High school senior dating junior
high school senior dating junior

Reply to threads, high school senior dating junior start your own. Open Menu Search Search form. I've taught high school and I currently teach college. Find A College College Search CampusVibe. With less than 2 years age difference between herself and her recent younger ex-boyfriend, Chelsea Citro, a student at Syracuse University SUstill considers herself a bit of a cougar. More people will understand what you mean if you say that. What age gaps are okay for high school dating? Same age or up to 4 years older is fine for me. I think girls should only date older guys, and guys younger girls. Results 1 to 21 of Well, IDK about you but for me anyone who possesses at least one X chromosome is unworthy of partiality.

I'm curious to know what people think of a high school romantic relationship between a senior and freshman. Let's say a School district has a cutoff date of Oct. You could have a 13 year old entering high school and getting involved with an already 18 year old senior. From a legal standpoint, that's statutory rape if there is sex. Yet these students are interacting regularly, could be traveling together for sporting events or clubs, etc, and could be socializing at parties The list goes on.
I remember plenty of freshman-senior relationships when I was in high school. Usually the freshman was the girl, but I distinctly remember the reverse in 2 cases. Would you support a relationship with that age gap? What high school senior dating junior your child was the younger one and just hitting puberty? Would that make hihh difference? I'd have a bigger problem with the actual ages than with the class of the individuals. You also will have freshmen who had been held back in elementary who are older than the other freshmen.
My girls aren't allowed to date until at least 16 and their dates have to be their age group. I wouldn't support a year-old dating an year-old. I did exactly that when I was in high school, I was 14 he was We got caught and he got charged. I felt horrible, we both knew the risks but we did it anyway It definitely stunted his life having to register. I think in a situation like this the age is complicated.
Because there is the assumed "maturity" of high school and each grade seems equivalent taking class with one another it's hard to keep the separation. I would interfere high school senior dating junior the relationship to the extent of ending it because the older individual will lose everything consensual or not.
I would not call the police but definitely convince them from it. One of the many reasons I was grateful that our school system had grades as junior high and was high school. It eliminated that issue. But I was a junior, dating a jujior. High school senior dating junior was 16 and he was 19 started school late and was held back a year. He was a good kid and both our parents were ok with it after a big, and embarrassing at the time, meet and greet.
My HS was very small and news spread about a senior boy dating datint freshman girl. Most were turned off by the mere suggestion but I clearly remember one of the male teachers pulling him aside and telling him that it was wrong and would only lead to trouble. We recently found out that my SIL was dating a boy who was my age while DH and I were dating in high school. To me that's gross. She didn't even go to our school. Here they have a law the protects such relationships.
Our school mascot was the Trojan and other jinior called our cheerleaders the marching mothers because without fail at least 1 of the cheerleaders falls pregnant every year. There's also some rumor high school senior dating junior our school having the high school senior dating junior birthdate for students nationwide. I really couldn't support juniod she gap. There is such a tremendous difference in development and maturity. An 18 year old should be preparing to go off to college schoo, enter the job market.
A 13 year old should be drinking juice boxes and swooning over Justin Beiber.

So, how far down is too low, and how far up is too high? I am currently a senior in high school and am dating a junior who attends PENN. Sophomore guy dating a senior girl — College Confidential. My daughter is a freshman and has started dating a senior. Personally, I think dating in high school isn't all bad (nerve-wrecking for the parents, yes, . 12th and it seems to be that the juniors are normally the ones worse for freshman girls. Going through high school and beyond I don't think I've ever seen a relationship . Hell, i've seen a senior girl dating a freshman guy. If your a year or two apart like freshman and sophomore or junior it depends on her age. I'm a senior in high school and my girlfriend of 1 year is a junior. So the. For as long as we've dating though I've never looked at another girl or cheated on her.