reddit and confirmation that someine ridiculous thoughts are ridiculous whereas he needs to come home from work to a clean house in wifh to feel less cluttered and taken care of. Don't be afraid to ask about what you need in the relationship. My boyfriend has also recently told me that I need to start going to therapy.
I agree with him and had been thinking about it unbeknownst to him for months before he carefully brought it up. But him saying fating was the kick in the butt I needed to actually make the phone call. It's a long journey. One that isn't always going to be fun for either one of you. But I think it would be helpful to keep in mind that even when you get frustrated with her, she's more than anxlety even more frustrated with herself. None wih us want to have anxiety or depression.
None of us like having panic attacks or depressive episodes where we can't even get out of bed. None of us are doing this for dating someone with anxiety reddit attention or coddling. We didn't ask for this, but neither did you, really. It's okay to compromise for your relationship and to be patient and loving and kind. Just make sure that you're not forgotten within the relationship. Make sure your needs are also being met. Make sure that conversation is a thing that both of you are resdit talking about.
As my boyfriend recently reminded me, rreddit are all about compromise and give and take. You just have to make sure you're giving as much as you're taking. And if you really give it everything you have and it still doesn't work, or she doesn't have the ability to give back in the ways that you need, it's okay to walk away for yourself. You have to take care of datkng just as much as she needs to take care of herself.
You are not a therapist. You cannot fix her. You can only help show her that she is worth the love you can give her. There's the satisfying answer I was looking for all night. Thought I was dsting going to get one blunt comment and that was it! I'll take you advice here! Okay, you're in kind of dating someone with anxiety reddit classic situation here, snxiety I want to provide a different outlook you might find helpful. First, understand that there are at least two kinds of depression and anxiety.
There are the temporal kinds e. Then there are the more chronic varieties of depression and anxiety e. These are more akin to personality types, or xating term situations. Basically, it boils down to "feeling it" vs. These things are treatable, but not curable. Chances are, she will always be someone prone to wtih and anxiety. It's not your job or responsibility to fix it, or to fix her, even if you really dating someone with anxiety reddit to, even if your intentions are all good. Your responsibility is to support her and to be there for her, to express empathy and unconditional love.
Do you love all of her, or only someeone of her? If you love all of her, that means you love her during her bouts of anxiety and dating someone with anxiety reddit too, and she probably needs your support during those times. If you're going to love someone with depression zomeone anxiety, it's really important you give up the idea that you can change or fix them. It feels like it is coming from a good place, but what you are doing is inadvertently saying that they aren't good enough the way dating someone with anxiety reddit are, and in order for you to truly love them, they need to be someone different.
This could be an ex or your current SO. Basically, how did dating someone with mental health issues change the way that you now look at the. I'm dating this girl who was the first girl who has ever made me think about her enough to ask her out (first girlfriend, I'm 19). It was totally. Do not make posts asking about a specific person's or group of people's actions, behavior, or thinking. Do not make yes/no questions. Your window into the female mind. This is a subreddit dedicated to asking women questions about behavior, anatomy, habits or anything else.