17 year old daughter dating a muslim
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17 year old daughter dating a muslim
Here is how I would help you: This is an ideal time to have the next tip. At least seven people dead and 66 injured after explosion What does it take for parents to get a teen to become a practicing Muslim? Or consider switching shifts at work so that you're home when the kids are. Charred remains of Grenfell Tower As long as he makes her happy, jihadi matchmaking her with respect that's all you should want for her. Muslim father slapped and beat his year-old daughter with a tennis racquet when she started dating white boy The year-old was jihadi matchmaking about his teenage daughter's relationship He was arrested after the worried boyfriend contacted police The teenager was concerned the girl, now 16, had not texted him Father admitted child cruelty and received a week suspended sentence By Sam Webb Published: Marriage is a lifetime commitment that shouldnt be taken lightly. What did the USA actually invent that is actually true and historically accurate.? Send her to boarding school.

Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud or phishing, show more. My 17 year old daughter is dating a MUSLIM. How do I get her to dump her Muslim boyfriend? She's been dating the Muslim for only two months, yet she She's been dating the Muslim for only two months, yet she says she jihadi matchmaking him and wants to marry him and learn more about Islam to fit in with his family.
We're not religious in this family, but we're definitely Christian. How do I get her to break up with her Muslim boyfriend? This isn't to hurt my daughter, this is to musli, her and keep her safe. I don't want eating marrying daugyter falling in love with a Muslim and raising MUSLIM children. It's just better this way. She doesn't want to dump him, daughtr I've already tried bribing the Muslim with money and leaving his parents threatening hear messages and telling them that my daughter has AIDS, but nothing can break them up.
Parents, what do I do? How do I help my daughter? Are you sure you want to delete z answer? Trending Now Congressional shooting Shania Twain North Korea Jessica Chastain Quicken Loans McAfee DeShone Kizer Mick Jagger Cheap Airline Tickets Blimp fire. You should be ashamed 17 year old daughter dating a muslim yourself i'm muslim. We are good people. And for you to judge because sierra nevada beer dating race. You make me sick.
Alright lady, lets get some things straight. I really hate people like you. You don't seem to understand that people who are Muslim are not bad. You should only be worried 17 year old daughter dating a muslim he is an extremest. Extremists are the terrorists. I z have quite a few Muslim friends, so this offends me. They act no different than anyone else in my grade. Our student body president is also Muslim. They all celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Easter and any other holiday you can think of.
They just do so in a way they does not celebrate Jesus, or god, obviously because they aren't christian. What I'm curios about is why your so upset about this? Lack of education as a child maybe? They actually are connected to many other religions, including Christianity. For example, Muslims believe in religious books of the previous mslim including the "Torah" which was sent to Moses, the "Zaboor" Psalms which ood given 17 year old daughter dating a muslim David, the "Injeel" Gospel which was given to Jesus, and the "Qur'an" which was given to Muhammad Muslim prophet.
The names in quotations are the names of the various religious books used jihadi matchmaking Muslims. To give you an overall Idea of Muslim beliefs, here's this; "If you have faith in God, believe in His messengers, and obey His commands then He shall multiply every single good deed that you do many, many times and erase your evil deeds, until on the Day of Judgment His mercy shall cause your good deeds to far outweigh your evil deeds and grant you passage into an ecstasy and Paradise eaughter great that we can not even imagine it, to abide there eternally.
In the Hereafter there is only reward and no work. Please think the next time your going to judge someone. I suggest apologizing to your daughter's er boyfriend, and his parents. You need to learn what you have control over in your life, and what you don't. And you don't have control over your dauther's thoughts and feelings. You need to find a way to accept this boyfriend, or you can just daugter out of it altogether and bite your tongue. Pushing for their break up may drive them together even more.
If you have evidence he is hurting her, then you can take the steps needed to have him arrested datibg whatever. But know that going that route can destroy your relationship with your daughter. Sometimes 17 year old girls want what they aren't "allowed" to have, so you may want to some understanding and see what comes of it. Unfortunately it sounds like there's already a break down in your relationship with her, and has been for some time, musllm you're trying to covertly break them apart, so I'm thinking you're going to have a daugyter road ahead of you either way.
I'm not a Muslim but I can think of a number of things that would be worse Like losing your daughter. And that's exactly what will happen if you keep pushing her to break up with him. If you haven't noticed, the more you interfere the more she wants him. Also, Her happiness should be what is important. No wonder she wants to GO away from u n telling ur daughter has AIDS? Protecting her like this KILLS the very purpose of protecting in the first place wat if ur daughter comes to see this?
Wow, you're a TERRIBLE mother. YOU SAID SHE HAD AIDS?? You jihadi matchmaking be muslum he's still with od after you did all those stuff. That proves that he's a great bf. The most obvious thing to do is not let her date the Muslim, but that'll lead to her hating olf and her sneaking out to go see yrar. Also, I don't believe you when you say that you're not racist. I'm not Muslim, but I do hate racism. Well I yeaf tell you this You would rather have her die than marry one?
You sound JUST like a Muslim. Send her to boarding school. Want a great Europe vacation? Related Questions My 17 year old daughter is dating a MUSLIM. How do i get her to dump her MUSLIM boyfriend?

Question Date: 6/27/ Topic: Dating: Question: I HAVE A 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER THAT IS DATING A WONDERFUL 17 YEAR OLD MUSLIM BOY. While dating is commonly associated with boy- girl social meetings, the concept can be extended to Get 16 year old Amir, who just got his driver's license, to help his mom with grocery shopping on Tip # Have weekly family meetings. That is the most ignorant, racist, closed minded thing I've ever heard in my life! Seriously you should be ashamed of yourself! You would rather her. You should be ashamed of yourself i'm muslim. We are good people. And for you to judge because of race. You make me sick. Get help racist.