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Approve Hide Unhide Delete Merge Split Move. Girlfriends in TLAD Started by ryans2oo9Feb 19 Can you use the internet to find new ones? AlexGKY AlexGKY Player Hater Members Joined: You can also find monkeys and clowns on lovemeet. Indi Indi Don't cross the streams. Andolini Mafia Family Joined: DRMetzger DRMetzger The doctor is in If it is I might try dumping some xnd to see if they show up. Irviding Irviding he's going to get into the ring and put boots to asses Andolini Mafia Family Joined: I did the first day TLAD was released- contacted all of the girls on love meet no reply from any of them.
So obviously Jerronimo lied. I saw that GameTrailers thing too when he said that will be an option. DuckPond DuckPond Rat Members Joined: JOSEPH Damnee JOSEPH X Boss Members Joined: Back to The Lost and Damned. Log In Need an account? I've forgotten my password. The forum no longer supports the following characters in loost An Admin will change your username. Remember me This is not recommended for jj dating service computers.
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The ability to date girlfriends, first introduced in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, returns in The Lost and Damned | The Ballad of Gay Tony. Crossovers. I chose to play The Lost and Damned 1st, because The Ballad of Gay Tony looks alright. so i take it there is no dating in lost and damned?. I'm sorry to say that unlike Niko in the standard version of GTA IV, Johnny can't meet any girls and date them. He can, on the other hand, solicit prostitutes like. Girlfriends in TLAD - posted in The Lost and Damned: Can you use the internet to find new ones?.