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Gassing Station The Lounge Ddating of Page What's New My Stuff. Terms and Conditions Posting Rules. Cookies Policy Privacy Policy. Search My Stuff What's New 3 12 24 How to troll a dating website Prev of 41 2 S18DMW Original Poster 11, posts 85 months. Images hookup license to save warnings Edited by S18DMW on Thursday 16th June Pistonhsads 28, posts months.
Other than that, very funny. Adenauer 16, posts months. Ewan S 1, posts months. That is just genius! Obviously put together by someone who doesn't like women! I'm impressed with his talent. He can do better on paint than I ever could. CypherP 4, posts months. Disastrous 7, posts months. Genuine f king LOL!! I bet if the creator played his cards right he would get somewhere if the victims have a sense of humor.
Neil H 15, posts months. I had to stop looking at them half-way down as I was daating burst into a real lol in the office. TheEnd 15, posts months. Absolutely brilliant, actually brought tears of laughter. The only thing that's missing is the responses to the pics! Allaloneatron 3, posts months. This should come pistonheads dating troll a warning. Everyone in the office is looking at me now. Little Dave posts months. Puggit 37, posts months.
I often find things on PH only slightly funny - I was crying with laughter this time. Genuinely had to stop about two thirds down to regain my composure. That poor dog being squeezed to death- genuis. Buzz word 1, posts months. Fantastic, i havent laughted pistonheads dating troll much at MS paint skill since the spider letters. Forum My Stuff What's New Preferences.
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