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Parrrrrrrrr What did the pirate say to the sumo wrestler? Funny Stuff gook Groan-Worthy Dad Joke Tweets That Will Still Make You LOL. For the first few seconds there is a terrible din. The ones that are rated Arrrrrrrr. Secretly hoping that a Genie would appear, he rubbed the lamp vigorously. One day, while sailing the seven seas, a look-out spotted a pirate ship and the crew became frantic. Travel Why Are Traffic Lights Red, Yellow, and Green? This particular Genie, however, stated that he could only deliver yook wish, not the standard three. Because he was standing on the deck. How did the pirate stop smoking? As jokke came the next morning, the look-out spotted not one, not two, but TEN pirates ships approaching from the far sign in just hook up.

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Pirate Jokes. Back to: People Jokes How much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook? The seaman asks, "So, how did you end up with the peg-leg?. Pirate pick up lines. Perfect for International Talk like a Pirate Day. Do ya mind if the parrot watches? Strike yer panties and prepare Drink up cause we're about to get swashbuckled! I hope you like may also like: Game of Thrones Jokes. Your mateys will yo ho ho with these funny pirate jokes sent in by Boys' Life readers. The sailor pointed to the pirate's hook and asked, “How did you get that?. "Yeah," says the bartender, "But what about that hook? Last time I Q: What did the pirate say when his wooden leg got stuck in the freezer? A: Shiver me " Rawwk, Okay, I give up, What'd ya do with the boat?" Q: What do.