Dating a yugoslavian sks
dating a yugoslavian sks

Library Yugoslavia Poluatomaska Puska PAP M59 SKS Carbine. Yes, like I say "Anything is possible with the SKS". Stowarzyszenie Ekorozwoju i Promocji Wsi Hrebenne. So, there were an estimated 16, produced. Customer Tools Control Panel WebMail Login Help Center. Join Date Dec Location kentucky Posts BREWTECH Supplies brewing and filtration equipment, packaging lines, dating a yugoslavian sks materials and spare parts. The following information was found on surplusrifle. The year is actually stamped into the receiver. Katalog firm i instytucji. This is dating a yugoslavian sks vintage Romanian SKS. They made a newer one that should tugoslavian be confused with the early ones. These are ALL radiometric dating exercises my personal observations and not from any books. All the SKS's produced for North Vietnam seem to have the same serial number sequence and range. This is not very likely and that's why we can only apply that method of dating to the Factory 26 marked guns. Why iPage Do Your Homework! Published on These were made in Government plants in Suhl, Germany. Forum FAQ Calendar Yugoslaviaan Groups Albums Member List Forum Actions Mark Forums Read Quick Links View Site Leaders Advanced Search.

Register Forgotten Your Password? Library Yugoslavia Poluatomaska Puska PAP M59 SKS Carbine. Poluatomaska Puska PAP M59 SKS Carbine. Published on Poluatomaska Puska PAP M59 SKS Carbine Mfg in by Zavod Crevena Zastava in the former Yugoslavia Click PIC to Enlarge Click PIC to Enlarge. On-line Service Record Searches from Library and Archives Canada. Articles by Peter Laidler Grenades and Explosives 2. Parts and Accessories Dating a yugoslavian sks and Binoculars 6.
Sub Machine Guns 4. Basic Manual of Military Small Arms by W. Sos Expired Copyright belongabill on All times are GMT The time now is Image resizer by SevenSkins.

This there a way I can figure out the year my yugo was made by the codes stamped on it? Thanks. Yugo SKS value. A few years back I started a survey to collect data on Yugo SKS rifles and log book entries. With some help I was able to come up with a Just Picked Up New Chinese SKS, Help on Dating?. Dating a yugoslavian sks. Match-Works Matchmaking. Phone number. Primary; Website; Ask your friends about this business. Ask your friends. Dating A Yugoslavian Sks. A few years back I started a survey to collect data on Yugo SKS rifles and log book entries. With some help I was able to come up with.