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Dating barrel clasp

Dating barrel clasp


dating barrel clasp

Warmly, Dating barrel clasp MaejeanVINTAGE dating barrel clasp It has a spring inside the ring that allows it to open and snap closed. In the last chapter we talked about the creative use of metal settings. How to Date Antique Jewelry: Believe it or not, this bracelet dating barrel clasp over years old. Thanks for sharing your knowledge! None of the information above will help you date a vintage necklace if someone has replaced the clasp. Milk Glass - Opaque Beauty in Jewelry What would you like to see for articles in my blog Generally, the same person who made dating barrel clasp brooch also made the early safety catches. The T-Bar Pin and C-Clasps - Identifying and Dating an Antique or Vintage Jewelry Clssp or Hinge. A Thirst for Color When Coco Chanel Designed Chains Royal Jewelry Chains: Sandy Campbell, Colleen AbbottYolanda Dewijk, Melissa Hatfield and Cindy Deeter for providing photos for this blog article. Rose And Yellow Gold Filled, Silver and Brass Spring Ring Clasps. If the metal is worn, the value of the piece is diminished, although clasps are one of the easiest findings to replace. These are often used today, so the metal condition is important to note when trying to baarrel a piece with this barel of clasp. Makers Mark Antique Jewelry Fine Jewelry Markers Symbols Bridges Jewelry Forward. These single pieces were mostly made for repair work. About Us Consignment Services Dealer Services Blog Items Sold Contact Us. We are not responsible for the use you make of the information here or the honest mistakes that may occur from time to time.

dating barrel clasp

Some parts of the site may not work correctly and you won't get all the features you'd have with a modern browser. Unfortunately we cannot support your browser should you have dating barrel clasp technical issue. You can just ignore this message if your browser meets your needs, but we highly recommend changing to Google Chrome or Firefox browser.

Your online experience will be safer and more enjoyable not only on Ruby Lane but any web site you visit. One of the best ways to avoid reproductions and fakes is to know and understand how originals are made. Reproductions are bartel made the same as originals due to changes in materials, labor costs and modern production techniques. When looking at brooches, you can get a good idea of the age of the piece by studying the catches, hinges and pins Fig.

For the purposes of our discussion we are going to use the words "brooch" to mean the decorative, ornamental piece. The barreel "pin" will refer to the pointed piece of metal that pierces the clothing. The "hinge" is the assembly that allows the pin to pivot. The "catch" is the piece dating barrel clasp mechanism that holds the fastener at the pointed bargel opposite the hinge. Pins, hinges, catches and other non-decorative pieces such as jump rings, latches, etc.

TUBE HINGE - From about to around almost all hinges on brooches and pins were tube hinges. Tube hinges were also used during other eras but not to the extent they were used during last half of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th datinb. Tube hinges are formed by three cylinders, or tubes, of hollow metal Figs. Two vating are dsting to the decorative piece; one tube is attached to the pin.

The tube on the pin is jointed to dating barrel clasp two tubes on the datlng piece with a rod that passes through all three tubes. Note that the tube on the fastener is a separate piece soldered to the end of the pin Fig. Tube hinges were made by hand. Although they all generally have the same basic construction, they may vary considerably in appearance and the exact number and shape of pieces used. Tube hinges were usually made by the same person who made the brooch.

ROUND HINGE The round hinge is a machine made mass produced finding introduced in the s and pretty much standard by about The round hinge was a big labor saving device. Most round hinges came as part of a per-assembled unit that included the dating barrel clasp, catch and pin. Such units could be attached dating barrel clasp the brooch in one step. Previously, tube hinges dating barrel clasp catches were all attached individually. Some round hinges, though, can be found separately Fig.

These single pieces were mostly made for repair work. The pads below the hinge made soldering easier. Pins that go with datong hinges can be identified because the pin is one single piece see Fig. Pins for tube hinges, dating barrel clasp, are made of two pieces: The pin was kept within the C with tension created by the pin against the fabric to which it was attached. Some pins were held in place by pressure of a bend in the pin which pressed against the C.

This type of catch was not very secure because the pin dating barrel clasp slip out of the C. C catches are generally always hand made. A C catch of some type was in use from about to EARLY SAFETY CATCHES - Aroundjewelers begin experimenting with ways to more securely hold the pin in the catch. Dating barrel clasp hand made efforts are the first so called "safety catches". They are not called 'safety because they prevented being poked with the pin. They dating barrel clasp safety against loosing your brooch!

Saving blood, although noble, was a harrel consideration to dating barrel clasp a valuable piece of jewelry. Early safety catches, like tube hinges, are hand made. Generally, the same person who made the brooch also made the early safety catches. Because they are hand made, the early safety catches show lots of variation.

Some are simple like the lever safety in Fig. MODERN SAFETY CATCH - The safety catch used today is essentially the same one that first became widespread in the late s and early s. It is machine made with a rotating jaw that locks the pin in the catch Fig. It is usually mounted in a preassembled unit, such as a bar, with a round hinge Fig.

Modern safety catches are also available separately on pads for repair work Fig. Modern safety catches are just another commodity that the jeweler or manufacturer buys ready-made to save labor. PINS - Generally, the greater the diameter and heavier the material, the older the pin. Heavy pins were acceptable in the loosely woven natural fabrics of the 19th century.

The finer weaves and increasing use of synthetic fabrics in the 20th century required pins that were progressively thinner and lighter weight. Another clue to age provided by pins is how far they extend beyond the catch. Many pins of this period may also extend that same distance beyond the edge of the brooch itself Fig. Keep in mind that non-original fasteners like modern safety catches may have been added to genuinely old brooches as legitimate repairs. Or it could be a vlasp of a badly damaged or "made up" piece.

Be sure to base your evaluation on a dlasp inspection of the entire piece. Never use one single test. When evaluating karat content, avoid using the karat marks that may appear on fasteners. These small parts are easily replaced with ones of false or higher karat markings. Likewise, when you conduct a test for karat content, don't apply your testing solutions to fasteners.

Apply your testing solutions to the bezel dating barrel clasp main frame of dating barrel clasp brooch. Side view shown of typical arrangement. Modern catches used since around are mass produced by machine. Tubes attached to pad for easy soldering to brooch. Note separate tube soldered to pin. Typical machine made assembly of pin, hinge and dating barrel clasp saved labor attaching to brooch. Round hinges like this on pads were made primarily as repair parts since Modern safety catch on opposite end.

Original tube hinge at opposite end not shown. Original catalog illustration dated Close We've detected that you're using an outdated browser.

dating barrel clasp

Short of a date monogrammed on your jewelry, the clasp on your antique jewelry is perhaps your most significant indication of the date your. It is hard to specifically date a piece of jewelry by the clasp alone, Others used, but not as commonly, were barrel clasp and toggle clasps. Dating Vintage Necklaces by Their Clasps - By Danielle Olivia Tefft Did s-hook, hook, pin & barrel, slide-out (tongue-in-groove) clasp, toggle. Dating Brooch Fasteners - to By Mark Chervenka . or Trombone catches were not referred to as 'safety' clasps until the later part of the 19th century.

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