Pacthesis dating sims cheats
pacthesis dating sims cheats

Cheat Codes Cheat Codes can be earned by getting different endings. This game featured an English cover of Hatsune Miku's song " Rolling Girl " that was performed by YouTube singer, SquaDus. XD BEST CHEAT EVER. You notice the cheat code for Max with Veon pacthesis dating sims cheats "ilikedveonbeforehewascool" which comes back to one of her earlier games, Festival Days. Sometimes his personality is so mechanical, it's humorous. The physical description is as follows: RandomxPenguin Featured By Owner 2 craigslist dating pensacola ago. Erza-sama Featured By Owner Dec 1, Lunar Days Sim Date Star Days Sim Date. It's sad, I really wanted to know what happened befor the 2. There, Karou is playing Veon in a play. Erza-sama Featured Soms Owner Dec 10, I got a LOT of cutscenes in one game by just going to and fro the scene where the even should take place— like for the rollercoaster scene, I go to the pacthesis dating sims cheats then back to simx ferris wheel. Pool Pink floater ring Outside the movie house Pool shack chair Arcade candy machine Gift Shop on top of the purple shelf Front Gate Right side of the gate Cafe salt shaker Carousel next to the carousel and on the left—thanks to Juliann Preston for this! The shipment will arrive on or after Day ddating I think i just died and ascended to heaven Number Days is about a group of people finding themselves locked inside a theme park with only numbers in their phones indicating how pacthesis dating sims cheats they are trapped in there.

Buy Art Pacthesis dating sims cheats Core Membership. I SERIOUSLY DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE A MARIO STAR! I DID NOT MAKE THE GAME!!!! Type the cheats in the box below the name and DONT hit submit! I DID NOTHING BUT COPY THEM!!! Game is found here: HoneyRoastedNuts Featured By Owner May 22, It's on the title screen when you go to choose a name. Type one pacthesis dating sims cheats and click the go button. Pcthesis where you insert your name. CrowfeatherIsBoss Featured By Owner Nov 29, If you date more pacthesis dating sims cheats one person do you get in trouble???
CrowfeatherIsBoss Featured By Owner Dec 6, I figured that out NekomaiTheKitty Featured Pacthesis dating sims cheats Owner Oct 26, XannieDaButler Featured By Owner May 17, South street, South outskirts, Go pacthesis dating sims cheats and then??? Pacthesis dating sims cheats no pactheeis indicater that you can click it, but the blue bucket right nexst to the door outside the flowershop, click it and you get the red marker.
I found out since I already had all the items I had it XD I used pacthesis dating sims cheats codes pacthesis dating sims cheats stuff CrowfeatherIsBoss Featured By Owner Dec 10, PrismaticAngel Featured By Owner Sep 17, Vulpixlover Featured By Owner Mar 21, Vulpixlover Featured By Owner May 28, Vulpixlover Featured By Owner May 30, Vulpixlover Featured By Owner Mar 30, Vulpixlover Featured By Owner Apr 18, Omg funny things I found.
On about the fourth-fifth time you talk to Clyde, he asks you where you're from. One cgeats the answers is Cigam. That's also the place that everyone is from in Number Days. Now he responds "I've heard of that place before. It must be very small or far away. Maybe someone from there was a traveller? Or maybe NUMBER DAYS WAS SET IN A DIFFERENT DIMENSION! You notice the cheat code for Max with Veon is "ilikedveonbeforehewascool" which comes back to one of her earlier games, Festival Days.
There, Karou is playing Veon in a play. It's set in front of a green moon, there's Mr. Toko, and he calls you "princess". I know there's more and I might add more later, but I just find it funny that she connects all these games. While certainly a thought, a few details. Cigam is Magic backwards 2: Pac made a piece that links all the games together somehow, think it's in scraps though.
Actually,Cigam is Magic backwards, I remember Clyde saying something that he was a magician. Also, Lunar Days, was released before Number Days. In number days, Pactheland is located in the Eastern part of Cigam. In Idol days, The place is located in The southern datlng of Cigam. And in Memory days, the place is located in West Cigam.
Featured in Xolga and Mr. Toko again and in Chrono Days. Veon was featured in Amy's unfinished story called "Emerald Moon". XD BEST CHEAT EVER. Previous 1 2 Featured in Collections flash games by LonelyVioletLacey. Guide to Memory Days Sim Date by Pacthesis Out of boredom, I decided to try and find every ending in Memory Days Sim Date by Pacthesis: Feel free to add any additional information in the comments section and I will add it in.
If you have any questions about the guide, also direct them into the comments cehats below. That's what I did. Flash Sims Dress ups by FiyoriTakeshi. Not currently featured in any groups. Submitted on January 1, File Size Views1 today Favourites who? Click here to continue to Sime Deviant Art. Hide Media Preview Submit Comment. Buy Art Buy Core Membership Shop.

Star Days Sim Date is a dating simulation adventure game. Play as Tara, a Game guide and cheat codes: I suppose you could call it a dating sim about aliens, but technically they are I'll post a release month/date when I think I have one, okey-dokey. .. Number Days - WalkthroughNUMBER DAYS SIM DATE WALKTHROUGH. PACTHESIS KINGDOM DAYS CHEATS. othebatmobile- brings you to the last day itseffingfuchsia- max realationship with Lewis antisparkle-. A walkthrough and guide for Chrono Days Sim Date, Chrono Days Sim Date Cheat Codes. Item and Gift Guide · Dating · Unlocking Characters · Endings.