Dating a girl with type 1 diabetes
dating a girl with type 1 diabetes

Written by Amy Tenderich Published on July 27, After having it for 12 yearsthrough my teenage years where i was not exactly diligent about maintaining a healthy datjng sugar level I have not incurred any abnormal complications so far. Usually, I say I have type 1 diabetes, and have had it for over 12 years, since January 3rd, Or maybe you already know everything. Hell, I don't dwting agree with these statements for myself half the time, as sometimes, I don't feel the same way about my own diabetes. Have I met my deductible yet? I need to bring it up, sometimes by a lot. To answer your question type 1 diabetew will not lead to fat gain witj, in fact it's quite the opposite assuming she is someone who concerns herself with maintaining a healthy blood sugar level [as i am]she will most likely be very active with exercising. It is not uncommon for one to stagger into the kitchen and look for anything fast to eat. Yes, nighttime lows are dating a girl with type 1 diabetes worse. Also what worried me is dating a girl with type 1 diabetes has told me she gets taken to riabetes ER on average like once a year from low blood sugar. Long-acting insulin does end. These monitors help us stay healthy. We earn those victories, no matter how large or small. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. I am in gaged to a guy with diabetes and at times he is hard to be around.

Thanks for subscribing and having us along on your health and wellness journey. Written by Amy Tenderich Published on July 27, While we're on the topic of women with diabetes this week, who hasn't yet heard of the Girl's Guide to Diabetes? It's a must-visit for all us super-sweet females, run by type 1 sisters Sysy and Ana Morales. Sysy is a great DOC friend, frequent commenter here at the 'Mine, a wife, mother of twin toddlers, diabetes advocate, and a freelance writer. We are delighted to feature her take here today on a girls' view of good diabetes support: By having twins as a type 1 diabetic two months before my husband and I even celebrated our dating a girl with type 1 diabetes wedding anniversary, I was able to discover early on that I had a guy who would be respectful and loving no matter how tough life got.
I am very lucky. This doesn't mean I didn't have to constantly communicate with him about my diabetes, however. I couldn't just expect him to be insightful about my feelings regarding aspects of my diabetes without any explanation Why, the man has never even had a headache! Aside from thinking over my own relationship, I've been getting a lot of emails from guys wanting information about "dating a diabetic girl. Ladies, definitely post any additions or different opinions you have in the comments section.
We're all unique and I would expect some of this to vary. For the guy in a relationship with a girl who has diabetes, here are 10 things we want you to know: Recognize that your girl might be very emotional about her illness. Sometimes she needs you to listen to her rant. Most likely she doesn't need you to solve a problem. The thing I loved most about my husband while typ dated was his willingness to listen.
Now, if you have to force yourself to listen and couldn't be more uninterested, ask yourself why. Don't waste a girl's time. Diabetes often makes us girls paranoid that ANY physical ailment is somehow caused by our diabetes. Don't tell us we are paranoid or try to "reason" with us. Help us find out the truth by suggesting we call the doctor so we can rest easy.
In case you were wondering Understand that what you've heard in the past about diabetes is often outdated and inaccurate information. Your diabetic girl MUST absolutely take good care of her blood sugars. This is required to stay healthy. Your support in this matter is Datint because you mean a lot to her.
Encourage her to check her sugar anytime she feels she should. If witg is hesitant on testing in front of you, reassure her by saying that you want her to do what she needs to do to be well, and that you don't mind her testing in front of you. If you notice that she seems "off," don't tell her that she must dating a girl with type 1 diabetes high or low. Instead, ask how she is feeling. Never get mad over any incident where her diabetes might seem to be an inconvenience.
It's heartbreaking when this happens. Instead, support her diabetes management and her feelings about it. It's OK if you feel overwhelmed by her diabetes, but do dating a girl with type 1 diabetes best to communicate this without making her feel personally rejected. She doesn't need any more reasons to feel bad about having diabetes. If she says her blood sugar is low, ask her what you can do to help.
If she asks you to retrieve juice or glucose tablets for her, do not stall. This is not the time to say, "I will in a minute, honey. That said, don't treat her like a baby. After a few minutes in most cases, her blood sugar will be back up and she will be herself again. She wants you to wlth she is strong and capable despite the fact that she will have moments of desperation, weakness, and sorrow. Be a shoulder to lean on and an ear she can datig, but also take note of and admire her efforts and persistence in managing her diabetes.
If you have questions about her diabetes or how it affects her body and thoughts, do ask. You can gain insight from web sites like this one, but your diabetic girl has a mind of her own and the only way to truly answer your questions is to ask HER. Personally, I'm extremely cheery when my husband asks me about my diabetes. It means datinng is interested and datibg about me.
Yet, I'm sure other women are different, so diabefes. At the beginning of my relationship with my codecanyon dating, he said this: I looked him square in the eyes and said firmly and politely, "Don't you ever say that again to me or any other diabetic. He explained that giro seeing me suffer the highs and lows, he realized how painful they were and that he couldn't imagine dealing with all that, so if he had diabetes, he would simply avoid the roller coaster.
I saw this was a simple matter of ignorance. I took the next few months to educate him all about the tiny details and factors involved in diabetes management. I would spend all day with him on the weekends and he would see what I would eat, how I'd test, count carbs, give insulin, witg still deal with some ups and downs. It was enlightening for him. He finally understood that keeping perfectly steady BG levels is not always a matter of choice.
And now he rights others who once thought as he did. It's an understandable thing, ignorance. If you're a man dating a girl with diabetes or married to one, recognize that you are probably ignorant about diabetes because you don't dating a girl with type 1 diabetes it. That's OK, but now is the time to learn a few things. I always feel like my diabetes messes with my "looks" and as trivial as that is, the feeling is real. I also feel wimpy on days when my diabetes beats me up.
I suspect I'm not the only one. When you think to yourself, "Wow, she looks pretty today" or "The gidl she deals with her diabetes is amazing," then for the love of God say it out loud! We'd love to hear it. A list after my own heart Sysy, thank you! Plus I'm betting a lot of these support tips work just as well vice-versa, for women supporting their diabetic men.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.

To answer your question type 1 diabetes will not lead to fat gain, in fact it's It takes a toll on your health, but I don't think I wouldn't date a girl. So if you love a woman with Type 1diabetes, maybe this blog will give I totally empathize with my single Type 1 sisters who are dating and. People with Type 1 diabetes can have unique love lives. Blood sugar What it's Like to Date Someone Else with Type 1. Weighing the pros. I know a lot of women with Type 1 diabetes. And let me tell you, I totally empathize with my single Type 1 sisters who are dating and don't.