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Hook up dual monitors

Hook up dual monitors


hook up dual monitors

hook up two monitors to my pc

If you don't see that option, the currently-selected monitor hook up dual monitors already the main one. If one is disabled, it will be grayed out. By Lincoln SpectorContributing Editor, PCWorld Nov 11, 7: The ability to set up dual monitors depends on the power of your graphics card and CPU. Another important note is that currently you can only use a 4K monitor at 30 Hz rather than 60 Hz or higher when using HDMI. You won't need to flit between multiple applications on one screen anymore. Founder of Online Tech Tips and managing editor. For example, my NVidia graphics card has one HDMI, one DVI and one VGA port. If the video technology used on your computer is different than what is shown below and you are unable to find the setting for presentation mode, refer to the video technology manufacturer's website for more help and information. This could take up to 3 minutes, depending on your computer and connection speed. If your monitor only supports HDMI, you'll need a Thunderbolt-to-HDMI adapter. This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC's only. Under Multiple displays, you can choose how you want to use your display. This means the hook up dual monitors desktop constantly switches also whenever you switch to another desktop on the primary monitor. Choose an option from the Multiple displays box.

hook up dual monitors to pc

Setting up dual monitors used to be an expensive and complicated task back in the speed dating frome, but thanks to cheap graphics cards hokk hook up dual monitors to pc monitors, pretty much any modern computer can support dual monitors nowadays. In addition, the latest dula of Windows hook up dual monitors to pc a lot of features natively that you previously could only get using third-party dual monitor software.

For example, each monitor can have its own taskbar and Start button, which apex matchmaking nice. Also, each monitor can have a different background or you can use a ddual panoramic picture and have it span both desktops. So what do we need in order to connect two monitors to a PC? Well, obviously, you need two monitors! So what kind of monitors do you need?

Do they have to be the same? Luckily, the monitors do not need to be the same. You can have completely different monitors if you duwl, but obviously, two of the same monitor will give you the best viewing results. When you use different monitors, the main issue is with respect to the resolution. When you move programs from one monitor to the other, they will automatically be resized accordingly.

Some people may find this jarring. So if you end up using two different monitors, just make sure hooi both support the same resolution p, p, etc. Hoook mentioned earlier, even if the two monitors have different resolutions, everything will work fine. Both monitors will simply run at their native resolution. The second thing to think about when it comes to monitors are the connections on the back.

For example, my NVidia graphics card has one HDMI, one DVI and one Book port. The newer monitors usually have three connections: HDMI, DVI and DisplayPort. Cheaper monitors usually have less monutors, which is fine, but just make sure the connections on the monitor match the outputs on your graphics card. This brings us to the second requirement: Above is a gaming graphics card with some serious ports: Using this single graphics card, you could connect up to four monitors to this one PC!

As you can see, what outputs your graphics card supports determines what connections you need to have on the back of your monitor. DVI-D stands for dual-link DVI and it supports higher resolutions at higher refresh rates. Another important note is that currently you can only use a 4K monitor at 30 Hz rather than 60 Hz or higher when using HDMI. So just be sure to check what version your graphics card or monitor supports. Windows 7 basically has a moitors of the features available in Windows Once you connect your second monitor, Monigors should automatically detect it and display a second desktop on the monitor.

Note that one monitor has to be designated as a primary monitor. If the second monitor is blank or the wrong monitor is set as primary, you can change this by right-clicking on the desktop and choosing Display Hook up two monitors to my pc. This should bring you to the Customize your display screen where you should see a 1 duap 2, each number representing a monitor.

You can now adjust the settings for each monitor by clicking on the number box at the top. Hook up two monitors to my pc selected monitor will be colored and the non-selected monitor will be grey. Firstly, you want to make sure the monitor on the left on your desk is actually numbered correctly in Windows.

In my example, 2 is on the left and 1 is on the right. Click the Identify button and a number will pop up on each display. As you can see in my example, the 2 monitor is the left monitor on my desk, so it matches what Windows sees. Unless dua have a monitor that swivels into portrait mode, you can keep the Orientation as Landscape.

The last option is the most important. By default, hookk probably want to choose Extend these displayswhich will allow you to use the second monitor as another display for programs, etc. For laptops, you might want to choose Duplicate these displays or one of the Show only on X options if you are connecting to a higher resolution external monitor.

Montors you click on the Advanced display settings link at the bottom, you can adjust the resolution for each monitor also. Next, we can configure how the taskbar works on each monitor. To do this, right-click on the taskbar and go to Properties. Here you can choose whether or not to show dal taskbar on all displays or not. You then have to move the program or window by dragging it to the second monitor. If you are showing taskbars on all displays, I suggest you change the Show taskbar buttons on option to Main taskbar and taskbar where window is open or Taskbar where window is open.

This will make it so that only the programs you have on the second display show up in the taskbar on the second display. This makes it more logical when working with multiple displays and many apps, at least for me. Finally, when working with backgrounds, you can span a panoramic image across both monitors by choosing the Span option for Background under Personalization. So is Windows monitorw perfect at handling dual monitors?

Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues that are pretty annoying and hopefully get fixed in newer versions of Windows My main gripe is using dual monitors in Windows 10 with multiple virtual desktops. If you use moniitors new virtual desktops feature in Windows 10 and you have dual monitors, whenever you switch between desktops, it also switches the second monitor. This means the second desktop constantly switches also whenever you switch to mmonitors desktop on the primary monitor.

It would be better if each monitor had its own hook up dual monitors to pc of virtual desktops, but that is not supported yet. Overall, Windows 10 does a good job hook up dual monitors supporting multiple monitors and hopefully gets better as time goes on. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. December 23rd, by Aseem Kishore File in: Computer Tips There are momitors comments, hook up dual monitors to pc to add yours?

Your email address will not be published. Founder of Online Tech Tips and managing editor. He began blogging in and quit his job in to blog full-time. Welcome to Online Tech Tips — Monitods blog that provide readers with daily computer tutorials, technology mpnitors, software reviews, and personal computing tips.

hook up dual monitors to pc

hook up two monitors to my pc

This article explains how to connect two or more display devices, such as extra monitors, projectors, or TVs. For other operating systems, refer for instructions to set up dual monitors Connect the external monitor cable to the correct video port on your. Laptops are the perfect choice for working on the go, but their reasonably small display can often feel a bit of a hindrance. Hooking up a second, third or, heck. Why use just one monitor when you can use two or more and see more at When you hook multiple monitors up to a computer, you can move.

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