If you are the one dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary china
if you are the one dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary china

Product Company Careers Support Community Contact Apps. Gender and Transnational Media Cultures. This Attention Score, as well as the ranking and number of research outputs shown below, was calculated when the research output was last mentioned on 09 July Luzhou Li is a doctoral candidate in the Institute of Communications Research at University of If you are the one dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary china at Urbana-Champaign. Opportunities Advertising Reprints Content Sponsorships Permissions. Subscribe to this journal. Evans H Past, perfect or imperfect: Sign in to my Account On your first visit to SAGE Journals please set a new password. Her research interests broadly include popular culture, television studies, state and political ideologies, digital technologies, and political economy of communications. Friedan B The Feminine Mystique. Eber I Images of women in recent Chinese fiction: Dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary China. International Journal of Cultural Studies ISSN: Home Browse Current Issue OnlineFirst All Issues Submit Paper About More Information Editorial Board Free Sample Email Alerts Feedback Recommend to Library Advertise Reprints RSS Subscribe.

What is this page? This page is provided by Altmetric. Your browser is out of date. It has known security flaws and may not display all features of this and other websites. Click here to learn how to update your browser. If You Are the One: Dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary China Overview of attention for article published in International Journal of Cultural Studies, June Mentioned by twitter 4 tweeters. Readers on mendeley 2 Mendeley. You are seeing a free-to-access but limited selection of the activity Altmetric has collected about this research output.
Click here to find out more. Title If You Are the One: Dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary China. View on publisher site Alert me about new mentions. Twitter If you are the one dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary china The data shown below were collected from the profiles of 4 tweeters who shared this research output. Click here to find out more about how the information was compiled.
The data shown below were compiled from readership statistics for 2 Mendeley readers of this research output. Click here to see the associated Mendeley record. Attention Score in Context. This research output has an Altmetric Attention Score of 4. This is our high-level measure of the quality and quantity of online attention that it has received. This Attention Score, as well as the ranking and number of research outputs shown below, was calculated when the research output was last mentioned on 09 July Outputs from International Journal of Cultural Studies.
Outputs of similar age from International Journal if you are the one dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary china Cultural Studies. Altmetric has tracked 4, research outputs across all sources so far. Compared to these this one has done well and is in the 77th percentile: So far Altmetric has tracked research outputs from this source.
They typically receive a little more attention than average, with a mean Attention Score of 5. Older research outputs will score higher simply because they've had more time to accumulate mentions. To account for age we can compare this Altmetric Attention Score to thetracked outputs that were published dating sites human trafficking six weeks on either side of this one in any source.
We're also able to compare this research output to 2 others from the same source and published within six weeks on either side of this one. Altmetric This page is provided by Altmetric.

Dating shows are experiencing resurgence in contemporary China. This study conducts a critical discourse analysis of If You Are the One, one of the most. Dating shows are experiencing resurgence in contemporary China. This study conducts a critical discourse analysis of If You Are the One, one. If You Are the One: Dating shows and feminist politics in contemporary China. Overview of attention for article published in International Journal of Cultural. This study looks into TV dating shows in post-millennial China. by both local and global media, as If You Are the One), open up an ongoing social . sensibility of global post- feminism and the specificity of local gender politics. . which plagues contemporary single womanhood, and constrains the social.