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Dating magic lantern slides

Dating magic lantern slides


dating magic lantern slides

Home About Jobs Categories Collections Help Contact. Chauncey Walden View Profile View Forum Posts. Classic Cars Model Cars Model Trains Radios Electronics Coin-Op Phones Cameras Office Antiques Tools Motorcycles More. Two23 View Profile View Forum Posts. In this treatise there is an illustration of a person holding a lantern-like object which appears to be projecting an image of the devil on the wall. Americans developed a technique for making slides that was rarely used elsewhere in the world: Finally, who would have bought them instead of dating magic lantern slides stereoview? The portable camera obscura sllides with a lens dating magic lantern slides developed in the 17th century. There were many mass produced hand colored slides that had a very quick color application as shown on left. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. By the latter half of the 19th century, biunial and triunial lanterns were designed lqntern use two or three projection lenses, respectively, which made them especially adapted for simulating dissolving or depth-of-field effects.

dating magic lantern slides

They can be recognized by the simple paint areas applied with a brush and the obvious brush strokes. Close-up hand painted areas, note continuous color laid down with brushed on darker color for shadows. Slides are transfers or decals stuck onto the glass strips. Commonly slides are listed as hand painted but in fact they are printed. With the improvements of printing techniques on glass, mass produced slides became possible.

This type of transfer slide was produced in the many thousands over a period from the mids to the s or so, and shipped all over the world. Hundreds, if not thousands, exist. By the difficult term Decalcomania we describe the technique of transferring pictures from specially prepared paper to surfaces such as glass, china, pottery etc.

In the world of magic lanterns we specifically mean the application of this process while making a lantern slide by transferring an image to a square or oblong piece of glass. The technique was used by professional slide makers, but enjoyed a vogue among amateurs too. Images were printed in gothenburg hook up by the chromo-litho principle, and then transfered to glass.

Porous paper was coated with a solution of starch, albumen and glycerin. The colored pictures were printed, details first, background last, and then finished by a coat of glue. The Langenheims first put a positive photographic image on glass in ; by the s they were offering photographic slides commercially along with their yemen dating stereoviews.

Three and a quarter inches by four inches, are generally thought of as American size. If they are 3. However, both sizes seem to have been produced in countries other than the United States and England. Most of these two sizes of slides consist of two sheets of glass, one of which has the image on one side of it and the other which covers the image, and bound all around by a black paper tape.

Such slides were produced by black and white photography, and remain that way on many. If they are colored, it was necessary to hand color them, since color photography was not widely available during the peak production of this type slide. They were sold in boxed sets of eight to 12 or more, and covered more subjects than mentioned before.

Such sets also came with what is referred to as a reading, or script describing the story slide by slide. Americans developed a technique for making slides that was rarely used elsewhere in the world: He made more than drawings which were reproduced as magic lantern slides. His drawings, and the slides that were produced from them, covered an amazingly wide view of American life.

For more information on Joseph Boggs Beale click here. Just one of the major producers of photographic slides was The Keystone View Company. From tothe Keystone View Company produced thousand of images of people and places from the United States and around the world. The photos are of historical, social, cultural, and geographic interest. In the Keystone View Company began its Educational Department, selling dating magic lantern slides views and glass lantern slides the forerunner dating magic lantern slides the photo transparency, later used in slide projectors to schools throughout the country.

They also produced lantern slide projection equipment. One of the methods to produce photo lantern slides was to make a contact glass copy from the original glass negative. Many black and white slides are hand colored and are often listed as hand painted. These slides can have a very high quality hand coloring and be misidentified as hand painted. There were many mass produced hand colored slides that had a very quick color application as shown on left.

The American sized slides were produced in the hundreds of thousands, and covered just about every imaginable subject. Some American slides were called lightweight with only one piece of glass with a cover glass and framed in a light cardboard. They are, of course, more fragile and prone to scratching or other damage. On eBay there are over six to eight thousand slides listed daily.

One dealer alone has over sixty two thousand slides. There were over six hundred producers listed in the dating magic lantern slides society listing of slide producers and during a one hundred ninety year period,there were hundreds of thousands of slides produced. There were attempts to make colored photographic lantern slides with starch grains, but they did not survive in large numbers, and had a tendency to be somewhat fragile.

The Autochorome, more dense than other transparencies, was the first widespread transparent color process. There were five or six others developed in the first part of the twentieth century. All were inferior to the Kodak transparency film that came to market in the s and rapidly displaced hand colored slides as the slide of choice. Eventually, the magic lantern did more than just project images on a wall. By sliding two images over each other, effects could be obtained, like a sleeping man swallowing rats.

The desire to create moving images pushed the projectionist to devise ingenious mechanisms to archive basic moving pictures. For educational themes, the motion of the planets in orbit or a simulated eclipse of the sun could be created. Click here to see Chromotrope slide in action. They called them by strange names such as glass pivot, single and double slipper, single and double lever, pivoted lever slide, double pulley, single and double rackwork, eccentric movement, roller blind, astronomical rackwork, brass acrobatic, and the Choreutoscope slide.

Many early magic lantern slide devices contained some rudimentary form of movement. This usually involved a simple two-stage process. These particular slide transparencies consisted of two pieces of glass sandwiched together. The lantern operator would manually operate one glass on top of another. Since two separate, yet related images, were dating magic lantern slides on dating magic lantern slides slides, the effect in the projected image was one of apparent movement.

Two glasses are dating magic lantern slides in a wood frame. The slipping glass is free to move across in a lateral direction and can be pulled partly out of the frame, and pushed in to its former position.

dating magic lantern slides

Join Date: Oct ; Location: South Dakota; Posts: Well, nobody knows anything about glass " Magic Lantern " slides, so I did some. Products, exclusive offers and more, delivered to your magic lantern dating of slides inbox on black partners employees. Guessing person in couple of years ago. Arthur E. Beet Magic Lantern Slide Collection . The OMLJ ran for issues until July – a date that marks the beginning of the end of the magic lantern's. I've just bought a pair of magic lantern slides on eyouknowwhere, and I'm images on glass, and they are likely to date from circa.

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