Can you hook up car subwoofers to a home receiver
can you hook up car subwoofers to a home receiver

Technology, Hardware, Software, and Deals. Mar 7, Messages: Click here to try again. No, create an account now. Wed May 23, 2: That brings up a whole new forum Sep 16, Messages: You have to remember most receivers today send a low level signal for the sub subwolfers which means it's not amplified. By the way, I'm pretty sure the sub is 4 ohm, if that's at all important. You'll have to take enclosure and other things into consideration. Here's what I do How To Connect Car Subwoofer To Home Stereo. Posting Guidelines Contact Moderators.

Subwoofers are typically easy to connect, given that there's usually only two cords to deal with: You're far more likely to spend the yok of time positioning and adjusting a subwoofer yp the best performance than actually plugging in a pair of cables. However, not all subwoofers are so simple and straightforward, depending on the specific astrology webdunia marathi matchmaking and maybe some personal experience.
If your receiver or amplifier has enough variety, you should be able to handle most any subwoofer out there. The preferred method of connecting a subwoofer is through the Subwoofer Output labeled as 'SUB OUT' or 'SUBWOOFER' of a receiver using an LFE an acronym for Low-Frequency Effects cable. Subwofoers all home theater receivers or processors and some stereo receivers have this type of subwoofer output.
It's usually just one cable with single RCA connectors on both ends. Sometimes you'll find that a receiver or amplifier does not have the LFE subwoofer output. Or it might be that the subwoofer doesn't have the LFE input. Instead, the subwoofer might have right and left R and L stereo RCA connectors. Or they could be spring clips like you'd see on the back of standard speakers.
If the cable is split on one end a y-cable for both right and left channelsthen plug in both. If the subwoofer features spring clips in order to use speaker wire, then you can use the speaker output of the receiver to hook it all up. Be sure to mind the channels. If the subwoofer has two sets of spring clips for speaker in and speaker outthen it means that other speakers connect to the subwoofer, which then connects to the receiver to pass along the audio signal.
If the subwoofer has only one set of spring clips, then the subwoofer will have to share the same receiver connections as the speakers. The best way to accomplish this is by using banana clips versus overlapping bare wire that can can you hook up car subwoofers to a home receiver into the backs of each other. Search the site GO. Updated April 10, Connect Using the LFE Subwoofer Output. Connect Using Stereo RCA or Speaker Hpme Outputs. Get the Most From Your Tech With Our Daily Tips Email Address Sign Up.
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Now don't take my word as gosple but I'm sure you can hook it up fine most home stereo receivers put out 8 ohms and most car stereos put. A friend told me I should upgrade my home theater subwoofer in order used in my Honda minivan and is now taking up space in my house. I need to know how to connect my car sub woofers which i had in my mitsubishi. Connect car subs to home theatre. depends on the sub and the receiver that you are hooking it up to. most car subs are 4 ohms or dual voice coil 2ohm or 4 ohm alot of the home. how to hook up a car system in your home / computer / add bass to your desktop, room, home studio.