Dating singer featherweight 221-1
dating singer featherweight 221-1
Some people like to find machines associated with a particular year - whether it be a birth dating singer featherweight 221-1, anniversary, etc. For instance, every Singer model produced in at Elizabethport had the same prefix AD. Advertisements in quilters' magazines bring higher prices. This quick and easy method for dating black Singer Featherweights uses only the 2 letter prefix and the first 2 digits of the 6 digit serial number. I will be back! You will be greeted by the internet's finest people and your enquiries will be answered by leading experts. Four Featherweight-design variations include chrome flywheels and face-plate scrollwork on the earlier versions, versus black flywheels and a striated face-plate pattern on the later versions. Click here to be taken to Nova's online shop where you can securely buy Singer Featherweight Parts and Accessories. No white or mint green. Thank you sooo much.

Two Digit Dating System for Black Singer Featherweights Copyright class This material is for personal use only. This quick and easy method for dating black Singer Featherweights uses only the 2 letter prefix and the first 2 digits of the 6 digit serial number. For purposes of identifying the date when a particular serial number was reserved, it is necessary to decipher the 2 letter prefix and only the first 2 numerals of the serial number. Singer manufactured many different models with the same two letter prefix.
For instance, every Singer model produced dating singer featherweight 221-1 at Elizabethport had the same dating singer featherweight 221-1 AD. When a new production run began for a particular model, several thousand serial numbers were reserved for each model. After 1 million serial numbers for a given two dating singer featherweight 221-1 prefix were reserved, the next alphabetical prefix was begun.
Featherweights were produced at three locations: Models and were originally equipped with volt motors. Model K Featherweights were originally equipped with either volt or volt motors. Except for the motors, the mechanical components of all Class models, and K were fundamentally unchanged from through Detalied information about transitional production runs is available at the ISMACS website. The Singer Sewing Machine Company has published the complete list of serial numbers reserved for each production run of the Featherweight.
The exact number of Featherweights actually produced is not known. The data was condensed into the quick and easy Two Digit Dating singer featherweight 221-1 System by class Model Featherweights were produced at Elizabethport from to JB JC JD Motors:

The Singer Featherweight model - the semi-precious jewel of the sewing Dating of the model is quite easy using the serial number stamped on the. Featherweight Serial Numbers, Dating a Singer Featherweight. List of allocated serial numbers for Singer Featherweight sewing machines made in Elizabethport, USA. Date your Singer Featherweight. Dating your Singer machine green portable industrial featherweight " b.