Dating persona 4 golden
dating persona 4 golden

persona 4 golden dating
Like you getting dumped or something? After obtaining a high enough Social Dating persona 4 golden with each girl, you will be given special options when spending time with them. P4g dating process takes no more than a few hours pereona we'll send you an email once approved. Also, like someone else stated, sucker for stockings here too! Rankings - A list of games ranked by rating, difficulty, and length as chosen by our users. Yeah its a bit depressing lol, but no real consequences until basically the p4g dating of the game. PF Golden - Marie,mainly cause she was a new social link but I won't lie that she was indeed,"kawaii desu",and I liked her p4g dating design. Please Log In to post. If you promise to stop by clicking the Agree button below gplden, we'll unblock your connection for now, but we will immediately re-block it if we detect additional bad behavior. I mean how many spinoff games and shows with these people are there going to be! People are constantly changing the environment and setting in which they interact with other people. Jedted Follow Forum Posts: Part of me feels like I should be a little annoyed with persoja milking of persona 3 and 4 at this point. Log In to GameFAQs. OmegaChosen Follow Forum Posts: Link, she basically bitch slap Ai out of the way so she spend time with the main character. IGN World Map Adria Africa Australia Brazil Benelux Canada China Czech Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary India Ireland Israel Italy Japan Latin America Middle East Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Southeast Asia Spain Sweden Turkey United Kingdom United States. Persona 4 Questions about Dating in Persona 4.

This is p4g dating community for Megami Tenseia series of JRPGs developed by Atlus. Games included under the MegaTen umbrella are the mainline Shin Megami Tensei games and its sub-series of PersonaDevil SummonerDevil SurvivorDigital Devil Sagaand Raidou Kuzunoha among others. Feel free to not goldwn discuss the games, but their manga, anime, and movies, too!
For more non-game releases, see the wiki. Once submitted, click "flair" under the submission and select the relevant game. Try to avoid spoiling anything with the submission title itself, since that isn't hidden on the front page and some other places. All spoilers in comments and the text of self-posts outside of submissions marked with spoiler flair must be hidden with comment spoilers like this:.
The text can be changed to specify the context, as in, what game, part, or dating persona 4 golden the hidden text will spoil. To choose your flair, click "edit" to the right of your username, click on the one you want, and then click save. If it's not there, check if it's supported on our full list of goldeh flair! Representatives of ATLUS, Ghostlight, and NISA that have provided proof of their employment are signified by their company's logo next to their posts.
If you're eligible, please message the moderators. Who did you date in Persona 4? There is already a thread about dating in P3 so I figure one more wouldn't hurt. Who did you choose and why? Chie in P4, Marie in P4G. I'd like brentwood gazette dating say it was because she was an interesting character, but it's totally because I have a thing for stockings.
That said, I dated Rise on my first playthrough first, then I dated Naoto because i saw her Christmas event on p4g dating and thought it was adorable. But Dating persona 4 golden also had Marie since she doesn't negatively impact Valentines day. Chie, AND was totally faithful to her haha. Persona 4 is my favorite game ever and a lot of that is due to it's characters, they're the best. Part of me feels like I should be a little annoyed with the milking of persona 3 and 4 at this point.
I mean how many spinoff games and shows with these people are there going to be! But really, at the same time I can't. I love it, because of that exact reason. The characters dwting all just really damn fun. I'm up dating persona 4 golden any excuse atlus has on why they're all going to be fighting the good fight again. Fighting tournament, will there be meat jokes - then sign me up. Even dance game, bring personz on. Just as long as those characters come back.
See my mod-gifted tag and my flair. Naoto's adorable, best by far. I did actually woo pretty much every other girl too I'm polyamorous IRL, honestly! As I was playing through Persona 3, I bought Persona 4 and looked at the cast. The p4g dating that caught my eye the most was of course Rise. I don't know what it was about her design, maybe it reminds me of Hatsune Miku and I do love Vocaloid music, and Rise has many similarities to Miku.
The twin tail hair, the short skirt with thigh-high leggings, the famous diva attitude, and now starring in a dancing game, too. Also, throughout her social link you can sating how she is really just a girl who wants to be herself. Ppersona, she may still crave attention sometimes as shown by her Shadow's exaggerations, but at least she can p4g dating that peraona can be a different person depending on who's she's with. That right there is something so realistic.
People are constantly changing dating persona 4 golden environment and setting in which they interact with other people. At work, with friends, at school, with family, everyone acts differently depending on who they talk to. Rise's character shows persona 4 golden dating so strongly. She loves "senpai" when all friends are around, she acts embarrassed and talks about her concerns when alone, but also knows how to handle the crowd in front of the TV as Risette.
Her character shows such an important part of modern society and how people have been basically forced to be a different person for everyone. Best girl Chie p4g dating my first play through. I chose her because there is no pretense with her - she's a loyal friend, ready to kick ass but has a vulnerable side that you want to protect. Plus her haircut is similar to one my wife has and I think my wife is gorgeous. I felt like such an asshole.
The beautiful and busty Naoto Shiragane. The exact moment I heard holden voice non tomboy voice my affections were forever stolen. However, you still have excellent taste. Yukiko first she's dating persona 4 golden favoritepersona 4 golden dating added Chie wanted to see if the game would allow two girlfriends: Then Valentine's Day came around, I had to choose one of them to go on a date with.
I chose Chie because I hadn't spent much time with her so I wanted to switch it upand the other two girls got all suspicious and sad, and said things like "You're not going out with your girlfriend on Valentine's Day? Yukiko, she's the type of girl I'm a sucker for, very much enjoyed that. Marie, I loved how they made her character, mysterious and had a very goldej quest.
I would total cating her IRL. Also, like someone else stated, sucker for stockings here too! Naoto, then Ai and finally Yukiko she's my 'canon' girl. Chie was my favourite, but I stayed away from her as per the bro code, but those silly Kou and Yosuke never made their move. Although, to be fair to Yosuke, he is probably just gay for the main characters. I wish he would have just admited it, and then I would have dumped all the silly girls for him and we would have made sweet sweet love.
I even hugged him and all, but that dolt seems completely oblivious to my signals. Though in real life I would only have dated Yukiko at like 16, making my heart beat much before realizing we don't have that much in common. Then I would have married Chie. Dating persona 4 golden desire to get the hell out of her town was something I sympathized to a fair degree at the goldrn. P4 Vanilla - Chie,I mean a badass martial arts girl!
Besides,I always had a thing for more of the persona 4 golden dating type,although Naoto dating persona 4 golden probably one of the dating persona 4 golden girls hah PF Golden - Marie,mainly cause she was a new social link but I won't lie that she was indeed,"kawaii desu",and I liked her character design.
p4g dating

Persona 4 Golden - Consequences of Being a Pimp Persona 4 - Date with Ai & Yukiko at Okina. So in the original game dating multiple girls at once didn't really have any consequences, I'm wondering if Golden had changed that, I know Valentine's Day. For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "About dating in Max SL guide". For Persona 4 Golden on the PlayStation Vita, a GameFAQs message Basically I get that you can date multiple girls and that they don't take.