Where do you hook up the power source in ac3
where do you hook up the power source in ac3

Where are the sockets where do you hook up the power source in ac3 the power sources? I don't know where to. Artboard 6 Copy 8 Created with Sketch. The-Hollow View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message. You can now plug in the power sources as Desmond. Go up to it and Desmond will place the last power source. Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography. Does the game still hold up, or is this one throwback not worth experiencing? Where do you hook up the power sources in Assassin's Hwere 3? Now head straight back and use hooi last power source to extend the bridge beyond the door. Go inside and climb the wall and go into the hole at the top. Xbox on Sony's Reasoning for No Minecraft PS4 Cross-Play. Artboard 6 Copy 4. Wbere - Off Topic HAWX HAWX HAWX Community Technical Help Avatar Avatar:

While you are Desmond you will be asked to the place the various power sources you get throughout the game go. There are three in all that you get from the in between sequences. Powe guide will help you find out where to place them when you where do you hook up the power source in ac3 them! I waited until I beat the game to place the power sources.
You can do them as as go as well. After you get the first core you will be right next to the Animus. From there go forward until you see the steps on the left. Head up those steps and then up the next set where do you hook up the power source in ac3 steps you see. Once you make it to the top you will see the floor missing to the next set of steps. Look on the left and run against the wall to jump up.
Follow the railing until you reach another wall. Jump up this wall then climb up the beam and run across and jump to the next beam. Look right and you can dp what looks like a cave. Jump to that and keep going until you get the cut scene. After that you can place the power source. Once you get the second power source head back to the animus.
Look right and take that path until you see a doorway on the right. Go through that doorway and keep heading up. After the cut scene go all the way up and head out the doorway. There will be steps on the right that lead down. Go down the steps then go left and drop down another level. Keep going until you see the open door on the right. Go inside and climb the wall and go into the hole at the top. Climb the next wall and yok into the second hole. Once you make it to the top you will see the lady and the place for the power core.
Go over there and Desmond will place it. After you get the third and final power source head towards the giant glowing door. As you go keep looking right and you will come across so steps that have dropped since you put the second power core in. Head up the steps and keep following the route around. Once you go up the next set of steps you will get a cut scene. After the cut scene head up the large pillar.
Jump across to the gap and Desmond will grab the ledge. Keep going left until you can drop down in the hallway. Follow the where do you hook up the power source in ac3 around and jump off the ledge onto the poles. Use the two poles to jump to the next wall. Climb up the wall and once at the top go right. You will get another cut scene. After the cut scene jump the gap to the next wall. Keep going right along the wall until b2gether dating can drop off in another hallway.
From there go where do you hook up the power source in ac3 you see the od changes from yellow rock to grey rock. Look along the grey rock ledge for the glowing green spot. Go up to it and Desmond will place the last power source. Now you can go open the big door! There are 3 power sources and after completing the last mission as Conner you will be able to open the door.
Do NOT eat your game, that is the worst possible way to try and open the door. This is a humorous take on said comment. Most unhelpful guide I have ever seen. Very simple thing to do and as we take all comments, positive and negative, it will help with our future guides and articles. Have a very pleasant day! Check below, there are plenty of people that have found it useful. The lady disappears, but no scene where Desmond is supposed to place it.
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Placing The Power Sources. Game Guides, PC Guides, PlayStation 3 Guides, Xbox Guides. Johnny Hurricane is the resident sourcw gamer here at Gamers Heroes. You'll usually find him diving deep into the latest releases as he attempts to conquer each and every game that crosses his path. Mostly known for his ability to create detailed and comprehensive guides on even the most complex of game mechanics, you'll sometimes see the odd review and editorial topic but his true abilities lie in competitive soource.
Johnny Hurricane's Gamer Biography. Most unhelpful comment I have where do you hook up the power source in ac3 seen, never post were comment again. Thanks for a very helpful post! Reload would be my best best. Game Guides GTA Online Gun Running Update — What Does The Mobile Operations Center Do With the new GTA Online update, you can buy a Mobile Operations Center.

I congratulate Ubisoft on greating a great game and moving music. Desmond Miles has obtained the first power. I am playing ACIII on the On 2 occasions inbetween chapter it has been suggested that I have Desmond hook up the "power Source ". You have to explore outside of the animus. The first power source hook up is to the left of you, if you were running toward shaun. You have to climb. You can now plug in the power sources as Desmond. Find the Head over to the door, and climb all the way up the broken stairs. Now run all.