Can a dating scan be 4 weeks wrong
can dating scan be wrong by 2 weeks

can a dating scan be 4 weeks wrong
Join here - there's nearly always a great incentive offered for your views. Go by the later due date rather than the earlier one. At my 12 week scan I was 12 weeks exactly and I measured 11 weeks 6 days. Log in to leave your comment or alternatively, sign in with Facebook or Google. Originally Posted by DiamondEyes. Sleep and your preschooler Even when your child throws off the cot and the all-night feeds, sleep challenges in the preschool years can still keep you wondering. Mon Feb 16, Mon Jan 26, 3: I've worked out my own due date by counting days length of gestation from conception from the earliest possible conception date and it comes out as 3 days after the scan date and 5 days before the first day of last period date so I reckon I'm going with that! The sperm can live for days but the egg will pass through within 24 hours. I just can't understand it! Can your dating scan be wrong LinkBack URL About LinkBacks.

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Has anyone had experience with a dating scan being wrong? And I don't mean a day or two, more like a daring. This is what has happened. Although I don't have regular 28 datihg cycles, Wcan do chart and watch my cervical mucous and record when we baby dance. I also often feel pain when I ovulated for. My last cycle, I predicted I ovulated on day 20 - I had ovulation pain, it was also my last day wrojg stretchy mucous and it was also the last day we baby danced. So that would make my due date I got pregnant 31 march.
I had a dating scan today and dates showed as 6 weeks 3 days, whereas my dates show 7 weeks 1 day. I am questioning whether the the dating scan is actually correct because according to dating scan - - it could possibly wronf sperm was living inside for 6 days that's a while before bee - my cervical mucous was well and truly sticky and non existent around the dating scan ovulation date -day 26 - the other big thing is I got a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks according to dating scan.
I don't even know if that is possible! It would have had to implant then send out the hormone to erong picked up? What do you think? Should I datibg my dates? Should I get a repeat scan later on? Should I just stick to my own dates? This is my 3rd child and I've had dating sating for all my babies, and the others lined up with my own dates by charting. Join Date May Posts Thanks 76 Thanked 84 Reviews 1.
My last pregnancy my dating scan was two weeks off. The day they said I conceived, my period was due. But let me tell you, I gave birth the day before they said my due date was mummy to gods gift to us. Atropos View Profile View Forum Dating 5001. Join Date Jun Posts 8, Thanks 7, Thanked 9, Reviews 5 Achievements: That's only 5 days difference which isn't very much.
I have read that some sperm can live up to 10 days if conditions are favourable. Most of the time in my experience and that of people I know IRL they like to use your LMP date at hospital anyway. And you can get a pos HPT as early as a week after implantation. Early dating scans are considered the most accurate, later scans not so much.
Join Date Apr Location NSW Posts 1, Thanks 1, Thanked Reviews 2 Achievements: Yes my dating scan with ds was over 1 week out. Ds is now 6. Jennybaby View Profile View Forum Posts. Join Date May Posts Thanks 57 Thanked Reviews 0. The sperm can live for days but the egg will pass through within 24 hours. You were obviously fertilized when you ov'd but the egg too a few days to implant properly I would guess.
The dating scan date can your dating scan be wrong the most accurate date but remember that the baby is really little t six weeks and a slight change in how they measure the bub can change your dates. Go by the later due date rather than the earlier one. It will mean a great deal at the end of your preg, just in case bub wants to stay in a bit longer. You don't want to be pressured into an induction when you are only five days over, because you went my lmp rather than dating scan.
Join Date Feb Posts Thanks Thanked Reviews 0. My dating scan was off by at least a datijg and then my 12 dating scan 5 days out scan was off by 2w3d. I spoke to my midwife about it and showed her the dates I had worked out and we worked out a compromise date put me forward dating scan 5 days out a week more than the first scan. We were only worried about it because I have a history of prem babies and a can your dating scan be wrong or two could be the difference between needing to be transferred to a larger hospital in Melbourne as opposed to delivering at our local hospital.
She told me that they would normally not change the due date from a dating scan unless the next scan dates were off datign at least 2 weeks and your not you personally, obviously fundal measurements corresponded to that date. I'm still measuring 2 weeks bigger by fundal height but haven't had another scan so we're sticking with our agreed date for now. Join Date Aug Posts 9, Thanks 2, Thanked 9, Reviews 0 Achievements: MothersMilk View Profile View Forum Posts.
Join Date Dec Posts 10, Thanks Thanked 1, Reviews 19 Achievements: From what i was told with DD2 there was a dispute about when she was due can dating scan be wrong by 2 weeks different scans showed about weeks difference and it didn't match when i thought i conceived and i only had sex once blah blah. Anywho i was told the early dating scan is the most accurate as babies grow at the same rate for those first few weeks so this is the date that was used.
In retrospect i think it was fairly spot on. Jackinabox View Profile View Forum Posts. Join Date Feb Posts Thanks 18 Thanked 34 Reviews 0. Mine was 5 days behind also at 6 weeks 2 days. I think there is a large margin for error as the baby can dating scan be wrong by 2 weeks so tiny. I had another scan at 9 weeks my LMP date dating scan 5 days out I was 8 weeks 6 days! At my 12 week scan I was 12 weeks exactly and I measured 11 weeks 6 days.
I stayed with my LMP date! Originally Posted by DiamondEyes. Similar Threads Dating scan By Dating kiss goodbye in forum First Trimester Chat. Dating Scan By BlackCat in forum First Trimester Chat. Posting Permissions You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts BB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off.
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could a dating scan be wrong
Mine are always a week behind from my dates, and i can pinpoint When I went for my dating scan I thought I was 7+ weeks and the size of. And if not, could it mean something's wrong and the baby isn't growing 6 week scan in this pregnancy, they told me I was more 5+ 4 and could only You have to wait for the 12 week dating scan - this will be more accurate. Has anybody else had this problem with dating scans? I feel like I. Hi, when I had my dating scan I new I was 11 weeks and 5 days but . my say they will go by the scan. it's just odd that i'm measuring 4 weeks. I had a dating scan today thinking I was almost 8 weeks. Someone else on another thread said that scan measurements can be out as much as 15% . With DSs pregnancy my LMP was 26/ 4 /09 but I only got a BFP on 11/6/ I knew the doctors were wrong about the dates from the start but I kept quiet. Use LMP or 12 week scan date?.