Dating canon fd lenses
dating canon fd lenses

They must lensrs clocked correctly or the lens will not function properly. Prior tothis letter is moved to the last position of the date code. Lenses in This focal length group were considered the ideal all-around optics by many photographers. You may also like… How to Identify the Model Year of a Johnson 2 HP Outboard Motor How Do I Determine the Year of My Evinrude Outboard? I have lenss lens and have always loved the quality I got with it. The lens has been passed down through the family but know no sating than that! The C means and 12 is December. The body number is and on the flange is clearly stamped U How to Date a Canon FD Lens Written by brian richards. Finally, the last two numbers are internal manufacturing codes, most likely batch numbers. Does someone know the meaning from the dating canon fd lenses R? Canon has been using this number to indicate lenses needing specific service-related updates such as firmware. NEX, FX, EOS-M, etc. They keep the inner barrel from rotating with the middle barrel. The two lensrs sticking up next to the rear lens dating canon fd lenses are the aperture lever and lock lever. Click here to see the list of fx lenses that have date codes post if your non-L lens is not on this list, then you are out of luck.

Have you ever wondered how old is your Canon lens? If you buy a new lens from an authorized dealer, the chances are, the lens was manufactured fairly recently. So if you bought your lens new, you have a good idea how old dating canon fd lenses lens is. In this quick tutorial I will show you exactly how to decode these date codes on older lenses as well as the new serial numbers.
Dating canon fd lenses I have mentioned above, Canon has been placing date codes on their lenses for a long time and previously many lenses had the date code placed separate from the actual serial number. InCanon started placing date codes on select lenses only. Click fx to see the list of non-L lenses that have date codes post if your non-L lens is not on this list, then you are out of luck.
You can find this code on dating services in arizona inner rim of the lens the side dating canon fd lenses attaches to the camera. Here is the date code on my trusty EF mm 2. There are three plants which produced EF lenses: Prior to this letter was at the end of dating canon fd lenses date code.
You can lensess the year by checking your code against the table below. The next two datnig are the month. Occasionally, the leading zero of the month is omitted. In my case 10 means October. The new system consolidates the date codes and serial numbers into one string of numbers. And this number is now placed on the body of the lens.
It looks like this new system was only implemented on lenses that were marketed starting in and forward. So some lenses that were produced immediately afterbut were introduced to the market beforestill have the old dating system. To determine the age of a Canon lens based on the new digit serial number dating canon fd lenses have to visually break down the number into two, one and seven digits: The first two numbers DD correspond to the manufacturing date.
It starts in January with number Then Canon reset to 01 on January Please cann to the table below for daying the dates and corresponding numbers. The next number appears to be for daing use. And the final group of 7 digits is the actual serial number of your lens. So following this breakdown you can see on this image that my EF 2.
If your Canon lens has a date code then you lenaes be able to tell when it was manufactured. However, dd in mind that the production date is only just that — a date when your lens was made. Lenses can often take a long time to be shipped and then stored in a warehouse awaiting sale. Production date should only be one of the factors determining the extent dating canon fd lenses how long the lens has been in use for, other factors being the visual condition of the dating canon fd lenses and smoothness of operation.
Your email address will not be published. Subscribe me dating canon fd lenses your mailing list. Sign me up for MPC Newsletter. Oh, My EF bought datibg canon singapore starts with 23! There are some 8 digit serial numbers that do not follow lehses of the conventions you show above. What is the convention for 8 numeric numbers? Lehses Peter, if you have the 8 digit danon then the first 2 digits should tell you the date it was manufactured when you reference the chart above.
The body number is and on the flange is clearly stamped U The lens has been passed down through the family but know no more than that! Is this a pre lens? For FD lenses, they use different numbering. The first letter in FD numbering correspond to manufacturing year. The next two number shows the month i. The last two datiny used for internal purposes maybe the batch number or else. Therefore your lens is 1 month older than mine.
The same dating canon fd lenses can be use to identify your canon film camera, the difference is they put another letter after the 2 digit internal code. Use the numbering system that dting explained in my previous reply, if the product was manufactured before Very useful article Alex! Since mirrorless cams take the photography world by storm, older lenses grow very popular. Hi I have two EF-S mm lens made before One was bought in July and has serial No.
If you extrapolate the table back lemses 38 being Jan — that makes it an Apr07 which fits the facts. The other is No. I have a 4. Any idea when it was manufactured? If you would like to contribute to Dating canon fd lenses click here to contact us. Contact Us Menu Home News Articles Photoshoots Tutorials Interviews Reviews.
How to determine age of a Canon lens Posted on Feb 10, A, NB ff,OC, PD, QECwnonFSGTHUIVJWKXLYMZThe cajon two digits are the month. Finally, the last two numbers are internal manufacturing codes, most likely batch numbers. The New System The new system consolidates the date codes and serial numbers dating canon fd lenses one string of numbers.

Fisheye FD Lenses The Canon Fisheye Lenses can be separated into two groups of either Circular Fisheyes or Full Frame Fisheye. Main characteristic of the FD. How to determine the age of your Canon FD or EOS gear. Note: This might see a date code starting with "UG" for a lens manufactured in for example. Canon has been stamping date codes on cameras and lenses since about The first letter, "U," means Canon's 3, employee, , sf (75, m^2). To start the plastic lens ring with CANON LENS FD 24mm is removed by unscrewing it counter clockwise. This can be achieved using a.