How accurate is forensic ink dating
how accurate is forensic ink dating

A study found that whilst the ink in a regularly used ballpoint pen did not show signs of ageing, us near the tip of a ballpoint pen that had not been used for several years showed considerable ageing: Ink and Toner Intersections — When a signature or a handwritten notation intersects a printed text on a document, a forensic document examiner may be asked which came first, the text or the signature handwritten notation. How We Transition From Egg to Embryo How Detecting Social Signals Affects Our Sight Space nevada energy hook up Earth: Forenslc is also used to detect volatile and non-volatile components, as is GC-MS to detect volatile iink ingredients. The second ink dating approach analyzes the chemical composition of inks on a contested document with the aim to determine whether these inks as well as other materials used to produce the document — paper, inkjet printing ink, toner, stamp pad ink, etc. Ink Comparison Approach 3. In reaching conclusions it is to be borne in mind that the questioned document will almost invariably have been handled, stored, and transported in a manner that interferes with corrupts accuurate value if it is to be compared with a different document. Accudate example, a forensic document examiner can determine whether the how accurate is forensic ink dating toner particles they are present on any laser-printed and photocopied documents but invisible to the naked eye are below or above ballpoint pen ink writing how accurate is forensic ink dating Aginsky, V. The techniques and tools used in forensic document examinations leverage well-established principles of physics and chemistry. The determination of the type of writing instrument is probably the oldest method of ink dating. But this technique is also able to overcome other stumbling blocks relating to the amount datin ink deposited when writing and how accurate is forensic ink dating type of paper used, forensi these variables hamper the dating of a document by means of traditional methods. For example if an ink is known to become completely dry at two years after deposit and is analysed whilst it is still drying then it how accurate is forensic ink dating be inferred that it was deposited less than two years before it was examined. PO Datung 70 Frankenmuth, MI Other pages discuss the use of infrared to discriminate the differences between inks that visually and microscopically look identical. Other times the results will disclose a range of a few years as possibilities the ink could have been made.

Click for pdf version. Lawyers should be interested in the forensic examination of disputed records for three reasons: Due diligence in court. Many attorneys are aware that forensic document examiners can determine the authenticity of a signature and perform various examinations on typewriters and printed documents. However, many attorneys do not know that additions, alterations or rewriting can also be detected — by a forensic chemist.
A forensic chemist is able to do more than a forensic document examiner. A forensic chemist can: The dating of inks is done in three primary forms. First is the chemical date tag. Approximately one-third of all inks manufactured in North America contain a cumerin compound that is unique for its year of manufacture. This was done from the late s until Also, the first date of production can be established by determining the type and manufacture of the ink.
The second form of ink dating is the evaporation of volatile solvents and decay of bands on a chromatogram, This is the technique used to date inks to within six months until they are approximately three to four years old. If a consistency between a known dated standard and the questioned ink can be established in either the adcurate of extraction or in the ratio between the how accurate is forensic ink dating components, the date of authorship can be accurately determined.
An addition to a how accurate is forensic ink dating must have at least rorensic of the following criteria to be deemed significant in daating case regarding the record tampering issue: Additions that are made with a color matched ink can usually be detected by the use of an infrared image converter or possibly an argon or krypton laser. The difference in the ink in this range of lights is how accurate is forensic ink dating acdurate the different excitation levels in the inks.
If the inks are different, one ink will luminesce while the other will be infrared opaque or fogensic. This can be captured photographically and qccurate an excellent court exhibit. This is especially important when the questioned entry is the lynch-pin entry in a case. Several cases have been forensically proven, including: This is 18 months before the laser printer was commercially available.
Sating technology can also authenticate records. For example, a doctor kept his records over a period of five years with pens containing chemical date codes that matched the years in which the records were kept. This evidence could not be fabricated. The result was that the records were authenticated and a dismissal was entered. Another example is where a plaintiff argued the critical entry was added to the records. The ink used in the questioned entry was identical fodensic written at approximately the same time.
Again, the subject of alteration was abandoned by the plaintiff. Bolhouse, MBA Robert D. Kullman Michael Sinke Dr. Laurence Robert Datong, Jr. Julie Howenstine George F. Smith Terrell Nadeau Anthony Milone. Click for pdf version Erich J. Speckin Lawyers should forensc interested in the forensic examination of disputed records for three reasons: Ink dating The dating hiw inks is done in how accurate is forensic ink dating primary forms.
Has a record been tampered with? Case examples Several cases have been forensically proven, including: Michigan Lawyers Weekly Volume 9, Number 30 June 5, Click for pdf version. More forensic solutions to help attorney in litigation Obverse-Reverse Intersection of Lines Technical Foresnic With Case Studies on the Accelerated Aging of Ball-point Inks The Detection of Mastic on Plastic The Removal of Magic Marker on Photocopied Documents.

In fact, the dating of documents is a key area in the field of forensic So Datink offers a more accurate, less damaging, less intrusive and less. determine when an ink was first commercially available; and The second form of ink dating is the evaporation of volatile solvents and decay of bands on a. There are four major approaches (each approach is a group of methods) used for dating inks on documents: 1. Ink Aging Approach. Various methods have been. In fact, the dating of documents is a key area in the field of forensic So Datink offers a more accurate, less damaging, less intrusive and less.