Swtor matchmaking
swtor matchmaking

I choose to comment. This; it can't give you a tank instead of a complete noob if there's no one else queueing. Terms Archive Privacy Policy Terms of Service FAQ EUALA Rules of Conduct Online Safety Contact Us. The only option to address this would be to tighten restrictions on matchmaking but this will result in greatly increased queue swtor matchmaking, which is not favorable. Filters Search By Flair. There is a separate exploit where you can decline the queue in a way without losing ELO. Still no explanation how one does huttball only. From the design side, we do like the idea of allowing our players to be able to impact which Warzone they want to queue for, but it is not as simple as letting everyone select which Warzone they want and call it a day. Something im seeing more and more with match making is being put against 4 or more sorc swtor matchmaking thats ultimately making PVP kind of dull. I love my scoundrel healer. On Friday, BioWare posted in-depth information on how the Ranked Warzones will swtor matchmaking. We disagree on the solution though, perhaps the barrier on the spawn for the first door should be 10x as long, so at least then the stronger team has time to wear out the other team enough to get a door.

Dulfy 30 Comments Mar 20, Eric Musco on the forums compiled a list of frequently asked PvP questions in SWTOR with their answers. Frequently Asked PvP Questions Hey folks, One thing that I know we have received a lot of varying questions around is the topic of PvP in SWTOR. As many of you have surely swtor matchmaking we are going to have one of our PvP Designers, Swtor matchmaking Modny, on our Thursday Livestream matchmaing later on today.
As with most of our swtor matchmaking we have quite a few questions which are commonly asked by PvPers. I mstchmaking with the combat matchmakimg about many of your questions and got answers to many of the commonly asked questions. Will we ever be able to choose a specific Warzone to queue for? From the design side, we do like the idea of allowing our players to be able to impact which Warzone they want to queue free dating sites in amsterdam, but it is not as simple as letting everyone select which Warzone they want and call it a day.
There are no current marchmaking for the near future to implement this feature. Have you considered implementing a Huttball Swtor matchmaking We have certainly seen a lot of suggestions around the creation of a Huttball League swtor matchmaking sure! Implementing a Huttball League has a special place on our Matchmajing of Crazy but it is not in our current roadmap.
Why swtor matchmaking Bolster in Ranked PvP? Why not just require a high level of PvP gear? This is a great question, and one we put a lot of thought into when the decision made to keep Bolster in Ranked PvP. As many of you likely know, in the past we had an matchamking level set of PvP gear called the Recruit set. However, having Swtor matchmaking gear in the game created two important factors:.
The player needed to know that this is how PvP at max level worked. The player needed to then get the gear and actually equip it. Although this may seem like something which is obvious to many of you who are more seasoned matchmakiny hardcore PvPers, these factors being missed led to many players first experience being that they got completely stomped in PvP. We also want the Ranked population to be as high as possible within the Level 55 bracket so we have Bolster in place so more players can participate in the system.
The best solution for this situation was a systematic approach which puts all players on an even footing when they enter the system. We know that some feel the best solution is to simply make everyone have the same gear and stats when in PvP so that it is purely a measure skill and skill alone. However, we feel that swtor matchmaking an MMO, gear progression is a major cornerstone of its long term gameplay. We feel that Bolster mqtchmaking both of those ideas into account and lands as a nice middle ground.
It is very unfortunate that Bolster has experienced issues since its implementation which certainly created pain points for our PvP community. However we will continue to work to ensure that Bolster is working as intended! I think we can all agree that having the matcymaking time you PvP be a positive experience will go to great lengths to ensuring that those folks stick around and continue to PvP!
Will you be implementing Swtor matchmaking queuing? We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues. Will you be introducing rewards in future Seasons to recognize those players who have achieved the highest of matchmakiing For starters, we have seen a lot of feedback around match,aking very topic on the forums, please keep it coming. This is a very tricky thing to design around as no matter where you put the breakpoint, someone can potentially feel like they are not getting the rewards they deserve.
We will continue to use player feedback as we swtor matchmaking decisions about future seasons rewards, we have no matfhmaking changes planned at this time however. Will you be bringing back 8v8 Swtor matchmaking Warzones? We have no plans currently of bringing back 8v8 Ranked Matchmwking. Are there any plans of expanding open world PvP? However, we will continue to encourage open world PvP matchjaking events and future content.
Some mxtchmaking of this swtor matchmaking be the Oricon daily area stwor the shared questing areas of the Rakghoul event. Are there any plans to address teams having healer hybrids in Arenas fighting matvhmaking teams without a healer? This is a question of how long we want to wait to just jersey dating an Arena match when it relates to hybrids.
However if we did that, it would swtor matchmaking very serious effects on how long a queue takes to pop. We had to make a decision to err on the side of having more matches pop than simply trying to mirror the teams exactly. The only option to swtor matchmaking this would be to tighten restrictions on matchmaking but this will result in greatly increased queue length, which is not favorable. Swtor matchmaking about the issue of 3v4 matches in Arenas?
This typically occurs due to a player swtor matchmaking before loading into natchmaking match, which creates a situation where one team will have one less player. In this situation, we swtor matchmaking made the decision that matchmaking will not backfill that player. In this case, backfilling would turn a negative mwtchmaking for 4 players into a negative situation for 5 players, and we are not fond of that idea.
On the plus side, our rating system takes the 3v4 into account when awarding rating at the end of the match. The team with 4 will not be rewarded nearly as well for winning as they would if it was a normal match, nor will the team with 3 be punished as severely for losing. Matchmaking will sometimes place the same Swtor matchmaking Classes on the same teams. An example would be matchmaing Powertechs swtor matchmaking 4 Assassins.
Are there any improvements planned here? This is a great question, we agree that this is certainly less than optimal. Matchmaking should certainly be better about how it assigns classes across each team and swtor matchmaking will be actively looking to make improvements. No timeline right matdhmaking on those changes but it is on our radar. Huge rating gaps between players in any given Arena match….
Typically this issue occurs when there are not a lot of players in the Arena queue, I think it may help swtor matchmaking macthmaking a bit about how our matchmaking works. Matches are based around the original character who is entered in matchmaking and what their rating is.

With all the PVP reward changes I decaided to give myself a try in some Ranked PVP as a healer. But after all gearing and guide reading I. limit my search to r/ swtor. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit: find submissions in "subreddit". SWTOR PVP Marauder Fury Ranked Solo 3 vs. 4 - Duration: Bruht 48 views · · "Rip Vc Hello. Matchmaking in Regs PvP. of matchmaking. LHANCELOT The Ebon Hawk R.I.P. SWTOR PvP. BORN: Dec. 20, DIED: Jan. 24, Petition for Matchmaking and Cross.