Mario dating dez
mario dating dez

By continuing to mario dating dez this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. I love Mario and Dez relationship. Because of the way I grew up, my perception of women was distorted and I think as a young man of color sometimes your upbringing can distort your view of women and you have to work to correct that. Thank you for signing up for our newsletter. Spring Into Summer Mario dating dez These Top Fashion Trends TheBuzzLive: Dez and Mario shit on them jealous hatin ass bitches. Your career is almost non exsistant now, it's a wonder your label J Records has not dropped you by now based on your track record of not having a huge hit CD or single. Word has it, when J. OITNB Star Adrienne C. She looked beautiful and I felt good too so it is what it is. Wasn't he just w chick from his Break Up vid? I gotta be careful with the woman I lay my head with.

And while that was a very eye-opening conversation, one big part we forgot to share was the early part of the interview where Mario spilled on his love life. Of course, all of this will make some pretty dope new music for his upcoming album. Here is what he had to say about his very…colorful love life:. So it was a really bad situation. And that sort of influenced this song a little bit.
At the time it was off limits. We knew each other for a long time and that influenced me. Mario dating dez was fatal distraction. Every cause has an effect. My theory is that it takes two people to be in love and being in love is an agreement that you mario dating dez make. Not just sexual or intimate relationships because that naturally happens, but relationships that are beneficial to growth, go hookup and spiritually and physically.
I like having cool chicks around me. My perception of women has changed over the past three years. Because of the way I grew up, my perception of women was distorted and I think as a young man of color sometimes your upbringing can distort your view of women and you have to work to correct that. Being 26 now, I see life in a different way. He made some big mistakes in his past relationships and now he knows he needs to mario dating dez datjng down and do better.
Check out him talking about being a passionate lover and his new music at CocoaFab. Honestly i like his honesty its nothing like a man that has learn from his mistakes and if u can be honest about u and wat ur doing it should be no room for disrespect. I think that way he would mzrio find the woman he desires because they would literally be friends first. Have u seen the movie FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS at the end friendship became a whole hell of alot more than casual sex.
Believe it or not men having uncommitted sex with a slew of women is just as emotionally damaging and soul crushing as it is for women. He needs to take a timeout and get his mental and emotional health in order and THEN date women he might entertain a future with. Trust me the women currently on his roster are not ones he sees being his Mrs. From my understanding, his mother made false claims against him. Yeah he was trying mario dating dez keep her from going out and mario dating dez drugs so he grabbed her and they tussled mario dating dez then marioo claimed he hit her so she can leave but he never was charged.
So mario dating dez what he was going through cause he actually allowed us to see it with his MTV special and his mom was really addicted bad smh. This is the problem with a lot of women. Reading inbetween the lines he spent a lot of time being in FWB relationships with women already involved with somebody else. Currently he wants to date several women sleep with them but just be up front with mari that he will not be giving any of them the title of datinb or fiancee.
Thank you so much for subscribing! Please confirm datin email address. Simply click on the link in the email we just sent you. We've joined mario dating dez BHM Digital family of websites and have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. MadameNoire is mairo sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion mario dating dez, black entertainment news, parenting tips and beauty secrets that are specifically for black women.
Black women seek information on a wide variety of topics including African-American hair care, health issues, relationship advice and career trends - and MadameNoire provides all of that. Be The Boss Kids Edition. Here is what he had to say about his very…colorful love life: Comments that contain profane or derogatory language, video links or exceed mario dating dez will require approval by a moderator before appearing in the comment section.
HE is the OTHER man? What woman has done him like that? Boo i would NEVER…. Remember when he assaulted his mother? So basically he wants s e x without an official commitment. It was a joke, lighten up. What would you call it then? Okay I respect that. Stay in the know. Mario dating dez up for the newsletter.

HOT Angie Martinez interviews Mario - Duration: HOT 97 17, views · · MARIO'S GIRLFRIEND. Any info on these two? Are they dating or just posing for pics? Random. Back in , things got kind of crazy for Mario after he hooked up with his manager's ex- girlfriend Dez (who was also best friends with Amber. Mario has begun dating Amber Rose's BFF (and rumored lesbian lover) Dez. She was also once engaged to his manager, Julius Erving, Jr. This is BOUND to.