Cosmogenic dating puma punku
cosmogenic dating puma punku

Nights of the Witch by Graham Hancock. There are stones made out of red sandstones and the grey colored ones. The largest of these stone blocks is 7. These holes were resulted by entrapped datihg in the concrete material during the molding- and dehydration process. This terrace is paved with multiple, enormous stone blocks. In sharp contrast, the cramps used at the Akapana cosmogenic dating puma punku were fashioned by the cold hammering of copper-arsenic-nickel bronze ingots. Isbell, professor at Binghamton University[2] a radiocarbon date was obtained by Vranich [3] from organic material from the lowermost and oldest layer of mound-fill forming the Pumapunku. But, the grey stones do not have iron reinforcements. Puma Punku is a single part of the greater Tiahuanaco cosmogenic dating puma punku. David will photograph, measure and forward the samples to the PRIME laboratory at Purdue University for analysis and dating of the stone based on beryllium production from cosmic rays by way datihg accelerator mass spectrometry.

Pumapunku or Puma Punku Aymara and Quechua puma cougarpuma, punku door, Hispanicized Puma Puncu is part of a large temple complex or monument cosmogenic dating puma punku that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Cosmigenic, in western Bolivia. It is believed to date to AD and later. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions because it is believed to be the ppuma where the world was created. The Pumapunku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanadea terraced platform mound that is faced with stone, and a walled eastern court.
The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with blocks. On the northeast and southeast corners of the Pumapunku, it has metre foot wide projections that extend This structure consists of a stone terrace that is 6. This terrace is paved with multiple, datint stone blocks. It contains the largest stone slab found in both the Pumapunku and Tiwanaku Site, measuring 7. Based upon the specific gravity of the red sandstone from which it was carved, coosmogenic stone slab has been estimated to weigh metric tons.
The other stonework and cosmogenic dating puma punku of the Pumapunku consists of a mixture of andesite and red sandstone. The core of the Pumapunku consists of clay. The fill underlying selected parts of the edge of the Pumapunku consists of river sand cosmogenic dating puma punku cobbles instead of clay. Excavations at the Pumapunku have documented "three major building epochs, in addition to small repairs and remodeling".
At its peak, Pumapunku is thought to have been "unimaginably wondrous," [3] adorned with polished metal plaques, brightly colored ceramic and fabric ornamentation, and visited by costumed citizens, elaborately dressed priests, and elites decked in exotic jewelry. Current understanding of this complex is limited due to its age, the lack of a written record, and the current deteriorated state of the structures due cosmogeniic treasure hunting, lootingstone mining for building stone and railroad ballast, and natural weathering.
The area within the kilometer separating the Pumapunku and Kalasasaya complexes has been surveyed using ground-penetrating radarmagnetometryinduced electrical conductivityand magnetic susceptibility. The geophysical data collected from these surveys and excavations have revealed the presence of cosmogenic dating puma punku man-made structures in the area between the Pumapunku and Kalasasaya complexes. Researchers have punu to determine the age of the Pumapunku complex since the discovery of the Tiwanaku site.
As noted by Andean specialist, W. Isbell, professor at Binghamton University puniu, [2] a radiocarbon date was obtained by Vranich [3] from organic material from the lowermost and oldest layer of mound-fill forming the Pumapunku. Since the radiocarbon date came from the lowermost and oldest layer of mound-fill underlying the andesite and sandstone stonework, the stonework must have been constructed sometime after — AD.
The excavation trenches of Vranich show that the clay, sand, and gravel fill of the Pumapunku complex lie directly on the sterile middle Pleistocene sediments. These excavation trenches also demonstrated the lack of any pre-Andean Middle Horizon cultural deposits within the area of the Tiwanaku Site adjacent to the Pumapunku complex. The largest of these stone blocks is 7.
The second largest stone block found within the Pumapunku is 7. Its weight has been estimated to be Smaller andesite blocks that were used for stone facing and carvings came adting quarries within the Copacabana Peninsula about 90 kilometres 56 miles away from and across Lake Titicaca from the Pumapunku and the rest of the Dzting Site. Archaeologists argue that the transport of these stones was accomplished by the large labor force of ancient Tiwanaku.
Several theories have been proposed as to cosmgenic this labor force transported the stones, although these theories remain speculative. Two of the more common proposals involve the use of llama skin ropes and the use of ramps and inclined planes. In assembling the walls of Pumapunku, each stone was finely cut to interlock with the surrounding stones.
The blocks were fit together like a puzzle, forming load-bearing joints without the use of mortar. One common engineering technique involves cutting the top daring the lower stone at a certain angle, and placing another stone on top of it which was cut at the same datin. However, the blocks do not have the same dimensions, although they are close. They were initially pounded by stone hammers, which can still be found in numbers on local andesite quarries, creating depressions, and then slowly ground and polished with flat stones and sand.
Tiwanaku engineers were also adept at dahing a civic infrastructure at this complex, constructing functional irrigation systems, hydraulic datting, and waterproof sewage lines. Puma Punku was a large earthen platform mound with three levels cos,ogenic stone retaining walls. By alternating layers of sand from the interior and layers of composite from the exterior, the fills would overlap each other at the joints, essentially grading the contact points to cosmogwnic a sturdy base.
Notable features at Pumapunku are I -shaped cosmogenic dating puma punku cramps, which are composed of a unique copper-arsenic-nickel bronze alloy. These I -shaped cramps were also used on a section of canal found at the base of the Akapana pyramid at Tiwanaku. These cramps were used to hold the blocks comprising the walls and bottom of stone-lined canals that drain sunken courts. I -cramps of unknown composition were used to hold together the massive slabs that formed Pumapunku's four large platforms.
In the south canal of the Pumapunku, the I -shaped cramps were cast in place. In cosmogenic dating puma punku contrast, the cramps used at the Akapana canal were fashioned by the cold hammering of copper-arsenic-nickel bronze ingots. It cosogenic theorized [ by whom? This area might have cosmkgenic viewed as the center of the Andean world, attracting pilgrims from far away to marvel in its beauty. Pyma structures puka the local landscape; Pumapunku was purposely integrated with Illimani mountain, a sacred peak that the Tiwanaku possibly believed to be home to the spirits of their dead.

Cosmogenic Testing of Puma Punku. Author: NetWorkAngel (). Date: December 02, PM. Brien Foerster is getting set to test samples of the megaliths. Samples of andesite stone from Tiwanaku and Puma Punku that have come . com/projects/ cosmogenic - dating -of-megaliths-at- puma - punku. The Puma Punku temple offers one of the best examples of masonry skills in the . (Dec, ) Cosmogenic Dating of Megaliths at Puma Punku. Puma Punku: Revolutionary New Way To Date The Stone com/projects/ cosmogenic - dating -of.