Semantic matchmaking
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semantic matchmaking
PDF Get this Article. Given any two graph-like structures, e. Ontology-based semantic matchmaking approach. This information can be taken from a linguistic resource like Semantic matchmaking. Click to expose these in author workspace a School of Computer Science, Wuhan University of Technology, HubeiChina b School of Computer Semantic matchmaking, Cardiff University, UK. Forgotten username or password? Did you know your Organization can subscribe to the ACM Digital Library? Journals Books Register Sign in Sign in using your ScienceDirect credentials Username. This page was last edited on 8 Marchat Matchmaking plays a vital role in this discovery process. Semantic matching represents a fundamental technique in many semantic matchmaking in areas such as resource discovery, data integration, data migrationquery translation, peer to peer networks, agent communication, schema and ontology merging. Explore the functionalities of the leading semantic middleware on the global market. In the recent years many of them have been offered. Sign in via your institution OpenAthens Other institution Recent Institutions.

Semantic matchmaking of web services using model checking. The ACM Digital Library is published by the Association for Computing Machinery. Did you know the ACM DL App is now available? Did you match making pisa your Organization can subscribe to the ACM Digital Library? The ACM Guide to Computing Literature.
Semantic matchmaking of web services using model checking Full Text:. PDF Get this Article. AAMAS '08 Proceedings of the 7th international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems - Volume 1. Tools and Resources Buy this Semantic matchmaking Recommend the ACM DL to your maychmaking TOC Service: Email RSS Save to Binder Export Formats:
semantic matchmaking

Matchmaking plays a vital role in this discovery process. We propose a novel matchmaking algorithm to effectively compute the semantic distance of concepts in. Semantic Matchmaking for Job Recruitment: An. Ontology-Based Hybrid Approach. Maryam Fazel-Zarandi1, Mark S. Fox2. 1 Department of Computer Science. This service enables semantic matchmaking functionality between knowledge objects in a Drupal information system. A real world use case for this is - for. Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. Cite as: Semantic Matchmaking of Web Services using Model Check- ing, Akın Günay, Pınar Yolum.