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Danielle murphree and shane meaney dating

Danielle murphree and shane meaney dating


danielle murphree and shane meaney dating

Shane tells Joe that he heard if Boogie won he would put up Shane. And, interestingly, on Nov. Britney tells them what Ian just told her, she says they were planning to get Dan out last week and Shane this week. They agree that Frank is the main target this week and that they could even put up Joe as the pawn if Frank or Boogie win the Power of Veto. Shane tells Joe they will all talk tomorrow in HoH. Started By Comment mhi11er2 SHANE AND DANIELLE ARE ACTUALLY A COUPLE FOR A WHILE BUT RECENTLY BROKEN Couple Comparison Shane Meanry. Those who control the "fansite" are delusional fascists. Share This Link Email to Friend del. The unhappy couple may want their fans to believe they are still together for financial reasons. But they should first be totally honest. She then starts talking about all the mean things he did to her today. Dan tells Danielle that she has it in her though. Shane says that he hopes Frank goes, he has made it through being on the block 3 times, won HOH danielle murphree and shane meaney dating. I dont know who started this thread, meaneh they are completely false! Meaneey warns them danielle murphree and shane meaney dating this is the last spot before jury and says that it has to be Murpbree and Boogie up on the block. Guess TAR turned them down so why bother murpphree the con any longer.

danielle murphree and shane meaney dating

Message board courtesy of Survivor Sucks member support. Benevolent dictatorship courtesy of Survivor Sucks Admin Idoits. Yuku free message boards Username or E-mail: Grab the Tapatalk App. Forum Jump Survivor Sucks Lions, Tigers, Survivors - Danielle murphree and shane meaney dating My! SHANE AND DANIELLE ARE ACTUALLY A COUPLE FOR A WHILE BUT RECENTLY BROKEN UP.

Started By Comment mhi11er2 SHANE AND DANIELLE ARE ACTUALLY A COUPLE FOR A WHILE BUT RECENTLY BROKEN Hi folks, First of all, although I know most people here are their Haters, I'm not actually one myself Anyway, I'm a member of their fansite and from what I gather they are no longer together. But what is sad is that even though the danielle murphree and shane meaney dating are all there that they have split up, most members are still acting as if they are still a couple.

And this is exactly what Sara Joe's wife is arguing about with the fans on Nov. It's also quite interesting that during that rant by Sara on tweeter, Danielle tweeted Sara back and thank her for her effort. As a fan myself, I like them to stay as a couple but after seeing all the very obvious signs that they are not a couple anymore and yet the fans are still being led to believe by the 2 who are talking to them as if everything is fine, I just feel this is not suppose to happen.

The last time Danni was in Vt. Before that, the longest time she was not with him after BB14 ended is about a week or just a few days more. It's also during these times after leaving Vt. And, interestingly, on Nov. During her earlier chats on the site Danni told the fans that she will surely be with Shane on his birthday but as it turned out this did not happen. It's interesting to note that before his Ashawo dating site on Dec.

So there are actually 2 very important reasons why she should have been there with him during those times but still she didn't go to Vt to see him. On earlier chats on the fansite she also told fans she and Shane are definitely danielle murphree and shane meaney dating to spend Christmas together. But now it seems that's not happening either. She is now back in Ala. For the last couple of days, Danielle was blatantly flirting with some of her followers. Especially those who seem to be good looking enough like Fullerjeremy or Braydo Their fans at the fansite are mostly religious people and most definitely not going to become Haters if they found out they are no longer a couple.

I'm sure they will accept it and I think they will still stay as fans of them individually. But they should first be totally honest. Which is kind of ridiculous because the main reason some fans even bother to go there is to get personal info about their favorite supposedly couple. And that's the problem. They were never a real couple danielle murphree and shane meaney dating. Brenchel are still going strong, but their showmance was really unlikeable. They remind me of the Claymates.

Guess TAR turned them down so why bother with the con any longer. They do not have fans. It's not a "fansite", it's an online support group for these derelicts looking for a place where they can safely fantasize, obsess, and affirm each other's pathological disconnect danielle murphree and shane meaney dating reality.

Those who control the "fansite" are delusional fascists. He failed every single fucking test of heterosexuality. Not to mention, Danielle is actually crazy. I love them both, but they are not likable, and idk WHY people are obsessed with them They just want your money, stop giving it to them. Question to mhi Did you have to pay to join that fansite? What is the name of it? Shane banged JoJo after the show. I doubt he touched Danielle. He also apparently was "too close for comfort" to Dominic when they met up with him and Dani D.

I dont know who started this thread, but they are completely false! I know for a FACT Matthieu et sophie speed dating and Dani are still a couple, we just chatted with him last night! WHO GIVES A FUCK!! Jesus you people have danielle murphree and shane meaney dating much time on your hands. What's the name of the fansite? That's really wierd, how can all the fans find danielle murphree and shane meaney dating Congratulations for being a fan of the most hated BB player ever.

Denial is a terrible thing. The unhappy couple may want their fans to believe they are still together for financial reasons. I mean their fans do send them gift cards and cash to prove their loyalty. The blind stupidity of people is just amazing. What is it you find admirable about Danielle? Her ability to tell a lie with a straight face, her weak character, her constant degradation of her family or maybe it's the fact she swallows and likes her salad tossed.

I hope that when the truth becomes obvious the romance is over you don't do anything drastic. There are nonprofit groups that can help you get the counseling you need. In the mean time, you continue your admiration and blind loyalty to Danielle. We aren't laughing at you, we're laughing with you. Share This Link Email to Friend del. Click to subscribe by RSS Click to receive E-mail notifications of replies. SHANE AND DANIELLE ARE ACTUALLY A COUPLE FOR A WHILE BUT RECENTLY Danielle murphree and shane meaney dating

danielle murphree and shane meaney dating

tweets • photos/videos • K followers. Check out the latest Tweets from Danielle Alexis M (@DanielleAlexisM). 'Big Brother' USA Danielle Murphree talks Shane romance, Dan, more . her to get her showmance partner Shane Meaney out of the game. When Danielle and Britney come out of the diary room, Shane and Joe attack them 1am Ashley and Ian are in the HOH bathtub together. . Big Brother 14 big brother Big Brother Cast Britney Haynes Dan Gheesling Danielle Murphree Frank .. Hmmh, Danielle Meaney, that doesn't sound too bad. On earlier chats on the fansite she also told fans she and Shane are definitely going to spend Christmas together. But now it seems that's not.

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