Hook up pc power supply
hook up pc power supply

Connect each to the power supply and snake them through the case to the different connection spots on your components. How do I install a power supply to my computer? Does the computer leap to life? This guide was developed to instruct readers on the proper procedures for installing a power supply unit PSU into a desktop hook up pc power supply case. When I connect black with green. If your power supply is having problems, you will likely need to contact the manufacturer for repairs. Now you can finally pull your old power supply out of your case. If you have any trouble inserting them, try slightly angling them as you inset them to match the male and female connections. I happened to see your page so i tried with an old psu that i wasn't using Related Book Upgrading and Fixing Computers Do-it-Yourself For Dummies. Most drives use SATA power connectors, which are thin plugs. Then put the other end in the slot that any black wire runs in.

With Instructables you can share what you make with the world, and tap into an ever-growing community of creative experts. In lower instructable i will show you how to power up an ATX Power Supply without a PC. Maybe in some cases you want to test an old Just look after the green wire in the cable tree from the PSU. Follow it to the 20 or 24pin ATX plug. The green cable is in a Now gay dating travel time for hook up pc power supply wire.
Bend the wire and close up the little green plug from the big ATX plug to any other BLACK plug. Add a switch instead the wire! Variable ATX bench powersupply - FabLab edition by ThomasVDD. How to make a ECO desktop fan from old computer parts by tksja. Power a 12V WiFi DSL Router from a Hook up pc power supply Power Supply Unit by hikaru sjpply.
Jump Start A PSU by F1X0R. DIY Make 2 SMPS PSU work together in a single pc Let your inbox help you discover our best projects, classes, and contests. Instructables will help you learn how to make anything! Internet of Things Class. How to Power Up an ATX Power Supply Without a PC! Extra Options Add a switch instead the wire! Maybe in some cases hook up pc power supply want to hook up pc power supply an old CD-Rom Drive or something else. All that you have is a PSU from an old PC an a wire. Here I show you how do powwer it.
The green cable is in a way the "reciever" you need to power up the PSU. Cause the black is the ground. To come off best you should connect the green with black besides the green. Your PSU should power up immendiatly! Use a thicker cabel for this. When you do this make sure that you have some device powre connected to the PSU. Otherwise your PSU tries to drive the non-existing device an will powef. Maybe my English isn't so good When Supplg connect black with green. It starts with a jerk and then turns off.
What is wrong with that? But I unsoldered all of the wires from inside the power supply and soldered a 12V pug on the 12V and ground terminals. So Ithink i need to solder a wire from wherever the green wire connects to ground inside the power supply. I did the following: This LED would indicate when there is Power to the Supply, if on or off if there is power supplied then this would be lit. Thank you very much. A long time ago it was true that to get 12V from an AT PSU you had to have a load on gook 5V.
This is no longer the case unless the PSU is VERY old. Some PSUs have a power SW on the back, some do not. Again, a long tine ago none of them did because the power sw was hard wired to the front panel. It doesn't work that way any more. The units hoom a SW on the back just have that as a feature. This sw goes to a ckt on the MB powered by the 5V that is on poder the time unless you turn the main sw off or pull the plug. That ckt latches the green wire connection to ground - the same as what you do with the short from green to black.
SO--if the PSU does not power on in the unit, it could be an open wire to the front panel push button most upp or it could be the ckt on the MB. It is supppy to get pcc wires from the push button on the wrong terminals on the MB. Turn off connected devices. Quickly unplug the power supply before the capacitors start to blow?
But I suddenly remembered what was said about the capacitors not having a load to determine. Ip is basically what a mobo does It keeps these two pins shorted while it's on. No caps will blow if you do this and don't put any load on the psu. By px logic a faulty mobo would get PSU to blow up. Also, every psu has a main switch on the back, no need to jank the plug, even if you just short these pins with a wire Just thought Suoply let you know.
Older Dell PSUs may be proprietary so check model. Only PSU that didn't powed a power switch on the back were AT and these were turned on by a wired remote switch that usualy went on the front of the tower. Saved me a lot of investigation and worked like a charm. I just ran a wire between one green port and one black port, and the power supply works like a champ. I will do it as you said with an additional switch. I thought my new Supplg was DOA until I tried your poewr and dating in the workplace ethics fired powdr up.
Of course, now I have to figure out what I did wrong somewhere else in my wiring. I had that happen one time and thought the power supply died. It was fine but the motherboard had died on me. Powwr a new one in and the power supply was great. Those power supplies have some kind of circuit in them to tell when they're connected to something and if that circuit goes bad, looks just like it died on you.
I'm going to rig one of those to run my ham radio station: So I tried my old PC PSU and now I can charge 3 A instead of 2 A. If you are having trouble try that. This seems to have worked for me, not having an on switch on the power supply, I could not start it. But your video helped. Lights are running off of it. Just concerned about how to properly shut it down disconnect power from wall. Straight forward and simple. I bought a gadget recently so i could turn a 3.
But i couldn't power the disk. I happened to see your page so i tried with an old psu that i wasn't using I hkok dissapointed at first because the psu started for a moment and then it stopped. Couldn't read the disk. But then hook up pc power supply remembered i had an old cheap desktop fan that could be powered by molex.

PC gaming Power Supplies New Build System Builder . turn on a power supply without hooking it up to your motherboard and case switches?. This wire is internally connected to 5V with a pull-up resistor. If you connect this wire to ground (any black wire) the power supply will turn on. You can't repair your desktop PC's power supply, you can only replace it. Remember, some cables won't connect to anything; they're for future add-ons. In this instructable i will show you how to power up an ATX Power Supply without a PC All that you have is a PSU from an old PC an a wire. Step 2: Connect!.