War thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking
war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking

With my suggested change, the player has at least one tier 2 plane if he's going up against other tier 2 planes. So the amount of games I have played are by far not enough to tell if Tier is affecting the matchmaker, but at least it strongly feels so. Originally posted by G. So first you need to make sure that none of your friends chose a rank II aircraft for at least one slot. Remember — the most important parameter for the matchmaker is always the battle rating of the plane! Posts are automatically archived after 6 months. You bringing in a BR 4. Posted December 28, It's just unfair, is there any reason why? Does that explain the abysmal MM we've seen since 1. Also the amount of vehicles in a tier or only the highest vehicle? How can this war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking fair? That way you can see interesting tactical patterns and battle scenarios.

Started by ScarperDecember 28, Posted December 28, As I understand it, you decided not to implement mixed battles. Our gameplay concept will be improved upon in many ways, of course. The Mixed Battle concept is the correct one; it shortens the queue times and allows players to actually play. But we are not going war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking abandon the reconstruction of real historical battles either — it will slowly move to the [Events] mode war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking we created specifically for this.
Tell us a bit more about Rank differences that separate props and jet aviation. Initially we were thinking about war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking six ranks instead of five that we currently have, one of the ranks would be jet-only war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking. But we decided that battle rating system is much more fluid than six ranks and decided to implement it instead.
The move from a six rank concept to a five rank one with battle rating war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking the correct one, in our opinion, because we are confident that, in time, it will bring proper balance for every game mode and the planes with different efficiency will be balanced differently based on game mode they are in. Battle Rating in each game mode will change and show results when enough game statistics are collected.
From the 25 th of December the system is showing its full potential already. There are 3 factors that are involved in battle balance: The System will operate in the opposite way too. If you have terrible luck in battles of your level then system will try and ease it up for you a bit. Note — with equal player skill levels they would have no chance of meeting each other in battle because the planes battle rating difference is more than 1. The Mustang pilot has won 15 battles with excellent scores, taken down a few dozen of the enemy planes, taken out a lot of ground forces and also did a barrel roll for good measure: In this case the system will count this player as a very efficient one and will give him a chance to meet a jet pilot but only if that jet pilot had a very terrible last 15 battles himself — always losing his plane and getting no kills in the process.
From the first glance that would seem unfair: But from example above you can see that those two pilots will have a lot of interesting things to talk about on the battlefield. Remember — the most important parameter for the matchmaker is always the battle rating of the plane! Will you implement smoke physics will smoke react to the wind, or be affected by the plane flying though it? But we will work on the improvement of our effects, of course, both smoke and explosions.
You explained Battle War thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking nicely, but will differences in it be shown clearly enough to the players? The main idea of the Battle Rating is to be open for war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking players. In the research tree you can mouse over your planes and see their battle rating for each mode separately.
When will Germany get its own heavy-strategic bomber? And with any that were developed, there is little reliable information about their use in battle. You should refer to the release tree of the planes firstly, but if there are planes that you really wish to see in the game — it is a reason to make a suggestion about it on the forums. Will you improve post-battle statistics? Post-battle statistics debriefing is being improved upon all the time, even tonight 23rd of December we released a new update that changing the debriefing window slightly and we corrected few logical issues with it.
Will you find a golden spot between the old war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking the new systems? To our regret we cannot have a different logic to our contact system for different modes, but we are trying our best to find that 'golden spot'. We like our changes that we have right now in Realistic Battles, we like changes with spotting the targets that are much lower than you are.
But we know about issue with Simulator Battles and are working on solution for that. We will try to create a system that will be comfortable for the players and at the same time will grant all the positive factors of the new system. Is this in preparation for the controllable ground force release? Dust Trail becoming invisible is actually a bug and we will fix it.
How well is the thermodynamic model of the engine simulated? Do we have any impact from a knocked out cylinders on overheat speed, air enrichment, cooling though the panels and not only through the radiator, etc. At the moment our system includes few factors with the example of an engine with water cooling. We have water, we have oil, and we have the engine itself — cylinder head.
In the calculations we also have: This is how it works at the moment. In the future the system will be improved even more. We also will include overcooling issue too. Tell us about fires, how does the fire system work? Fire is actually a sphere of a specific radius that is located at the centre of the module that is in flames engine or fuel tank. During the fire all modules that are inside its radius start to lose their durability and after receiving critical damage - they will war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking destroyed.
An additional check comes with the speed of the plane panel speed. The greater the speed — the more chance the fire will be extinguished by airstream. What is the current situation with mixed battles? You tried it on the Dev server, did you completely abandon the idea or will it be implemented in some way on the main server? We have halted discussion on this question for now. Granted that with the implementation of the mixed battles the matchmaker is having an easier time with finding the correct players for the match.
That is the main reason we have that button and not separate mode or events interface. The fact that in Realistic Battles we have nation versus nation fights — is the initial concept of the game, historically speaking we have nations that fought against each other and not the planes. That way you can see interesting tactical patterns and battle scenarios. We like this idea. No one could even imagine that we would have nearly enough players war thunder patch 1.37 matchmaking make those battles fair in every of our three hundreds planes with five nations, since you would need a lot of players playing at the same time in simulator battles to make it work correctly.

topic/developers%E2%80%diaries- matchmaking -in/) Pilots! A few words about the way match-maker works in War Thunder .. at all to me when the MM turned out so badly after the patch went live. In patch we changed game mode names so they wouldn't (http://forum. krossovk.ru?/topic/ matchmaking -in/). Patch 's out! I have no Play War Thunder http:// krossovk.ru registration?r= This. Note: The /r/ WarThunder moderators reserve the right to moderate at their own In all seriousness, it'll probably get nerfed next patch because.