Dating nikon f3
dating nikon f3

Once the back is removed, look at the body casting. As an example, my F3P has as its code. I suspect you imported The F3 SN list that was up a while ago? Welcome Ron, Very informative. Do you already have an account? Have him open the back and look where the back dating nikon f3 is. You are using an out of date browser. Eventually even many diehard F and F2 fans adopted the F3 in spite of its battery dependence. I looked it up once for my xxxx, and I think I remember it being made in the mid-to-late s ?? As this is written, some New Old Stock F3's are starting to command prices approaching those associated with the F5. This HP style finder became standard on the Dating nikon f3, which became known as the F3HP, and on many Nikons to follow.

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Oct 1, 1. Saw an dating nikon f3 thread on the Nikonians manual focus bodies forum, discussing the age of Nikon F3 bodies. One of the other users there posted datijg interesting tidbit that I figured I should pass on. To determine the date of an F3, open the back, then remove said back from the body, by depressing the screw that holds the hinge pin in place. Once the back is removed, look at the body casting.
There will be a four digit number. The first two dating nikon f3 are used for determining the date of the body. The second digit shows the last digit of the year. Nioon third digit is, alas, not shown, but that can be determined by the serial number, whether or not the body was made in the '80s, '90s, or during this decade. As an example, my F3P datihg dating nikon f3 its code.
So, Julysince I don't think the F3P was made after If it was, then it could bebut the serial number is in the xxxx range on this body. F3P, F2AS, F, Nikomat FT2; non-Nikon: Argus C3, Pentax Spot II DPUG: Oct dating nikon f3, 2. Not so dating nikon f3 about that, interesting theory though. My first F3HP was purchased in March in Germany, the code under the hinge axle, is N3VJ. The code on that body is, 75VL. As these units were purchased brand new and in the second case, had to await Nikon Germany to get free dating for marriage sites stock from Japan, the theory doesn't seem to be correct.
Unless the coding, which is in our alphabet, is a direct translation from the Japanese way of doing things Mick. Oct 1, 3. It's possible that it is wrong. But, at the same time, it is also possible that Nikon had a body made in July '85 that they liberty university interracial dating to Nikon. And, the first body could've been made in late What are the first digits of the serial numbers on them?
That may help lay dating nikon f3 to rest, when this data is combined with the more well-known F3 production dating webpage on the Nikonlinks. Oct 1, 4. The first one purchased in 85 has as the first four digits of the serial number. The later one is How do you get a month with the letter,"N"? I do know something though. Once I dating nikon f3 into a camera shop with my first F3 hanging off my shoulder. A camera rep in the shop asked me if he could quickly look at my camera, which I did.
He remarked almost immediately after looking at the serial number, that it was sourced from Germany, interesting eh? He was a rep from the company, that at the time, imported Nikon cameras into Oz. Oct 1, 5. Mick, According to the F3 manufacturing date by serial number page on Nikonlinks. There is one marked xxx that was sold at the end of January The other body, likely was made in July '85, as the 75 digits of the code signify, due to the fact that there's a xxxx body that was sold in March '86, and a datin body that was sold sometime in The "O" is actually the letter "O", not the number "0".
So, how Nikon did it was this way: I guess it was easier to do it this way, mikon to change the four digit code to a five digit code and go 10, 11, Anyway, interesting tidbit about your first F3HP and the rep recognizing it as being a German market body. Must've been in the serial number block that was shipped to Germany in late '83, early ' So far, I've owned three bodies in the 16xxxxx serial number block. Two near the end, and one near the beginning.
Also have owned two in the 17xxxxx block, as well as datkng earlier bodies, dating nikon f3 in the 15xxxxx block, daitng in the 14xxxxx block, and one in the xxxx block. Plus the current P body and an earlier P, that was my first F3. That body was owned by the person who helped Nikon design the F3P, then sold to someone in Hong Kong, before it made its way to New Zealand. Afterward, it went somewhere else, and finally landed in the Seattle, Washington area of the United States.
My current F3P came from someone in the UK. Not sure if he nikonn the original owner or not. Oct 25, 6. My friend and I are interested to find out about when his Nikon F3HP was manufactured. The serial number on the body is: Your help will be much appreciated! Oct 25, 7. Have him open the back and look where the back hinge is. There's a four digit code. First two digits are: Month, last digit of Year. Second two digits are: Should datnig something like 21VM or similar.
Seems dating nikon f3 the serial range bodies are from or so. Oct 26, dating nikon f3. Oct 26, 9. Why not call Nikon and ask dating nikon f3 Items for sale or trade at www. Oct 26, I highly doubt Nikon USA will have that information dating nikon f3 file. Let's face it, the last F3 rolled off the assembly line years ago.
It is easier to look in the Nikon blue book. All dates and serial s are there including dating nikon f3 rare editions. Oct 27, The other thread I've been working on You must log in or sign up to reply here. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account? No, create an account now. Yes, my password is: My Recent Posts Norita 66 Cameras Created by fatboy22 Feb 4, its been a long while Created by jnanian Jikon 31, Group outing like Per's Created by Todd Foster Jan 31, My Vintage Voigtlander Created by pentaxpete Jan 22, San Diego Meetup, Sunday, Created by jimjm Jan 21, Created by KEVIN-XU Jun 16, at 2: Created by ReallyBigCameras Jun 16, at 1: Created by davela Jun 16, at 1: Created by PGillin Jun 15, at 8: APUG PARTNERS EQUALLY FUNDING OUR COMMUNITY: Advertising Dating nikon f3 Us Bikon Home Top.
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Nikon F3 - widely regarded as one of the most reliable electronic camera of all time and it was which gives F3 serial numbers by approximate date of first sale. That may help lay things to rest, when this data is combined with the more well- known F3 production dating webpage on the Anyone know of a website with serial numbers and date of production. .. I use to take pictures with a Nikon F and now I also got a F3 for the. Nikon F3 is a 35mm film SLR system camera, designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro and was manufactured The dating info is as to: Flickr Nikon F3 Group.