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Dating a timex watch

Dating a timex watch


dating a timex watch

dating a timex watch

Sometimes it is easy to answer, and sometimes it is impossible. Best when creating a list of items ex: All Dating a timex watch Home Watches Vintage Watches Dating A Vintage Timex Watch Sign Up to reply and join the friendliest Watch Forum on the web. Given it looks like mine I'd say late fifties. Serial number records are available for many of the old pocket watch companies like AM Waltham, Elgin, South Bend etc. Timex Watches, Collectors Site, Info. The pinned post is very useful. Timex had a numerical system that incorporated watch style, movement model number and year. Dating A Vintage Timex Watch. This will give a good idea of the manufacture date. This page was last edited on 7 Juneat The three numbers immediately preceeding the year of manufacture to the left represent the movement model dating a timex watch. Views 89 Like 89 Likes Comments Comment. Navigation menu Personal tools Not dating a timex watch in Discussion for this IP address Contributions Create account Log in. If you found this guide useful please take a moment to click on the button below! Timex Men's Weekender TW2P Blue Nylon Quartz Dress Watch.

dating a timex watch

There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. This will send a password reset to your email address dating a timex watch file. A reminder that your email address on your account must be valid and working to receive the reset request. If you have received an unsolicited you did not already initiate an update to your email or password email from watchuseek.

It will look like its coming from us since the scammer is spoofing our regular pm notification email. If you opened this email and clicked the link please change your password immediately! Register Help Tumex your password? Forum Today's Posts Calendar Forum Actions Mark Forums Read Quick Links View Forum Leaders Who's Online Watch Brands News Features Shows Buying Guides Accessories Home Advanced Search. Timex dating help LinkBack LinkBack URL About LinkBacks Thread Tools Show Printable Version Subscribe to this Thread… Dahing Thread.

Results 1 to 10 of January 10th, 1. Timex dating help I've got this old Timex watch that I would like your help dating. I've read that some Timex watches has a time code stamped inside the case back, consisting of one letter and one digit. Mine has a on the case back stamp, but it's datinh letter and three digits I think it says "9A59" - timmex this the date code? In that case - how do you interpret it? The watch runs well, but needs a new crystal.

Thank you for your help! January 10th, 2. Timex dating help At the bottom of the front of the dial should be some numbers and the last part should be the year i. Timex dating help Daing looks very much like the case on my Falcon, and the dials look datint similar too. Wstch dial dating system applies only post Mine has a code like yours but N7 which dates it to That dating system ran from so I'd guess yours predates that, which would explain the fifties dating a timex watch on yours, but there wasn't a date code before then.

Given it looks like mine I'd say late fifties. Last watdh by Mirius; January 10th, at Timex dating help Thank you both! The site I found the info on date codes on stated that the datibg code was used for mechanical watches from until Last edited by Malakim; January 10th, at Timex dating help I suspect that it has the same movement as mine - a 29, and yes, they seemed to use the same movements for a number of years, so I don't think that will help too much.

RonD is your man here for some more expert advice I think. Timex dating help Quite dating a timex watch that it is a 29 movement. I found this reference dating a timex watch that the 29 movement was used from - so I guess my watch is no older than that at least. I'm thinking maybe the last two digits in the case back stamp indicates year - in this case - or dahing be to easy? Timex dating help This page: The Timex Watch Forum FAQ's and Help Page helps date timex watches.

Timex dating help Yeah, they wach put the dates on the dial until That would be from BTW, I made the banners for the Timex Forum I used to be a moderator there Originally Dating a timex watch by RonD. Yeah, they didn't put the dates on the dial dating a timex watch Thank you, Mr Cancer patient dating website and Mr Martian for replying.

Thread Information Users Browsing timx Thread There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. About Advertise Privacy Disclaimer Contact Us Watchuseek. Watchuseek recommends Chrono24the largest watch marketplace on the Internet. The time now is Image resizer by SevenSkins. Search Engine Friendly URLs by vBSEO 3.

dating a timex watch

I've got this old Timex watch that I would like your help dating. I've read that some Timex watches has a time code stamped inside the case  dating a timex. The Timex Expedition Indiglo wristwatch tells the time and date, illuminates at the press of a button, and can wake you up at a designated time. Once you receive. Each Timex watch made after has numbers inprinted on the dial which denote the catalog number, Watches made before are much harder to date. This Web site was created at You can easily build a customized Web site for yourself or your business using our simple Web page.

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