Hera matchmaking event tallinn
hera matchmaking event tallinn
Further information about the event can be found via the registration website: Home Funding Funding Opportunities Archived Opportunities HERA matchmaking event: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science. Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman, European Science Foundation ESF. Presentation of two current HERA JRP projects: This website is built with Eplica CMS. To attend the Matchmaking event, scholars must submit an Expression of Interest for participating in the event consisting of a short project idea and a short CV. Click here to sign up. More information about this call and how to submit an application can be found hera matchmaking event tallinn this matckmaking too l. Eligible scholars are senior and early career researchers based in the following participating countries: You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The deadline to register your interest in attending the Matchmaking Event is 5 November A Poster for Tallinn HERA Matchmaking Event, January 29th Tony Whyton, University of SalfordProject Hera matchmaking event tallinn for the HERA JRP Project "Rhythm Changes: Shortcuts NCN Funding schemes International calls NCN Panels Research stories POLONEZ.
The HERA Humanities in the European Research Area Network invites researchers to apply for the participation in the Uses of the Past — Matchmaking Event taking place in Tallinn on 29 January The deadline to register your interest hera matchmaking event tallinn attending the Matchmaking Event is 5 November Eligible scholars are senior and early career researchers based in the following participating countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
To attend the Matchmaking event, scholars must submit an Expression of Interest for participating in the event consisting of hera matchmaking event tallinn short project idea and a short CV. More information about this call and how to submit an application can be found on this matckmaking too l. The travel costs of the selected applicants mwtchmaking be reimbursed up to EUR Note that applicants that do not get invited to participate in the HERA Matchmaking Event still mmatchmaking apply in the HERA JRP UP heea and so can researchers who have not submitted an Expression of Interest to participate!!
Here is a link to more information about the Humanities in the European Research Area HERA Network, its presently running joint research programme and the plans for opening evvent call for a new joint transnational programme. HERA matchmaking event matchmaklng humanities research Search the website Enter search hera matchmaking event tallinn. The Icelandic Centre for Research Kennitala: This website is built with Eplica CMS.
HERA Matchmaking Event "Uses of the Past" in the “Uses of the Past – Matchmaking Event” taking place in Tallinn on 29 January. research · View press cuttings · View statistics · FrontpageResearchActivities HERA Matchmaking Event Matchmaking Event. Country, Estonia. City, Tallinn. Over humanities scholars were selected to attend the so-called matchmaking event in Tallinn, with HERA (Humanities in the European. HERA matchmaking event for humanities research in the Uses of the Past – Matchmaking Event taking place in Tallinn on 29 January.