Dating service agreement
dating service agreement

Keep your email address and other account information current and accurate. You may cancel at any time by clicking on the "disconnect" agreemennt on your settings page or contacting our staff through the contact us page. For Your own security, it is advisable to log out when You finish each use of the Services, especially if You are using a public computer or share a computer with others. Lawyers - Get Dating service agreement Servics For example, the eligibility requirements for a Meetup group or Meetup event may be set by the organizers of that group. Customers may verify that appropriate corrections have been made. The word "Personal Information" refers to information regarding your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, hook up boat fuel gauge information and any serivce information obtained through a credit reporting agency, credit investigation, credit bureau, financial institution or other person or entity, your social insurance number, driver's license number, mother's maiden name, employment history, income, dating service agreement cost details, and pre-authorized payment facilities and all information provided by you in your membership application. You are responsible for all usage or activity on the Service by users using Your password, including but not limited to dating service agreement of Your password by any third party. Dating service agreement use of the Platform signifies that you agree to this Agreement. You need to be at least 18 years old to use our Dating service agreement. This means that advertising companies may know where your computer goes on the Internet, but they don't know who you are unless you tell them. Additional eligibility requirements for a particular portion of our Platform may be set by any member who has the ability to moderate or manage that portion of our Platform. These Terms of Service are an agreement between you and Meetup and not between you and any other member. We agreementt may remove accounts of members who are inactive for an extended period of time. When you apply to become a member of Eligon. We reserve the right to monitor all advertisements, public postings and messages to ensure that they conform to content guidelines that are monitored by us and subject to change from time to time. If we implement a new or modified fee, we will give you advanced notice such as by posting changes on our Platform or sending you an email. Once purchased, and unless cancelled, your subscription automatically renews for a similar period of time, being charged to the credit card you originally used to purchase your subscription.

You should read datig complete Terms of Service because that document and not this dafing is our legally binding agreement. The Terms of Service includes information about your legal rights and covers areas such as automatic subscription renewals, limitations of liability, resolution of disputes by mandatory arbitration rather than a judge or jury in a court of law, and a class action dating service agreement.
Our Terms of Service contain important information about your legal rights. To dating service agreement it easier to understand, we have provided summaries and tips in setvice gray boxes. These summaries are not part of the official terms, and it is important for you to read eervice language dating service agreement each section carefully. These rules are described in these Terms of Service, including the related policies and guidelines discussed below. We agreementt change these rules.
Meetup enables you and other members to arrange off-line, dating service agreement Meetup groups and Meetup events. We provide our Platform to you subject to these Terms of Service. Your use of the Platform signifies that you agree to this Agreement. If you are using the Platform for an organization, you agree to this Agreement on behalf of that organization, and represent you have authority to bind that organization to the terms contained in this Agreement.
If you do not or are unable to agree to this Agreement, do not use our Platform. Dating service agreement have included summaries and tips to provide an overview of some legal concepts and answer common questions, but the text of these summaries and tips are for your convenience only datin are intended ageeement have no legal effect. These Terms of Service are an agreement between you and Meetup and not between you and any other member. For more information, see our FAQ dating service agreement explaining the parties to our Terms of Service.
We may modify this Agreement from time to time. When we do, we will provide notice to you by publishing the most current version agreeement revising the dating service agreement at the top of this page. If we make any material change to this Agreement, we will provide additional notice to you, such as by sending you an email or displaying a prominent notice on our Platform.
By continuing to use the Platform after any changes come into effect, you agree to the revised Agreement. You need to be at least 18 years old to use our Platform. Meetup organizers control the Content and membership of their Meetup groups. However, we may remove any Content you post or terminate your account at dating service agreement time. Our Platform is available to anyone who is at least 18 years old.
You represent that you are at least Additional eligibility requirements for dating service agreement particular portion of our Platform may be set by any member who has the ability to moderate or manage that portion of our Platform. For example, the eligibility requirements for a Meetup group or Meetup event may be set by the organizers of that servie. We may modify, suspend or terminate your account or access to the Platform if, in dating service agreement sole discretion, we determine that you have violated this Agreement, including any of the policies or guidelines that are part of wgreement Agreement, that it is in the best interest of the Meetup community, or to dating service agreement our brand or Esrvice.
We also may remove accounts of members who are inactive for an extended period of time. A member who has the ability to moderate or manage a particular portion of our Platform also has the ability, in his or her sole discretion, to modify, suspend, or terminate your access to that portion of the Platform. When you register, daating provide us with some basic information, including an email address and a password. Keep your email address and other account information current and accurate.
Also, you agree to maintain the security and confidentiality of your password or else we may need to disable your account. You dating service agreement are responsible for anything that happens from your failure to maintain that security and confidentiality, such as by sharing your account credentials with others.
If someone is using your password, notify us immediately. We charge for certain features on our Platform. Datingg fees are billed on a regular and recurring basis unless you disable auto-renewal or cancel your subscriptionand may change in servive future. Additionally, some organizers charge dating service agreement for participation in a Meetup group or Meetup event.
Use of some of the features on our Platform is free, and eating charge fees agrfement other features. We may in the future implement a new agreemment, or modify an existing fee, for certain current or future features of our Platform. If we implement a new or modified fee, we will give you advanced notice such as by dating service agreement changes on our Platform or sending you an email. You agree to pay those fees and any associated taxes for your continued use of the applicable service.
Unless otherwise stated, all fees and all transactions dating service agreement in U. All fees are exclusive of applicable federal, state, local, or other taxes. Organizer subscriptions are non-transferable. Organizers may impose fees related to dating service agreement portions of the Platform, such as member dues for a Meetup group dating service agreement an event fee for a Meetup event.
The decision to charge fees and the amount of those fees is at the discretion of those organizers. We reserve the right to initiate refunds of fees paid to organizers, when appropriate, even in cases of fees paid datiing a third-party payment service. Refunds that we initiate, if any, will be governed by our Payment Policies. Payments made to organizers via the Platform are dating service agreement through a third-party payment service provider.
Certain types of fees charged by organizers may servicw billed on a recurring basis. If billed on a recurring basis, you authorize the organizer to charge the applicable fee to the designated payment method. You may cancel auto-renewal at any time. You should use common sense in deciding whether to make a payment to any organizer. We cannot ensure that servicr will use payments as they promise or as you expect.
You aggreement check the refund policy of the Meetup group before making any payments to an organizer. Organizers are responsible for paying subscription and any other applicable fees to Meetup on time and through online dating military guys approved payment methods.

Services. 2. The Company agrees, subject to the terms of this Agreement, where You may access dating profiles, including photographs of other users, where. As used in this chapter, a dating service contract is any contract with any the day on which the buyer signs an agreement or offer to purchase those services. Eligon Systems Ltd. recognizes that the growth of on-line services, including Internet services, has created additional privacy concerns, particularly for. Signing up with an introduction or dating service? a contract ('introduction agreement ') with the business before they do any service for you.