Harmony sovereign h1260 dating
harmony sovereign h1260 dating

A pin through bridge is an efficient way of enhancing the bass and mid range tones. These tuners were a little hesitant until they were lubed but now they work just fine. Posted by Jake Wildwood at June 22, Email This BlogThis! Is soovereign a source for Souveriegn parts? Still hoping to find out about the pickguard after three patient years: After talking over the potential problems with sovfreign owner we came up with a plan to save this old jumbo. This gave the Asian manufacturers of guitars, and other instruments, a toe hold on our shores, which they've never relinquished. There was glue from a previous poor repair over the letter s. This topic This forum Forums Members Help Advanced document. Please email me jhooper kctcs. Some pretty funny replies to this thread. These are not so desireable, prior to that the necks were dovetail just like a martin This was a bad sign and suggested that there was a slight hump in the fingerboard around this area. Show text hadmony the catalogs 2 Show original prices 6 40 images in database mouse over image for file name - harmony sovereign h1260 dating to enlarge Top wood. Thread Tools Show Printable Version. I am a BIG fan of the ladder braced sound, but it does have some limitations. The only course of action was to defret the guitar and reshoot the fingerboard. You must login or register to accommodate new entries. For example, on the photo below harmony sovereign h1260 dating guitar is without doubt a H22 You can type a model number, with the H, on the search box on top of this page.

Community Links Social Groups Members List. Dating a Harmony Guitar. Can old Harmony guitars be dated? I would like to get a birth year because that was my first guitar. Thanks for your help, L20A. L20A View Public Profile Find all posts by L20A. Originally Posted by L20A. MJH View Public Profile Find all posts by MJH. Originally Posted by MJH. I guess it depneds sovsreign how old she is and if her mother will datinf you. Sorry, someone had to do it.
Acousticado View Public Profile Find all posts by Acousticado. Never dated a Harmony There are so many models and brand names of Harmonys and they cranked them out in such huge numbers that they were not all marked very well. I think over the years they made guitars with over 50 harmony sovereign h1260 dating sub-brand names and sold them through all kinds of outlets. Get yourself a flashlight and a mirror and examine everywhere on the inside soverejgn the guitar. If you are lucky zovereign will see a number stamped hh1260 there that has an H in front of it.
This sovwreign be the model number the digits after the H which stands for Harmony. Then if you are very lucky you will also find a letter followed by a two-digit number. For example sovereing might find something daating F62 or S The letter stands for the season and the number is the year. In these examples an F62 would mean it was part of the mass of guitars they made in the Fall ofor the S66 would stand for Summer of If you are not so lucky, you would need to determine what model number you soereign and the best you could do is come up with a range of years during which that model was made.
Jim View Public Profile Find all posts sovreign Jim. Thanks for all the fast responses! I would love garmony get a birth year Martin but Martins are going for more than I would care to pay. I harmony sovereign h1260 dating playing in the late 50's on a Stella POS, so something like a Kay or Harmony from would be fun to have. Were Epiphone Guitars made in ? That could be another choice.
My first guitar was a Harmony Archtop. I wished I had it today, for old times sake. There are websites that have alot of info on the old Harmony geetars. Some u1260 funny replies to this thread. Thomas Prisloe Classical Guild Orpheum Slope Shoulder Dreadnaught 14 fret Ayers OCX Guild Starfire IV Godin 5th Avenue Archtop Ibanez AF Archtop Japanese Made John Webb Hand carved 17 inch Archtop Astoria Model Author: You know, I dated a Kay guitar and a Harmony guitar for about the first 5 years I played.
They were a lot of fun, but I guess I moved on. I do miss them and have found memories. Glennwillow View Public Profile Find all posts by Glennwillow. Blue in VT View Public Profile Find all posts by Blue in VT. Originally Posted by lofapco. I did some surfing but couldn't locate any definitive info. However, this site makes for an interesting read. Play on, pick often, and prosper Kabookie View Public Profile Find all posts by Kabookie.
Thread Tools Show Printable Version. All times are Uarmony The time now is AGF Home - Archive - Top. Dating a Harmony Guitar Can old Harmony guitars be dated? Find all harmony sovereign h1260 dating by L20A. Sovereignn Posted by L20A Can old Harmony guitars be dated? Find all posts by MJH. Originally Posted by MJH I guess it depneds on how old she is and if her mother will let you. Find all posts by Acousticado. Find all posts by lofapco. Find all posts by Jim.
Find all posts by brokepick. Meridian, ID, USA Posts: Harmony My first guitar was a Harmony sovereign h1260 dating Archtop. Find all posts by grantgsc. Coastal Washington State Posts: Find all posts by Glennwillow. Find all posts by Blue in VT. Originally Posted harmony sovereign h1260 dating lofapco Never dated a Harmony Find all posts by oldrocker.

Top free dating site harmony sovereign h dating harmony sovereign dating h. I've got a wonderful Harmony Sovereign , which is my "street" F, W, (summer fall winter) and a date, again usually covered by overspray. Remember that all Harmony made guitars (this means all guitars on this website) are still Q - How can I date my Harmony guitar from the serial number?. Here's a '60s Harmony Sovereign H on the workbench. Vintage Harmony guitars have become a popular choice for collectors and often.