Hook up amp without rca jacks
hook up amp without rca jacks

Car Audio Forum Car Audio Classifieds 12v Glossary AmpGuts. If you want to upgrade your sound system in your car by adding a sub woofer or speakers powered by an auxiliary amplifier without having to get a new head unit then hopefully this should help you: Remove Advertisements Sponsored Links. BB code is On. Find where you are going to mount it and work out if you need to add any wire to your converter to get it to hook up amp without rca jacks comfortably to where your head unit cables are. Welcome to the Moparchat - Home of MOPAR enthusiasts worldwide! Still others will have signal. Basics of Car Audio Speakers and Subwoofers by dragonz Find More Posts by nabissssco. Some items that ship from the manufacturer can only be delivered to addresses within the 48 contiguous states. For subwoofers, use to gauge wires. Andy replied Jun 16, at 1: I wish to add a sub or subs to a system that uses a passive preamp into a Hook up amp without rca jacks T-amp.

User Name Remember Me? General Hook up amp without RCA connectors in stock headunit? Community Links Social Groups Video Directory. Hook up amp without RCA connectors in stock headunit? Im trying to build a system for a friend. She has a stock head unit. Its a Jeep Cherokee. There are no RCA connectors on her stock head unit.
This is a birthday present. But I dont want to buy a head unit for her lol. So is there any way i can still hook up the amp without RCA connectors outputs on the head unit? Like a adapter or something? Line hook up amp without rca jacks converters LOCs: Find More Posts by sandt The signal coming from the stereo is a much higher voltage than what would come out of the RCA outs in an aftermarket stereo.
Wiring RCA plugs into factory wiring would cause more volts than the amp can handle to travel to it causing problems with overheating and possibly ruining the amp. Typically an amp can handle up to about 6 volts with the rca plugs the gain is to adjust for how many volts you're receiving from the head unit. The high level inputs can accept more volts, so when you wire into them you might not fry your amp. The reason I say might, is because if the car has a factory amp in it, it might be sending near 20 volts to the hook up amp without rca jacks and you would have the same problem.
I would go with what sandt proposed. Find More Posts by horsemanwill. Originally Posted by taylor Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Display Modes Linear Mode Switch to Hybrid Mode Jzcks to Threaded Mode. BB code is On. Forum Jump User Control Panel Private Messages Subscriptions Who's Online Search Forums Hoom Home Car Audio: All times are GMT.
The time now is Contact Us - CarAudioForum. Find More Posts by taylor Find Jaks Posts by nabissssco. Use the scosche Tca linked. Originally Posted by taylor would this one work fine? Switch to Hybrid Mode. Switch to Threaded Mode. You may not post new threads You may not post replies You may not post attachments You may not edit your posts BB code is On Smilies are On [IMG] code is On HTML code is Off Forum Rules.

speakers powered by an auxiliary amplifier without having to get a new head unit your head unit and convert them to Low Line RCA outputs for your amplifier Tape up your scotch blocks to stop them rattling around and to keep the cables bundled up neatly. . I have connect a speaker to rca with remote turn on/off. If installing an amp to a factory radio (no RCA jacks), do I have to use an amp with speaker level inputs or can I use an amp without speaker. Im just about to buy 2 12" subs and an amp from a friend for 60 bucks. I have a Saturn SL2 with pioneer speakers, and stock head unit. How to Install an Amp Without RCA Jacks. Determine an ideal location for your amp inside the cabin or trunk of your vehicle. You can mount it.