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Longest win streak, who holds the crown? The May update finally added a Gem mine, but only to the Builders Base. Rushed bases will stack clan wars against you, so always matchmaking faceit sure maxed bases are in your war. OR Contact Us Contact. War matchmaking explained Firstly I am not affiliated with supercell and do not have access to game code; just a simple CofC rainman who is wag with matchmaking. Well, that all the tips I have on improving your clan matchmaking. The only requirement is that a clan must have at least 10 members eligible for war 5 members if you want to start a friendly clan war. Picking who you want to participate Clans range in wag, and Clan Wars is designed to accommodate that. Have you ever asked yourself why your Clan is csgo matchmaking pugs matched up against much stronger Clans in Clan Wars? Upgrade everything troops, dark elixir troops, barracks, buildings, mines, defenses to their respective maximum levels for your TH before upgrading your big house. Home Clash of Clans Clash Royale Free Gems Apps Contact Us.

Forum New Posts FAQ Calendar Forum Actions Mark Forums Read Quick Links Today's Posts Forum Chiefs What's New? Forum Supercell Games Clash of Clans Clan Wars War matchmaking popflash matchmaking. Last Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of Thread Tools Show Printable Version Display Linear Sewrch Switch to Hybrid Mode Switch to Threaded Mode. September 8th, 1. Greentangent View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message.
War matchmaking explained Firstly I am not affiliated with supercell and do searcj have access to game code; just a simple Niveles matchmaking cs go rainman who is unsatisfied with matchmaking. I have seen clan balance in war come and go. I hope that by posting a statistical analysis of war matchmaking that players and developers clan war search matchmaking will be able to understand and improve on game mechanics. CofC tries to match us with an equal clan, but because there are so few other clans that are our equal we are being randomly matched with clans that are significantly stronger or weaker.
The below diagram illustrates this theory. Clzn left square is our current range of matches. The colored circles are opponents. The astro age matchmaking randomly picks a match from our range of opponents. The right square is our old composition. This gives us a number and we are paired with a random clan from a range of other clans NEARBY rarely equal to that number.
I have made another graph to explain how matchmaking works using an iterative algorithm again, in theory. On the left is the time it takes to search for a match. Every few minutes of the search where no opponents are found in a nearby strength range, the range expands and the search starts again. Eventually after le matchmaking de lol minutes of iterations searvh are searching a huge range of clan strengths cs go matchmaking bad team matched with the first possible opponent, who is most likely to be far too strong or far too clan war search matchmaking since they competitive matchmaking server picker/blocker found in the last iteration.
One matchmaking faceit way to abuse this algorithm is to cancel the cs go matchmaking bad team after minutes and just try again later. Note the recent dramatic increase in number of searcj and decrease in number of th7. This makes us very unbalanced and searh matching algorithm for wars ckan only work well for ideally balanced clans. The flat green line represents the trend of our composition a few weeks ago during a solid win streak. The high slope red line represents our current composition.
After several matches using my suggestion, we have only seen balanced matches. Went from consistent totally unbalanced matches 40 th10 vs 13 th10 niveles matchmaking cs go consistent matches with almost identical clans. All the "solutions" for future updates are amusing, but this is the only functional method of finding a good match if you are having balance problems.
Dozens of matches later, using this method we have not sfarch a single mismatch. This prevents the matching algorithm for searching for clans far out of your range. Attaching a relevant quote. Originally Posted by xTrain. Great thread and insight In regards to this, does anybody know what a "common" clan looks like in order for a quick and easy match up? Our clan is a size of 10 right now, eventually heading to My main concern is that our top guy is levelclose to a maxed out TH We have 4 strong TH9's that are all close to max, and the rest are strong TH8 and 1 TH7.
What kind of TH levels should we be adding to our mix to avoid a serious mismatch? Player Strength TH Level 10 Developed TH10 9 Midrange TH10 8 Fresh TH10 7 Developed Matchmakkng 6 Midrange TH9 5 Fresh TH9 4 Developed TH8 3 Midrange TH8 2 Fresh TH8 1 TH7. Originally Posted by Greentangent. Clans are matched based on STRENGTH. Refer to the geometric mean solution on page 7 of this thread with these figures for proof.
In the posters' case, I surmise that he has some very strong players and very weak players. Examples of well balanced clan levels: Also keep in mind that clan matchmaking is based on clan composition, and not average strength of the entire clan. As such, adding lower level member to your clan will not help you find easier matches, and will backfire in the form of providing more 3 star wins for the opposing clan against the low level members. It really seems like CW is going to pot lately. Obviously clans are matched on strength and therefore I can say that there are multiple ranges marchmaking clan strengths.
I see patterns emerging in various ranges. Some range of strengths will be full of clans that have no clue what to do lower level clans. The real problem is the upper strength ranges eg at least 15 th10 in clan. I have ear that likely most of the clans in this range are shameless TOS violating fluffybunnies and rule-abiding clans will forfeit against these players. See IIB and ITD war logs in this forum, they never have a good war that requires any skill, all of their opponents immediately forfeit.
I am experimenting with different clan compositions to avoid these ranges in pursuit of good wars, supposedly what SC intended Convo with leaders- " That corresponds to pm Beijing time. Very odd that they are not finding asian clans during asian primetime. I think our current method of starting at 4am Beijing time will work to avoid them. It's utterly disheartening that fluffybunnies are becoming prolific and you are correct that even if we are the best players in the world we are no match for fluffybunnyers.
The only thing that we can do is avoid them; fortunately I think we will be able to do that by using very specific th composition. I totally agree that the realm of top war clans are likely nothing but fluffybunnies, but fluffybunnying takes a lot of effort and low levels are much less likely to be this invested. If we can maintain half of our clan as skilled low levels then we will be matched with similar clans who are also less likely to be fluffybunnying. Sadly niveles matchmaking cs go fish pond online dating basically barred from becoming a full th10 trophy clan if we want to war fairly.
If we do encounter a clan like this ill no longer support humoring them; we will use all gobs in war cc, gob attacks etc. Metadata is the game; we will make some strange compromises and continue moving forward.
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Another big Clash of Clans update or two are coming in March and April. Delivering new Dark Elixir troops, & fixing Clan War matchmaking. I lead several war clans from ranges of levels 50+ to levels +. This prevents the matching algorithm for searching for clans far out of your Clan Wars Match-Making Mechanism. If you are wondering how matchmaking works, this guide should help. Please provide feedback if there is a part of matchmaking you don't. Everyone wonders what exactly determines clan war match-ups. How Clan War Matchmaking Works Now basically, your clan gets paired together with an enemy clan based on everything that can New Clan War Search.