Michelin tire dating
michelin tire dating

Switch to Hybrid Mode. About the Author Jason Unrau is an automotive writer with 15 years experience in the automotive dealer environment, including 10 years as and automotive service consultant. Search Engine Optimization by vBSEO 3. DOT U2LL Ttire 51 07 DOT U2LL LMLR 51 07 Manufactured during the 51 st week of the year DOT U2LL LMLR 51 07 Manufactured during 20 Passenger Tire Sizing Three primary sizing systems exist dsting passenger tires today: Similar Threads Tire date code location and decoding By steve in forum SRT10 and SRT10 Coupe Discussions. Cees Klumper Full Member Platinum Mostly traveling in I do not know what the outcome of this is going to be. For example, michelin tire dating manufacture code of means the tire was imchelin in the 23rd week of the year, michelin tire dating the "23" represents the week. First locate the letters "DOT" on the sidewall of the tire. So michelin tire dating April, to April,you will see both 2 digit and 3 digit plant codes - and the existing plant codes COULD use a michslin One in front.

We've won Bizrate's coveted Circle of Excellence Award for the fifth year in a row! Thanks to you, our customers, for honoring us once again. We investigated and have the answer sort of. Not sure how old your tires are, and don't have the michelin tire dating from your last purchase? No worries michelin tire dating this is a common issue and we can show you exactly how to find out. If you look closely at the side of each of your tires, you'll see a bunch of letters and numbers.
While this may just look like a confusing jumble, it's actually useful info. This code, which is required by the U. Department of Transportation DOTwill tell you several things:. The date of manufacture is the last four digits of the DOT code. Tiree first two digits are the week of manufacture, and the last two digits datinng the year. For example, if the last four digits of the DOT code arethat means that the tire was manufactured during the second week of the year However…if your tires were made beforeit gets a bit more complicated.
The date of manufacture is the last three digits of the code. The first two digits refer to the week within that year. For example, if the last 3 digits areit means that the tire was manufactured in the michelin tire dating week of the year, and the michelin tire dating is the second year of the decade. This is where it gets confusing -- there's no universal identifier that signifies which decade, so in this example the tire could have been manufactured in or Some tires do have a small triangle following the DOT code to indicate the s.
If you look at the tires sidewall and see a DOT number that appears to be incomplete, that's itre the DOT's current regulations require the entire number to be branded on only one sidewall, while the opposite sidewall is branded with just the first few digits. To see the entire DOT michepin, just look on the other sidewall. The next time you buy tires daging TireBuyer, make sure you keep your confirmation email. Then you'll always know how old your tires are without having to check out your sidewalls -- and you'll be ready in case you ever need to make a warranty claim.
Most tire manufacturers' warranties cover the tires for four years from the date of purchase, or five years from the week that the tires were manufactured. If you lose your sales receipt, you could actually limit your warranty coverage. Michelin tire dating you purchased new tires today, but they were manufactured two years ago, your warranty would cover four years from todays date, since that is your date of purchase. But if you lost your proof of purchase, the tires would be covered for five years from the date of michelim, which was two years ago.
So michelin tire dating warranty would end three years from today, not michelin tire dating, meaning you could lose datin year of coverage. Michelkn file away that confirmation email! Now that you know the age of your tires, if it seems like it's time for a new set, michelin tire dating can help. Why not get started now? Sign up for the TireBuyer newsletter, get all our best deals and promotions!
Sign up for our newsletter and save on a set of 4 car, truck, or SUV tires! Get deals, news, and tips, too. Installers Find an installer in your neighborhood Find installers within 5 10 25 50 We make your search easier by saving all of your important information right here. Shop by vehicle Micheelin by tire size.
Michelin tire dating deliver to U. Please enter a U. Aspect ratio Datimg Ratio. Get the right fit Shop by vehicle Shop by tire size. Shop available tires now. Tires By vehicle or size By brand By performance New products Truck tires Trailer tires Lawn tires Golf tires Accessories We're jichelin service champs We've won Bizrate's coveted Circle of Excellence Award for the michelin tire dating year in a row!
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How to find the DOT number on your tires If you kichelin closely at the side of each of your tires, you'll see a bunch of letters and numbers. Michelin tire dating of Transportation DOTwill tell you several things: Week, year, and place of manufacture Tire size Manufacturer's unique code For tires manufactured in the year — datkng The date of manufacture is the last four digits of the DOT code. Tiire tires manufactured before the hong kong online dating The date of manufacture is the last michelin tire dating digits of the code.
Seeing an incomplete DOT number?

Barry talks about Tire Serial Numbers and DOT coding. While it may be true that all Michelin tires have an "X" in the type code, it is NOT true that Michelin is the only one who Starting in the year , the date coding used was 4 digits. I'm wondering about the date of manufacture of my tires based up on the tire data can it be so that manufacture date was 25th week of ?. It is a Department Of Transportation requirement for tire makers to put the manufacture date on tires. Here's how to read it. The Michelin FAQ provides answers to many commonly asked questions about our company and our tires.