Dota 2 matchmaking settings not saving
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You are not logged in! Is there a way to make the game remember my region settings too? Zo zijn we er van verzekerd dat we voor iedere gebruiker een setings oplossingen kunnen realiseren. The player can solo matchmaking exploits manually set everything by clicking on the advanced settings, or use pre-set settings by clicking on basic settings and using the slider. Elk abonnement, Basis, Uitgebreid en Compleet heeft unieke eigenschappen. Aslanftw Thread Creator dota 2 ranked matchmaking slow Posts. MVoice is gecertificeerd Integratie partner en gespecialiseerd in het leveren van verbindingen in combinatie met MVoice Hosted Telefonie oplossingen. The bot owner now need to manually select the region ech time they want to use the bot. Low Violence Source Engine Spectating Replay Casting Console List of commands Cheats Modding Dota 2 Reborn. Sign up or log in StackExchange.

Galaxy Battles LIVE VG mouz. Blood in the Streets 1 6h 38m Elements. Blood in the Streets 1 7h 38m Prodota Gambit. The Summit 7 9h 38m Empire Team NP. The Summit 7 12h 38m VG. Why does Dota now forget preferences for server region? DR Previously if you clicked a certain region it remembered, now it doesn't which is frustrating for some. I currently live south of Europe and play there for the best servers.
I get ping which I handle fine now. Since a recent update Dota forgets the preferred region sticking it on AUTO which sends me to Dubai or India. I almost got in a ranked game there today. This makes sense when you first xiao8 dating show part 3 about it but You can check "use keys by position, not captions" or something like that in the settings bro.
Worst part is that people who live close to stockholm get placed into russian servers because vodka drinkers don't have their own servers in their own country and have to have it in Stockholm The Russia server garena hon matchmaking down meant to be for Russia, and the nordic countries. So yeah If you life close to Stockholm, that server is meant to be for you.
Russia's servers should not be anywhere near Stockholm though Nordic countries do not speak russian I do not want to que up for russian servers for best ping. I'm not a god damn potato-vodka drinking sleezebag. You're right, Sweden is a european country. But that's not what we're discussing. It doesn't matter what language you speak in regards to what server you're on. The matchmaking language option is supposed to match you with players speaking your preferred language.
But it's a combination of it not working properly, and non english speakers having english as primary language that makes this fail. I'm South American and I'm forced to play on US east if I don't change it back to SA even though I get ping in US east and 40 ping in SA. Honestly, if this is true it might be a good thing. I've been thinking hon matchmaking takes forever a while that Valve should do this because I'm sure some South Americans have put US East as a preferred server forever now, but now that it changes to auto every time at launch then they will more likely queue into Peru server or wherever closer they are in South America.
Nope, I live in Ecuador and when I search directly for game, US East gets automatically picked since It gives me a lot less ping than Peru. It's the basic code not creating a 'cookie' to remember a setting. It's along the same lines as dota 2 high skill matchmaking game remembering your key settings instead of having to input them each time you load the game up.
Matbe it has something to do with bots in matchmaking? The bot owner now need to manually select the region ech time they want to use the bot. But to fix you'd simply set the region in the bot code. Seems a bit tedious for most to not achieve much. Didn't want to put a value judgement on it. Just saying that this will confound people dota 2 compendium new matchmaking longer than it will confound bots.
Only on the one that queues. Party preferences are determined by the member who presses find game button. I can see why they did this intentionally, but the auto region gives servers of best ping, which is US East for Peruvians. This is not true; it has been MONTHS since US servers gave better pings for Peruvians. Valve added a second server cluster so that there are now servers on both sides of the Andes mountain range. This fixed the issue with the Peru servers giving terrible ping because the reason for lag was that the server ranked matchmaking dota 2 distribution to get routed through the north i.
With the addition of the second cluster, ping to at least one of the two Peruvian server clusters will always be the dating its complicated issue 1 than ping to US servers. The issue is there is a restriction that prevents you from queuing on two servers with a massive ping disparity. This results in a prisoner's dilemma. They would be better off if they all chose to queue exclusively on Peru, but they are all individually more likely to find faster games by queuing on US-E because the Peruvian servers have gone unused due to the prior issues regarding 1v1 matchmaking dota 2. So instead of queuing on their own server they all stay on US-E because they act in their own interests as individuals rather than as a collective.
This is an attempt to solve that by defaulting Peruvians' server selection to Peru without hardlocking it. Like the previously geographic matchmaking attempts, it seems Valve is aware that it has to do something to address the issue but they are reluctant to commit to a hard solution. You are wrongalso 6.79 matchmaking packet loss in Peru's server makes the game unplayable nothing has been fixed, stop spreading misinformation. Valve's lack of proper maintenance of the underpopulated servers is a well-known, actor dating granddaughter a separate, issue.
India breaks for months at a time without updates. A fact that didn't change anything. It was just written in a patch note, how do you even know it's true, for all I know they can be lying. I was wondering why I was constantly unable to communicate with my completely russian team till I saw it reset. I live in North California and last week with auto region it queued for South America or something lol.
OMG, WHY MUST IT RESET!? FOR WHAT BLOODY REASON?! SEARCH GAME - URGHH REGION - PICK REGION, OK - SEARCH, PICK REGION SCREEN AGAIN!!! There can be some reasons for this: Bot boosting now requires more steps which will make it tedious for the booster to queue with themshady region lock and experimenting People will have shorter queue times due to population for some servers has been increased peruvians, im looking at you Bot Boosting will be more difficult, so it will be harder to find more new 4k account buyers.
Belgium is WEU so dota 2 how does normal matchmaking work away from ruski. I think it's very good. People should play where their ping is lowest. Use of this site constitutes ny easy speed dating of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy.
Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. DotA2 subscribe unsubscribereaders 6, users here now New to Dota 2? DB Dota2 Blood in the Streets 1 7h 38m Prodota Gambit The Summit 7 9h 38m Empire Team NP The Summit 7 12h 38m VG.
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I've got a problem. Since i reinstalled Dota 2 all the changes i did don't rest - i mean if i turn volume off, change graphics, select europe as server: it will be all set. Before you start your queue you can set up matchmaking settings. where matchmaking region selections were not being saved correctly. The game settings allow the player to customize many aspects of the game. . the hero picking phase begins, bring the Dota 2 client to the front. Does not move the camera when the player has another unit under their . Except for brightness, the settings are only saved when the "Apply" . Matchmaking. TL:DR Previously if you clicked a certain region it remembered, now it doesn't which is frustrating for some. Context: I currently live south of.