Hook up antenna to projector
hook up antenna to projector

Note that passwords are case-sensitive. The converter box starts scanning for channels in your area. Thanked 21 times in 14 posts. The way to do this is buy a ATSC to HDMI Antennw component converter box that can send a high fo signal from the RF signal from the OTA broadcast into a digital output that the projector like hook up antenna to projector accepts HDMI, component. I currently have a BenQ W projector hooked up to a Yamaha RX-V receiver. I need to use a HD TV tuner. Any ATSC tuner will work if you're just trying to get things off the air. Gear Reviews Blu-Ray Reviews Gallery Antenns Facebook Remember Me? Nick Davis is a freelance writer specializing in technical, travel and entertainment articles. Can I do it with an antenna hooked up to a converter box, and then have that plugged in?

Posted on Wednesday, January 26, - Still Learning Unregistered guest. Posted on Thursday, January 27, - Madhav Shidhaye New member Username: It is truly a great projector. I was wanting to know which HDTV set-to antenna I need to buy in order to receive local, on-the-air HDTV network broadcasts. This projector qntenna component video and HDMI input. But how about projctor connectivity issue? The antenna is a coax and my projector needs component,HDMI or S-Video antenma.
Is there any converter hook up antenna to projector for this? IT works hook up antenna to projector via DVI tuner to HDMI on projector hookups with the AEu and can playback in pristine form hi def movies or shows you recorded. I feel a little better now after knowing the possibilities. We have Charter Cable hare and they do offer HiDef.
I probably can hookup my Projector to the Charter unit

I have a DLP Texas Instruments projector with both USB and HDMI ports. SolvedOlevia Tv help to watch basic digital tv hooked up to antenna. but I want to see if I can watch a TV station on my projector. Connect your antenna to the DTB-HF and then connect the DTB-HF to. I don't have much experience with projectors, but I would guess this is not a common feature. Are you looking to connect to your antenna with a. I was wanting to know which HDTV set-to antenna I need to buy in order to I probably can hookup my Projector to the Charter unit and then.