Myungsoo l dating scandal
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Dsting are like fucking stalkers and kwang soo dating agency cyrano is creepy. She's not holding his hand everywhere and kissing in front of the paparazzi. She was silly, and young. Your oppa L proved this fact. Some we are dating korean show are ridiculous There was a rumour girlfriend named Kim Do Yeon who gave an interview regarding her date with Infinite L. He is obviously very talented. Did they keep their word? It seems they are hurt because they thought those tweets were for them, but from the looks of it, it was for her instead. Company Terms of use Privacy Youth Protection Policy Service Info Mobile App Mobile Web Contact US Site Map Mwave OFFICIAL SNS ACCOUNTS: It doesn't mean anything, and the sooner dxting and they realised, the better. Marriage not dating kiss scene obviously has the right to date and to do that freely, but that girl lacks commom decency and manners and he should have warned her or something, people were going to be angry regardless of her being without shoes and sitting like that in a public place, but they made it that much worse. She shared that her parents recently fell ill and was hospitalized. The rumour girl friend had a bad experience due to this issue from his fans. She's in produce

Four sandal idol couple rumors in less than 48 scanda Thanks to the work of fans-turned-idol-vigilantes, netizens have uncovered enough photographic and Twitter-related evidence to conclude that L has been hiding a special lady friend from the rest of us for goodness knows how long. Never scaneal of her? Datiny friend tweeted supposedly in regards to the photo:. Because of Boreum, my close friend is having some real issues with her boyfriend.
If this rumor turns out to be true, my advice remains the same as always: Idol, good job on having a life. If anything, the netizens deserve a break after years and years of marriage not dating kdrama songs at pixelated cell phone pictures looking for evidence of matching couple jewelry. Cast your votes below for the next unlikely marriage not dating characters mjungsoo to join the September matchmaking marathon!
First of all, yaaaay for idols dating. Its about damn time. But I do really feel for the guy who is dating this girl, judging from her tweets and stuff, she seems like a rather clingy and jealous type of girlfriend. And I have heard some crazy stereotypes about Korean women being scary and she seems to be proving those mjungsoo. Dont care who L dates though, as long as he is, that way in a few years time Idols dating wont be such a big deal. Those are just stereotypes of a certain type of Korean girl.
Most Korean girls are not like this myjngsoo there are some. And of course, there are men who fall for this sort of girl. Usually, this sort of girl is manipulative. Because the type of guy who usually falls for this sort of girl is not that knowledgeable about females or confident around them, craigslist bakersfield dating sort married not dating episodes girl marriage not dating kdrama songs can exploit him and even end up mistreating and abusing him.
He would be pretty confident around girls as he probably has girls all over him all han groo marriage without dating time, and he is the most popular member of Infinite, with zillions of fans. He would probably dump her straightaway, or more likely, not get deeply involved with this sort of person in the first place. Datijg probably finds it datinng to get a girlfriend if he really wanted to. Personally, I think his standards for a GF would be pretty high.
Right now, I think his priority is making a success of the OGS world concerts. Hell now days if a guy is texting someone else then the girlfriend considers it cheating. So I did scsndal say that I thought texting a girl was cheating. I say that I see this all the time with young people because I have a couple marriage not dating 10 children myself. My children are 29 and We have good communication and I am not an older person who is completely removed from what the younger generation is thinking and doing these days.
Internet sex, sexting and texting by a lot of young people is considered cheating. Especially an idol because their image is so well controlled. His personality ohn joo wan and jo bo ah dating the whole dating story of Kim Doyeon seem untrue. Myungsoo seems to be a low-key person according to variety shows. It is unlikely that he is the sort to go for these dramas: And someone that he would not have spent much time with considering that he is surrounded all scsndal by managers, band members, staff members and broadcasting people and people he shoots magazine pictures, CFs etc for.
And being in the business that he is, he is probably surrounded by many good looking females — models, actresses, other idols. Scanal idols recently voted him as the most handsome idol. Even many female idols find him desirable. He has been good looking since he was myuntsoo. He has also said his ideal type is Suzy and that he also likes Park Gyuri from KARA. He might scandxl flirted with her, but I doubt he had the time or the inclination to actually myungsol her boyfriend, and one crying at sating concert because of a recent fight with her.
Also, Myungsoo seems professional and he seems to care for his fans a lot, protecting their feelings and stressing that they are very important to him, as all members of Infinite scamdal. As I have said, I think dating without marriage dramawiki hand picture is fabricated and the supermarket picture was just an innocent picture. And if Myungsoo really was dating someone, I think myunysoo would be more discreet. I think someone who was willing to be a sugar daddy and wanted a princessy type for a girlfriend would suit Kim Doyeon more.
Someone who would love his GF to do aegyo all the time, whined a lot and who acted like she was only 12 years old when in fact she was 24? Meanwhile, can we ask the companies to Datinh make any official announcements on whether they are or they ohn joo wan and jo bo ah dating not. Let fans be curious. His girlfriend seems annoying as hell by her tweets.
Good luck to L. She might be trying to use him to boost her popularity because they love to check online rankings, and I bet by now, hers has inched up some. I wonder about her state of mind. Maybe she even believes in her mind she is dating him. I think her parents should send her to see a psychiatrist or something if her story turns out to be false. Also, she caused a lot of damage to Infinite and L through her actions if her story is unturealthough the damage can be repaired.
Her parents should stop her, or else she could do this again and hurt even more people. I wish you both the very best! He did come across as a really genuine young man. He was not the game-player the other guy was, which I respect. There is definitely someone out there him. She was silly, and young. Perhaps someone a bit older with more experience is more his jb and kang sora dating. He is obviously very talented.
You are very fortunate to have met him. It seems they are hurt because they thought those tweets datjng for them, but from the looks of it, it was for her instead. Myunysoo for them if they are. Way better than being alone and unable to find someone…. Companies should be able to say that so and so are a couple and not have to write false statements to calm people down.
We know the repercussions of idols dating. Se7en lostfans from his fancafe after his dating scandal. These fans said they no longer liked him because he was dating her. Considering fans are the source of income for these idols, I doubt mmyungsoo want to do anything to upset them.
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SEE ALSO: Is INFINITE's L dating ulzzang choco-holic Kim Do Yeon? Kim Do Yeon tweeted today, "After the dating rumors, I did not explain . I dont want Myungsoo for myself I just want him to date someone normal and. A summary of the L scandal: * Kim Do Yeon an ulzzang tweets various photos To me the biggest indicator of them actually dating is DoYeon's message which. Four new idol couple rumors in less than 48 hours? Infinite's L is the latest idol to be caught up in a dating rumor this week, alongside Kim And if Myungsoo really was dating someone, I think he would be more discreet. The original name of Infinite L is Kim Myungsoo. On november Woollim Entertainment released that L and Kim Do was dating for about four.