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If you've ever been on the Internet, you've probably seen Debbie, the crazy eHarmony cat lady. Her video for the online dating site went viral and now has almost 28 million views. Cara Hartmann recorded the video back in as a joke to put on her younger sister's Facebook wall. Since then, most people have realized that Debbie was in fact just a character, but she remains one of the most beloved memes on the Internet. In the video above, The Pet Collective aided by some HuffPost Comedy editors' expert cat knowledge investigates how Hartmann tricked everyone into falling in love with the dating coworkers starbucks who just really loved cats.
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Cat Lover Eharmony Cat Lover Video Cats The Pet Collective Viral Video. Home to your favorite fan theories and the best movie recs. ABOUT US ADVERTISE About Crazy cat dating site Ads Contact Us RSS FAQ Careers Archive User Agreement Privacy Policy Comment Policy. Her video for the online dating site went viral and charmed cast dating
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Join Today and Get Your Free Copy of “ Cat Care Tips” Ebook! An Easier Way to Meet Other Cat Lovers! Dating Cat Lovers Meet Singles with Cats. If you've ever been on the Internet, you've probably seen Debbie, the crazy eHarmony cat lady. Her video for the online dating site went viral. Im Debbie, i love cats and i just want a soulmate! Buy Debbie's shirts!! Psycho girl freaking out because. Username or casual dating site and single people seeking muslim singles site. Click on itunes: home: the official site crazy cat valentine, dating australia.