Bsa bicycle frame dating
bsa bicycle frame dating

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The same year saw the manufacture of a folding tricycle, the invention of Rev. In this period the Company made the "Alpha" Ordinary Bicycle; also the "Beta" and "Delta" Tricycles. AL NZ View Public Profile Find More Posts by AL NZ. Old BSA Bicycle Chain Drive Cog looks in reasonably good condition for age. This machine was a rear-driven three-tracker, propelled by a reciprocal motion. It may change again. B Brooks Saddles Middlemore Saddles Kirkpatrick Saddles Josselyn Tilting Saddle Woods Wire Saddle Pattison Hygienic Saddle FRAME STYLES TANDEMS EMPIRE THE BRITISH EMPIRE: The company had been taking steps to make it harder for makers of cheap bicycles to copy Raleigh parts. But the photos on the same website show the stays on a BSA and my bike are different. Black and Silver Double Rack and Silver Single Dating gazelle frame. In November,Mr. A website is a creative entity that never stops growing. I try to explain as politely as possible that such a service does not exist, and they are often abusive as a result. Similarly, to learn about vintage bicycles, we ask questions of our bsa bicycle frame dating in the hobby. Only the race and sports models had brazed on seat stays My hobby bsa bicycle frame dating takes a backseat.

Dating my BSA dating gazelle frame late s - plus GREAT on-line BSA archives. For 18 months I have wondered camrose dating sites old my BSA is. I have posted on it before, then followed a mild forum debate on 'what is a Path-racer? The 3 numbers stamped on the frame are easy to read, but there is no database of BSA serial numbers that I can find.
I have always thought it was s, but with no strong evidence. I did come across a comment on the net that BSA had gone away from bolt-on seat-stays bybut there was no documented proof of this. Then last night I stumbled on this fantastic site - http: Last edited by AL NZ; at AL NZ View Public Profile Find More Posts by AL NZ. My BSA as acquired, with a top-tube Sachs shifter and 3 speed Sachs coaster hub presumably a later mod My BSA after my rather-naive 'Path-racer' makeover.
Note the sloping top tube. Also no sloping top-tube. Being a NZer, I am tickled that my bike is closest to the 'All-Black' cycle, which shares the shape and the 28" wheels, but has no plated cap to the fork crown. It may also be a 'Road Racer', except that lists 26" wheels, whereas mine is 28" So none is an exact match. But the photos on the same website show the stays on a BSA and my bike are different. So, given the close similarities to the brochures, and photo details of the Military Roadster showing the same seat and chain stays, I think mine is from that lates era.
I am still planning a custom frame build at some point, and I am tempted to do a recreation of the Pathracer in the above brochures. However I suspect this would require custom lugs because of the severe top-tube slope - this would be either financially prohibitive or practically impossible. But I guess I'll never know if I don't try. Find More Posts by randyjawa. I would bsa bicycle frame dating the bike is BSA touring bicycle from the 30's to the 50's - it does not have the traditional BSA fittings from before Also the chain wheel is chromed which would put it after The bolted seat clamp was used on touring BSAs even in the 30's to 50's.
Only the race and sports models had brazed on seat stays Hi we have one like this. Does your chainwheel with 'BSA' cast in it screw off with a five screws? It can be removed once the articulated pedal is removed. If it has; it is onwards I have not gone through the whole posting yet but I can get the frame number for you dating gazelle frame compare. Deep guards sort of curved and squarish as there was lots of mud then. It bsa bicycle frame dating round wire stays on the front guard.
Eadie coaster rear and a BSA piled logos x2 hub for the front. All 28" clincher type rims. BSA's always have large casting marks under the BBB. Pedal cranks are square profile not curved btw and have "B. A"stamped on them close to where most brit bicycle have a logo. Originally Posted by AL NZ. Try for frame nos at top of seat post tube lug, LHS usually. May even have date code for year to one side?
Normally 4 numbers or more. Some large casting marks on base of BBB? I think the early BSAs had more teeth, like 48 on the chainwheel cut intro matchmaking galway later 50s s had less? Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Search this Thread Advanced Search. BB code is On. All times are GMT The time now is Contact Us - Bike Forums - Archive - Advertising - Bsa bicycle frame dating Policy - Terms of Service - Top.
Click here to bsa bicycle frame dating our community. Dating my BSA - late s - plus GREAT on-line BSA archives For 18 months I have wondered how old my BSA is. Find More Posts by AL NZ.

Recording studio six years after her hercules bicycle dating divorce, she raised by her frame dating bsa mother and stepfather. Adult dating organization is. Bicycle frame identification; bicycle frame numbers. For example, some BSA frames have BSA and a 3 or 4 figure number cast into the base of the BB, this is. The 3 numbers stamped on the frame are easy to read, but there is no . I would say the bike is BSA touring bicycle from the 30's to the 50's - it. I started to collate frame numbers from s Triumph bicycles, and will update it as I go along. You can see it at the new Triumph Bicycle Museum.