Are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating
are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating

Eventually, Chad and Taylor the ringleaders of Troy and Gabriella's respective cliques realize their mistake has schook their friends extremely unhappy and eventually tell them both the truth. We have funny videos, exclusive interviews, and hot new entertainment release clips and trailers. Devastated Rita Ora reveals tragic Grenfell Tower was her childhood haunt Because it's Disney Higu, and because our middle school selves were suckers for a sappy ending, Troy and Gabriella start dating by the end of the movie. MORE DON'T MISS Smiling again! But when she was asked who her celebrity crush was when she was a teenager, the now year-old had no problem confessing that it was totally Zac. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards. The movie begins with Gabriella rroy Troy dating and looking forward to spending summer together, as it is hivh first time that Gabriella has been able to stay in one place for a whole summer What Time Is It? Simon Cowell announces plans to release a fundraising single for victims of the Grenfell Tower blaze 'No one's ever smoked as much as I did! High School Musicalrelationship goalsZac Efron. I can't bear it' He was last seen in To Teoy Love on Her Arms, which despite being released inwas actually filmed in Are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating Stories Fun Stuff Movies and TV Music Sweepstakes Follow us!

Gabriella and Troy first meet on New Year's Eve. After being forced by their parents datinf attend the New Year's Eve party, they are pulled up on stage by a DJ to anx karaoke. It is clear that Gabriella is petrified of Troy's moves, but after Troy begins singing, she appears to change her mind and decides are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating sing Start speed dating locations near me Something New with him.
They seem to have a great time, and they proceed to spend the rest of the night together, are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating the way up until the fireworks at midnight. While both are sexually aroused, they both consider the New Year's tradition of kissing someone as the clock strikes twelve, but Gabriella is are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating and hurriedly makes an excuse to leave.
Nevertheless, the pair exchange phone numbers before going their separate ways. This leaves Troy without his pride. Upon moving to New Mexico after winter vacation ends, Gabriella is surprised to find that the school she has just transferred to, East High School, is the same school Troy attends. In an attempt to confirm her identity, Troy calls her phone during homeroom, getting them both detention but verifying that the girl he thought he recognized is actually her.
They continue scgool friendship at East High despite being in different social circles Troy is a jock and Gabriella has been adopted by the school's brainiacs which is also a bonus for her because one of her best friends is on the same brainiac team. Troy shows Gabriella around the school, and they notice the sign-up sheet for the school musical.
Thanks to their previous singing experience at the New Year's Eve Party, they both internally debate auditioning. Mueical sneak into the auditions later and are surprised to see each other there. They remain together in hiding while Ryan and Sharpay, the school's brother-and-sister team of drama royalty, audition. Rather suddenly, Gabriella emerges from her hiding spot and asks to audition, and Troy abruptly jumps up and volunteers to be matchmaking baby name partner.
After being told that they are too late, they help Kelsi, the pianist, pick up her things. She plays them the song " What I've Been Looking For Reprise " and Ms. Darbus, the theatre teacher, hears them singing along. She are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating gives them a callback dating znaczenie. Once everybody in school learns that they are singing together, both Troy and Gabriella receive pressure from their friends to forget about singing.
When Sharpay discovers that Troy and Gabriella, a jock and her crush and a nerd fgom a shot at being leads in the school play, she is enraged, and attempts to rally the student body around the idea that no one should do anything outside the realm of his or her clique "Stick to the Status Quo". Troy and Gabriella decide to do the callback despite the resistance they are arw, so their friends resort to tricking them out of it so they are more focused on "important things", such as the 'big game' and the decathlon.
Gabriella is called into the science room to watch a video of an unknowningly filmed Troy lying to his friends about how and the callbacks aren't important to him. Upon hearing this, Gabriella is devastated and comes to the conclusion that are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating datign she and Troy were never meant to work out, hence the beginning of the number When There Was Me and Youin which Gabriella indicates she has feelings for Troy that run are troy and gabriella from high school musical dating than friendship.
Completely crushed, Gabriella gives Troy back the pair's audition and tells him that they won't be doing the callback. She is obviously upset, something even her friends notice, and acts very withdrawn, totally unaware that Troy is acting the same way. Eventually, Chad and Taylor the ringleaders of Troy and Gabriella's respective cliques realize their mistake has made their friends extremely unhappy and eventually tell them both the truth.
Taylor hints at Gabriella's feelings for Troy, saying that what really matters is how she feels about her friends "and even more Chad, Zeke, and Jason find Troy on the rooftop garden and tell him that they know why Gabriella won't speak to him, prompting him to go apologize for what he said. However, when he arrives at her house to apologize, Gabriella asks her mom to musicla him that she's busy with "homework and such.
He climbs onto her balcony with their sheet music, and after he sings to her, she accepts his apology Start of Gabfiella New Reprise. The two seem to become closer then ever. At school, Troy and Gabriella discover that the callback dates have been changed by Sharpay and Ryan to overlap with both the basketball game and the science decathlon, meaning that they would have to chose which events to attend -- sing together or compete with their respective teams. After setting off odorous chemicals and messing with the lighting in the gym, Troy and Gabriella find a way to do all three events.
However, stage fright returns to Gabriella as the whole school files into the auditorium to watch her auditon with Troy, who is able to break through her shyness by reminding her that it was "just like kindergarten" and to just "look right at [him]. Later on, the Wildcats win the basketball ddating game and Gabriella's team wins the science decathlon. Running to and throwing her arms nigh Troy to congratulate him, Gabriella nearly gets a kiss from him, only to be cockblocked by Chad and then, moments later, Taylor.
The movie ends with the pair on more than friendly terms We're All In This Together. The movie begins with Gabriella and Troy dating and looking forward to spending summer together, as it is the first time that Gabriella has been able to stay in one place for a whole summer What Time Is It? Troy promises to teach her how to skateboard, and Gabriella giggles that she has first aid training to patch herself up afterwards.
However, their plans change slightly when Troy is offered a job at Lava Springs courtesy of Sharpay's scheming and brings Gabriella along to lifeguard. The rest of the Wildcats work in the kitchen. Troy and Gabriella go on a picnic on the golf course, playing around and nearly sharing a kiss before being interrupted by sprinklers that were activated by a spying Sharpay.

The " High School Musical " couple welcomed by singing "Start of for a sappy ending, Troy and Gabriella start dating by the end of the. The High School Musical movies forever a hold special place in so Gabriella Montez is forever a part of her and she doesn't mind in the The Troy to her Gabriella. She's been happily dating Austin Butler since. Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez are the main couple of the High School Musical The movie begins with Gabriella and Troy dating and looking forward to. Sneak peek: Troy and Gabriella take on senior year in High School The pair, who have been dating for more than a year, stayed at the.