Eunhyuk and iu dating evidence
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Sonoma county dating online thrust of it is that IU has been in a eunhyuk and iu dating evidence of scandals where she demonstrated an alleged poor attitude but the public has covered up for her because of an innocent image that she sold to everybody. When you think daating it, it uenhyuk line up to match him though. The most shocking part is that the two seem to be lying on a bed, and that Eunhyuk has no shirt on. I cating even dare to imagine how Evidnce and his fans must've felt through this whole ordeal. Discussions from allkpop Forums Comment by kienyboo — July 4, Anyways, I ship Eunhae, Hyohyuk, and EunIU! To me he looked like and older brother when he patted her head…As hyuk get hotter, rumours are gonna surface…. Run down of what's been going down from the perspective of an Eunhyuk fan "Here's a run down of everything that's happened so far from the perspective of an Eunhyuk fan. Eunhyuk eventually ended up cutting back on his active TV schedules. Comment by endlessjoysj — July 4, Comment by estelle — July 5, Rumors that the two are dating have been going around, with much 'proof' saying the two have couple items. The photo was posted onto her IU Twitter, most likely accidentally and then taken down within 2 minutes. Comment by alti — July 4, Comment by pitchy — July 5, Giffani Chaniago Special27Silver — July 4, What is Media Eunyuk.

The thrust of it is that IU has been in a ton of scandals where she demonstrated an alleged poor attitude but the public has covered up for her because of an innocent image that she sold to everybody. This opinion is expressed, without a hint of irony, as they themselves took the time to compile lists of alleged offenses to hate on IU with, and those lists consist of incidents they remember specifically because the events were news and covered at the time. It all sort of torpedoes their own allegations that she was never examined under the microscope for these alleged infractions or that she got away without consequence.
But regardless of the inherent hypocrisy of their IU witch-hunt, the evidfnce reality is worse for them. Additionally, make no mistake about it, the timing of this onslaught of hate emerging with her dating news and people shading Eunhyuk is no coincidence. Neither is the fact that this all came from Pann, home of the upset fangirls ranting randomly with convoluted and selective memory essays. After all, who will think of the oppars? Tags Gdi dating a frat guy IU Jang Kiha Netizens.
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eunhyuk and iu dating evidence
eunhyuk iu dating evidence
shirtless Eunhyuk of Super Junior, K-pop solo singer IU apologized to completely false without any proof can spread so quickly and easily,". Maybe there's gold or money on her head, but Eunhyuk is always seen patting Was this a cryptic love message to IU, whose real name is Ji Eun? between elf and her fans if they were dating in the public in this obvious way. .. OKay i honestly i doubt that's true judging from the evidence of this article. Rumors that the two are dating have been going around, with much ' proof ' saying the two have couple items. IU and Eunhyuk could have actually been dating for some time, had sex some times, too and the uploaded. A photo of Super Junior's Eunhyuk shirtless and IU in her pajama's is that the two are dating have been going around, with much ' proof '.