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I hate dota 2 matchmaking

I hate dota 2 matchmaking


i hate dota 2 matchmaking

Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Yeah, that's actually why I stopped playing Dota 2. Last edited by SDSF ; 16 Feb, 6: There are big downsides to changes. Nah mate i played during TI and majors before, i have never during my dota time experienced such big mmr difference before. RPS Features Reviews News Free Games Esports I hate dota 2 matchmaking Guides Support RPS Forum. They ruin literally half my games. Does not take any data from the i hate dota 2 matchmaking 4 pools available to, for example, have the regular MM carried over onto the ranked ones, causing insanely unnecessary amounts of uncertainty in the data, causing even more inflation in turn Because pretty much every conceivable aspect of the dota 2 matchmaking is math, It's gonna get really cluttered and messy If I tried to go into statistical examples so I'm simply going to poke holes with the things we already have in the open. Blood in the Streets 1 6h 57m Prodota Gambit. Let's talk about the Xbox One X for a bit. SDSF View Profile View Posts. Analyzed a total of matches. Give the players a choice?

i hate dota 2 matchmaking

Galaxy Battles 0h rota TnC mouz. Blood in the Streets 1 5h 57m Elements. Blood in the Streets 1 6h 57m Matchmakking Gambit. The Summit 7 8h 57m Empire Team NP. The Summit 7 11h 57m VG. Removing Party MMR Discussion self. Most people on Reddit here are probably ecstatic that party ranked queue is temporarily removed, but I am one of the few who appreciated playing with a stack and queuing for ranked.

People complain that people who queue with parties don't try because its not their solo mmr. Albeit that in most cases that is true, I, matchkaking with i hate dota 2 matchmaking Dota 2 players, actually take party mmr seriously and want to try to win. I like to play competitively with my friends and fabricate different strategies and combinations of heroes that will i hate dota 2 matchmaking us win the game.

Again, reddit bashes party stacks thinking that all party stacks ruin ranked queue. I don't believe so. I'm currently grinding to 4k party and i'm at 3. This is a PSA. Its called ranked for a reason. Once you queue, you're logically playing matcjmaking teammates who want to win, who care about their picks and want to try to win. If you don't care about winning, go play unranked, its in the title.

I know Valve is testing this out, but I believe that party mmr is a legitimate dkta that shouldn't be bashed. I'm i hate dota 2 matchmaking there are others who agree. Some people are matchmakihg why I'm making this thread even though this is simply a weekend test done by Valve. Well, I personally believe that in an extraneous haye people may be happy with the change to jate mmr and Valve may just keep it.

I'm voicing my opinions on why such a case shouldn't occur. Also, I agree with the suggestions to have 2 separate queues, party with party and solo with solo. I think that could've been a more effective experiment this weekend rather than just removing party mmr temporarily. I literally don't play Dota solo because I want to play with my friends. When I'm playing a Solo game, I go i hate dota 2 matchmaking Total War i hate dota 2 matchmaking something else instead.

I always do my best, try to pick well for the team, and try to win. Am I not allowed to have an MMR now? I'd be happy to have a single MMR so people 'take it seriously', but not allowing parties hte ranked is retarded. Meanwhile, it's always one of the Solo players that calls GG and feeds 10 minutes in, while my friends and I take it seriously. I love SC2 but went over to dota because I want dtoa play with my friends. When I play I want to play to win hence I want to play ranked. I feel you my friend.

In SC2 you dont depend on other people to win, you get good you climb the ladder real fast. Jesus who are these mmatchmaking players" you are taking about. Don't lump all solo players together. There are a lot of i hate dota 2 matchmaking me included who have their Solo MMR a lot higher matcgmaking party MMR. For example - my Solo is 5. I could group up with a friend who also has a low party MMR and we would absolutely stomp a game, "ruining" it for the enemy team.

Also another argument is that when a player plays with Party MMR, he does not care for the MMR, so he just does whatever, because a loss doesnt mean anything - Party MMR is irrelevant to him, so he has no problems losing and maybe trolling with picks or whatever. The guys that have been asking for exclusive solo i hate dota 2 matchmaking to matvhmaking implemented again for years? Man, what parties are you getting? Don't get me wrong, sometimes I'll get that 2 stack where 1 of them picks safelane carry and 1 picks safelane support.

But i hate dota 2 matchmaking often than not I'll get a 2 stack where 1 picks mid and the other safelane carry You will have longer queues in solo due to a decreased player pool and for similar reasons, decreased match balance on average. You will have significantly longer queues with a party, as well as decreased match balance.

When you give the algorithm fewer options to work with, it takes longer to figure out a balance and has to compromise more i hate dota 2 matchmaking with less equal games. Splitting the queues is not the way to go; a single number in my opinion would probably be the best solution, but then people would take MMR as less of an achievement. He probably just got carried matcnmaking because he's trash. There are big downsides to changes. The benefit is soothing player's ego's temporarily.

That's why they removed them! That's why I was losing and having shit games, not becuase my behavior was antagonistic and my play mediocre! I hit 5k solo before the soft region locks, before this. Parties, matchmqking speaking different languages, etc, none of i hate dota 2 matchmaking stops you from winning. What stops you is not playing well enough and not putting forth effort to be friendly and work dita. But no one wants to admit that, so if valve continues listening quality of matchmaking will continue to go mqtchmaking.

Ranked is all about improving yourself, I don't see what party MMR even means. Does it mean you are a skilled player? No not as much as your solo MMR does. Does it mean you are good communicating with others? No because you already know most your team. What does party MMR even mean to people? I would understand it, if party MMR was matchmakng with teams of 5.

That would rank your entire group and show how good you are relative to other groups of i hate dota 2 matchmaking. When you have a group of 2, it doesn't really show your own skill, it doesn't really show anything. And even if your in a party it doesn't mean you won't intentionally feed. I've had a 5k player feed because he mmatchmaking get mid and not give a shit cuz it was his party MMR.

I'm getting a few down votes mathcmaking care to explain what matcumaking MMR means to you instead of just down vote? I guess this would increase the queue time but it seems to be the best solution to me. I think hte go back to whining about the boosted accounts next. Or perhaps something like the camera angle again.

How is that not a valid complaint? Why is this shit upvoted? As there are more 2stacks than 3s you would ruin it for 2stacks the queue time would be i hate dota 2 matchmaking, then 2s stop playing and then 3s don't find a game either. Ends up being just 5s. Maybe they should just revert it Downvote it all you want but they are. I recently played against "noone", the player even miracle fears in party queue, and see how fucking unfair maychmaking current system is for yourselves:

i hate dota 2 matchmaking

Because pretty much every conceivable aspect of the dota 2 matchmaking is math, It's gonna get really cluttered and messy If I tried to go into. Today's update focuses on improving the matchmaking experience with the restoration of Solo Queue, the addition of Phone Linking, and. Prodota Cup #19 EU 2h 10m Rocket Sci DB Dota2 .. You don't like being put with people below you just as we hate being put with you. I've been playing Dota for a couple of months now and in com. Dota 2 Noob Hate . @twigger I understand, but isn't that what matchmaking is for?.

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