Astrocamp matchmaking
astrocamp matchmaking

astrocamp matchmaking
It is regarded that more points in guna milap, assure the chances of success of marriage. If a mismatch occurs then it may lead to a number of misfortunes like diseases, problems in house and even death. See whether the 11th Cusp Sub Lords in the chart of the Boy and the Girl are in astrocamp matchmaking way connected to astrocamp matchmaking 6,8 and 12 in any manner in their respective astrocamp matchmaking. Since ages, Astrology is helping people with this calculative method to predict the duo's relation for rest of their life. If Sirasu Rajju is the same, then it is certain that the man would die. If couple gets 30 points and more than it, the match is considered as excellent and gives the assurance for peaceful and happy married life. Sign in New User? Join the astrocamp matchmaking for readers Get monthly access to books, audiobooks, documents, and more Read Free for 30 Days. The most significant aspect of Rajju Dosha Porutham is that it indicates Maangalya Bakyam. One can verify the values for Kundali matching on the basis of diverse factors. Likewise, obtained points in Maitri decide compatibility, Gana for guna level, bhakoot is for love and Nadi is related to health.

The question of compatibility between partners will arise only if first 3 factors indicate that both are going to stay together. An approximate estimate of longevity of both matchhmaking partners should be indispensable. What is needed astrocamp matchmaking to examine the birth charts for premature death. If there is wide gap in longevity of two, then matching of other factors become redundant. The life span between 40 to 75 years is described as Madhyayu, where as longevity beyond 75 years is considered as Purnayu.
There are dating birth order compatibility combinations of planets, which give idea of longevity of a person. Purnayu is indicated if benefics occupy kendras and Lagna lord is with benefics or aspected by Jupiter. Also when 3 planets in 8th house occupy exaltation, friendly and own sign respectively, long life is indicated.
The same is the result when Saturn matchhmaking 8th lord is conjoined with an exalted planet. The Lagna and Moon should be strong astrocamp matchmaking long life. Mental and psychological health of astrocamp matchmaking partner can also be asrtocamp by position of Lagna, Moon, sixth and eighth houses. The separation matchmqking divorce is also to be looked into by examining in detail 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. The presence of 7th lord in 8th indicates chances of separation.
Mutual disposition of Mars and Venus plays a very important role in marriage. Venus is associated with spouse, material comforts, sex harmony, physical beauty etc, where as Mars abounds in energy, aggressiveness and in astrocamp matchmaking with Venus gives a tendency to excess of sensual gratification. Therefore after examining basic structure of horoscope astrocsmp partners, it is ensured that long married life is indicated.
Why the Mars gets such an importance in the matter of marriage? The interaction of Moon and Mars causes menstruation in a woman every month when the Moon is passing through Apachayasthana from ascendant. The Moon controls the matchmakin matter of a woman while Mars signifies the blood matchmaiing combination of two is cause of menses. The process of progeny and pregnancy depends exclusively on menstruation cycle in females. Mars is lord of blood system in all human beings.
Semen in males get formed through the process astrocamp matchmaking blood system. Therefore progeny is not possible without asttrocamp astrocamp matchmaking Mars. Apart from this Mars is a fiery planet and rules warmth. Mars is also the lord of skin, the outer dress of body. Influence of Mars alone can astrocammp another body and another life.
Astrologers have determined the houses from where Mars adversely influences and affects the 7th house, which is concerned with marriage, the married life and relationship with spouse. The Lagna represents body, the Moon represents the mind and Venus the sexual organs. Therefore houses are reckoned from Lagna, Moon and Venus. The dosha is considerably weak when it exists from Lagna, a little stronger from astroocamp Moon and still more powerful from Venus.
The Mars in the 1st house indicates annoyance, anger, irritation and disturbed state of mind of self, in the 2nd house presence of Mars may lead to financial breakdown, axtrocamp by cheating and violence between husband and wife. Presence of Mars in 4 th house adversely affects the domestic atmosphere and in the 7th house introduces element of fire between husband and wife. In 12th house, it may lead to wasteful expenditure, punishments, disturbance in the sleeping comforts, venereal diseases, extramarital sex etc.
There are astrocamp matchmaking combinations referred in astrological texts, which nullify harmful effects of Mars. For determining compatibility there are total 36 Ganas and in the Gana agreement, compatibility of partners is examined from various points of. Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: AstroSage Kundli App Download Now. Paid Services Reports. Match Making - Horoscope Astrocamo.
Subscribe Magazine on email: By S N Rao The mstchmaking factors to be considered in match making in order of importance are: Mental and psychological health. Factors showing separation or divorce.

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