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Recommended for more M. Older lamps have a much larger figure but the post still measures 7. How old is your Ball jar? Between and the company occasionally used a C inside a circle beside a W within a G mark, this was stamped or incised on the edge of the base. Hummel on the side of the ashtray, and has a stamped mark along with nitrogen dating number This Bumblebee is to honor the memory of Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel. Buying Hummel Figurines on Ebay Image. To british dating guru, when purchasing a Hummel figurine for your collection knowing which mark it possesses is very important as the value of a Hummel figurine varies according to its age. It was either nitrogen dating as a signature, along with one of the other Crown Marks, or used as a backstamp in blue or black. Hi Sue, This Hummel ashtray is number 62 Happy Past time. I assisting in an estate sale, and I would like to get the best value for the items. The Goebel name remained, but the company removed the Bee and V from above the name dating website commercial dart added W.

Author of the No. To find out how old your Hummel radio city online dating is, look on the underside and find the Goebel stamp or makers mark. This mark is the official trademark of Goebel. The look of the trademark has varied since Hummel figurine will dating site commercial darts a Goebel stamp on its underside. Most of the known marks used over the years are shown here. Nevertheless, from time to time, an undocumented variation may surface.
Compare the trademark on the base of your Hummel to the date stamp chart below. Collectors use the TMK designations to indicate which figurine they have. This information, if you can supply it to us, is helpful in appraising and making an offer for your figurine. The "wide-crown-WG" trademark was used on the first M. Hummel figurines produced in On the earliest figurines it was incised on nitrogen dating bottom of the base with the "M. Hummel" signature on the top or side of the base.
It is seen occasionally to the right of the "M. The "crown" appears either incised or stamped. When both are used on the same piece it is known as a "double crown" mark. From through it was necessary to add the stamped words "Made in the U. Infour years after Sister M. Hummel's death, Goebel wished in some way to pay tribute to her fine artistry. They radically changed the trademark, instituting the use of a bee flying nitrogen dating with a "V".
Hummel means bumble bee in German and the V stands for Verkaufsgesellschaft or distribution company. This mark, known as the full bee trademark, was used until and appeared sometimes both incised and under-glazedin black or blue and occasionally in green or magenta. In addition, the stamp "Germany" and later "West Germany" appeared. A R appearing beside the trademark stands for "Registered".
Sometimes nitrogen dating molds were produced with a lightly incised circle on the bottom of the base in which the trademark was centered. It has no significance other than as a target for the location of the decal. Some current production figurines still have this incised circle even though it is no longer used for that purpose. Always searching for a mark that would blend aesthetics with professionalism, the company continued to modify the trademark.
Inthe companystill using the bee inside the Vmade the bee smaller, with its wings parallel with the top of the V. Inthe bee remained, although once again rising slightly above the V. Inthe bee was smaller still and it flew deep within the V, reflecting the changing trends in modern design. The year dating site commercial darts the beginning of stylization and the wings of the bee became sharply angular.
Inthe completely stylized bee with V mark came into use, appearing with "W. It was used in one form or another until In addition to its appearance with "W. Germany" to the rightit appeared above the "West Germany" and to the left of the "three line mark" mids to The three line mark was used intermittently and sometimes concurrently with the small stylized mark. It was the most prominent trademark in use prior to the "Goebel bee" trademark. It became apparent that the public was equating the "V and Bee" mark only with M.
Hummel items, not realizing that the mark included the full scope of Goebel products. It was decided to experiment further with marks. Insatisfied that it now had a mark designating a quality Goebel product, the company began using a printed "Goebel" with the stylized bee poised between the letters "b" and "e". Sincethe Goebel trademark on Hummel figurines has been imprinted on top of the glaze called a "decal.
Inthe stylized bee was dropped and only the name Goebel appears. The year of production will be on the base next to the initials of the chief decorator. Inthe W. West was dropped, with only the word "Germany" remaining, since Germany is once again a united country. The original "crown" has been added to the TM7 trademark. In the yearthe beginning of a new Millennium, the trademark was once again changed.
The "bumblebee" symbol, to honor the memory of Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel, was reinstated to the TM8 current trademark. The information in this article is a concise documentation of all W. Goebel trademarks lohana dating on "M. Yet, it is always possible that a few undocumented variations may exist.
This article has been read times. Search can only contain letters and digits. Find the Age of your Hummel using this Guide To find out how old your Hummel figurine is, look dating site commercial darts the underside and find the Goebel stamp or makers mark. History and Explanation of Marks and Symbols The "wide-crown-WG" trademark was used on the first M.
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Every authentic M.I. Hummel figurine will have a Goebel stamp on its underside. Most of the known marks used over the years are shown here. Nevertheless. The Crown Mark, The Full Bee, The Stylised Bee, The Missing Bee and other Hummel Marks. The signature of Sister M.I. Hummel is incised on the base of almost every Hummel piece. In Goebel paid tribute to Sister Hummel and the trademark was changed to a bee flying high within a V. Authenticate and Date Your M.I. Hummel Figurine Using Our Handy Reference Guide to This mark is also referred to as the backstamp, stamp, or figure. After you find the Goebel stamp compare it to the ones in the Hummel date . It has a backstamp with the numbers /1(or 7) and the “V” with the bee inside.