Dating a musician
dating a musician

This is just a fact about all creative folks — writers like myself, actors, musicians, whatever. MusicinAbout UsContact UsStaffCareers dating a musician, AdvertiseE-EditionPrivacyTerms. Marco W Crespo via Musiccian Commons. Terms of Use Privacy Policy AdChoice Advertise. Tap to play GIF Tap to play GIF Share On facebook Share On facebook Share Dating a musician On pinterest Share On dating a musician Share On pinterest Share On pinterest Pin Share On email Share On email Share On link Share On link Share This Link. Don't have an account yet? Or sign in with a social account: Willie Nelson Treats Rodeo Crowd to Something Special. But enough of all this groupie talk. Follow Classic FM on Instagram. Gaetano February 24, Thanks for reading. Upcoming Events Logic Tickets Fri. They will commit more time to a practice studio than with you. It helps to bring friends you can hang out with. Music Stuff You Should Know About Lists. Even an ardent cynic will find the sight of a guy strumming away, all wild hair and tortured expression sexy as HELL. Share On link Share On link. Quite frankly, you're in the msuician. Romanticizing above that is only building expectations. Upcoming Events Craig Morgan Tickets Sun.

AppsAbout UsContact UsStaffAdvertiseE-EditionPrivacyTerms. Shows of the Week: A City Unites to Assist One of Houston Music's True Good Guys. Don't have dating a musician account dating videos in pakistan dailymotion Get the most out of your experience with musicixn personalized all-access pass to everything local on events, music, restaurants, news and more. Musicians are a sexy bunch.
Something about black eyeliner, a spotlight and a slow ballad in a room full of smoke and lasers can drive any sane person to the depths of groupie whoredom in a back alley or a stinky tour bus. Not that we would personally know ahem ; we avoid romantic entanglements with rhythm makers at all costs. Sure, musicians have the best parties, connections to celebrities musicoan always know the coolest music, but are they worth their own cover charge?
While we all agree men in drag with guitars inspire copious panty-dropping, we also musicuan the inherent dangers of dating musicians. So we sounded out a few anonymous lovesick and broken-hearted ex-lovers of said musicians to offer up some pithy, yet slightly salty, advice on why you should never do it. Something like, "What do you call a bass player with no girlfriend?
These poor souls work lousy jobs to keep nights and weekends free for dates with you That means they require your love and support, especially around the first of the month. They will commit more time to a practice studio than with you. Weekends will be spent listening to their music, and lazy afternoons will be spent listening to them practice their music.
Run into old friends at lunch? The discussion will revolve around well, you know, their music. Worse, they ask you for space. Tambourine Man forgets to put you on the list more than once, see No. Art makes them vulnerable, afraid and exposed. As their closest ear, you will hear all the fears and heartbreak they carry.
Will they ever become rock stars? Prepare dating a musician for their other poles of emotional outbursts as well, such as jealousy. They will talk serious trash about other musicians in the scene. Inside, they are seething with envy that success has missed their band again. The love songs they courted you with will be revised and reworded upon your breakup. That love song will be replaced by a punk-rock anthem sung by him and his drunken buddies as they bond over your departure.
This song will be requested at parties and shared on EPs and demos. You will be immortalized as the ex-bitch forever. Catch up on the day's news and stay informed with our daily digest of the most popular news, music, food and arts stories in Houston, delivered to your inbox Monday through Daing. Or sign in with a social account: Monday, March 21, at 3: Your man needs attention Marco Evangelisti Crespo via Flickr Commons.
The All Nite Images via Flickr Dating a musician. Upcoming Events Logic Tickets Fri. Klarise Photography via Dating a musician Commons. A City Unites to Assist One of Dating a musician Music's True Good Guys NEXT. Kristy Loye is a writer living in Houston and has been dating a musician for the Houston Press since July A recent Rice University graduate, when not teaching writing craft or reciting musicina, she's upsetting alt-rights on Reddit.
Music Stuff You Should Know About Lists. Today's Top Stories Newsletter Our daily newsletter delivers quick clicks to keep you in the know. Recommended for You Powered by Datingg Escaping With Jimmy Buffett Is Never a Bad Idea Chingo Bling Laughs at the Dting By Making People Laugh Exclusive Video: Handsomebeast's "Sweet James '76" Steve Krase Has a Case of the Blues.
Upcoming Events Allan Kingdom Tickets Wed. In Case You Missed It Houston's 10 Best Bars in the Heights Houston's 10 Best Concerts in April Is Houston a Good Place to Be a Music Fan? Willie Nelson Treats Rodeo Crowd to Something Special. All-access pass to the top stories, events and offers around town.

While we all agree men in drag with guitars inspire copious panty-dropping, we also admit the inherent dangers of dating musicians. So we. Dating a musician can be simply amazing. If you have a musician as your partner, then check these things about them. Dating a musician is a lot like communism: It sounds good in theory, but in practice, it can leave you cold and frustrated, eating canned beets for dinner. Whether. Thinking of becoming involved with a musician? We advise caution. And flexibility. Before you know it, this could be you What is it like being.