Dating playing cards
dating playing cards

Created by you, just for them. Usually on the outside of the deck's box, or even on the ace of spades there is a manufacturers address. I was at my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving, and my grandma has some old decks of cards. Below are dating playing cards examples of Lpaying playing card decks provided to the U. This is for the UDC on the Ace. These are two more of the 'CLASS A' dating playing cards. Keep in mind that a tax stamp may not be an absolutely accurate way to date a deck. Learn more about The Magician at The NoMad and what we can do for you! These are two more of the 'CLASS Dating playing cards stamps. A lot of this stuff I have been holding on to for a long time, but I feel like it would do some of you a lot of good. The United States Playing Card Company was acquired by a series of new owners: Cohen perfected his four-color press for printing playing cards. So a deck with a blank back design could possibly be pre Wedding Anniversary Personalized Black and White Bicycle Playing Cards. Playin CARD TAX STAMPS. De La Rue ; Goodall c. Discover endless design options for any style, any budget, and any occasion. Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads.

Our team is composed of the best of the dating playing cards minds in the magic industry - from dating playing cards to creators and consultants. From mind-blowing illusions to the world's finest playing cards, theory11 values quality over quantity. We produce world-class shows and live-events. Learn more about The Magician at Datinf NoMad and what we can do for you! Our team has consulted on countless projects relating to magic on stage and on screen around the world.
You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Discussion in ' Product Questions and Reviews ' started by th1rd. New Order Orders Videos Refills Elite Points Settings Logout. Magic Tricks Playing Cards Gear Market Forums Media Latest News About.
Home Forums Search Forums Recent Posts. Notable Members Current Visitors. Your name or email address: Forums Forums Quick Links. Search titles only Llaying by Member: Separate names with a plqying. Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads. Deck Dating Discussion in ' Product Questions and Reviews ' started dating playing cards th1rd.
Apr 16, Messages: I was at my grandparents' house for Thanksgiving, and my grandma has some old decks of cards. One of them was a Svengali, one was an unopened Hoyle, then there was a deck of Bicycles and a deck of Mavericks. Are there any defining marks to find out how old these are? Also, as a more general topic, dating playing cards anyone collect old decks, other than just the artsy E and T11 ones?
Sep 6, Messages: Here is most of what I know about dating a deck of cards. This goes mostly for American decks and especially for USPC decks, but rating pertains to others as well. A lot of this stuff I have been holding on to for a long time, but I feel like it would do some of you a lot of good. Anyways, if you have anything to add, please feel free to. Also, I know this isn't an extensive guide; I'm basically including what I think people here might actually use to date a deck.
TAX STAMPS In the United States, there was a federal tax on playing cards until So basically if your deck has a tax stamp on the box, it was made before Also, to help you date the stamp beyond this you can use Peter Endebrock's Website for stamps in the United States. If you know the deck was not produced in the United States, here is another part of his site for stamps in all countries.
Also, here is an extra link to information regarding the tax stamps. Keep in mind that a tax stamp may not be an absolutely accurate way to date a deck. Usually decks were stamped when they were marketed as opposed to when they were manufactured. So it is possible that the deck was produced years before the tax dating playing cards was even applied.
Also, if the deck is open than it is possible for deck to be in the incorrect box, in which case the tax stamp offers no insight into the date of the actual deck. ZIP CODES This is really only datjng to decks in the United States. Zip codes were introduced in the United States on July 1, Usually on the outside of the deck's box, or even on the ace of spades there is a manufacturers address. If the address does not include a zip code than it was most likely made catds to BAR CODES Bar codes were introduced on USPC decks in the early 's.
So, usually a deck without a bar code can be considered to have been produced prior to this time. You can assume most companies started using bar codes at this time as well. Here are some acquisition dates cwrds companies by USPC. If dating playing cards see a deck was produced by one of these companies, you know it was produced prior to the acquisition date. The code is helpful in dating decks afterthe year it started.
The code consists of a letter, and a 4-digit number. The letter is really dating playing cards only thing helpful to collectors; the numbers mean nothing. National Playing Card Co. As Andrew Dating playing cards and Russell Playing Card Co. Use this chart to determine the year the deck was printed. Since there is many dates for each letter, you should use the rest of this information to select the correct year for the deck.
The letter Q was also used in many decks made in or This chart is reproduced from the Hochman Encyclopedia of American Playing Cards, an EXTREMELY helpful book for any avid playing card collector. Also, if you are interested in the company history of the United States Playing Card Company, here is a GREAT article. Anyways, that's about all I can think dating playing cards to include at the moment.
Anything else I remember I will edit in later on. Any questions, please ask. May 5, Messages: Nice There's the chart Llin didn't include in the post - which is what you'll be after. This is for the UDC on the Ace. Don't collect Hoyles or Mavericks though, so can't really help you there, sorry. These are very helpful, thank you very much! Mar 19, Messages: Then i check for a barcode! Where's the rep system when you need one? You must log in or sign up to plsying here.
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This is most of what I know about dating a deck of cards. This goes mostly for American decks and especially for USPC decks, but it pertains to. Here is most of what I know about dating a deck of cards. This goes In the United States, there was a federal tax on playing cards until. How to date your deck of playing cards A dating aid, very useful for decks manufactured by United States Playing Card Co., was a dating code placed on the Ace. A reliable way to date decks made by the United States Playing Card Company (USPCC) is the dating code printed on the ace of spades or joker at the time it.