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Singles who, in my opinion, seemed sadly lonely and desperate. But Baker is quick to point out most of those suits were dismissed and blames legal trouble on the nature of the business. Their sales pitch is riddled with lies and inaccuracies, they take your financial and govt. They charge extra for using there website which looks like it was built in the early 90's with low resolution pictures. You people red velvet dating scandal understand the kinds of scam tactics GE uses. I had the impression that they would great expectations dating service dallas me to find a date. I was shown pictures of attractive men with upstanding careers, men that were fit and well groomed. AMC Theatres Employees cussing at customers 1 1 hr 25 mins ago. I feel incredibly foolish and swindled by falling for this company. Craig9 Jun That's rgeat on the servkce. Then try to get them to cancel your membership is crap.

Join the Insider Chat. Dalkas feature is only available to registered users. Register or sign in to use it. Main Submit a Story RSS. One Step Closer To Minority Report: Legal Issues by Mike Masnick Tue, Nov 8th 6: Not So Great Expectations: Dating Site Returns Thousands For Lack Of Dates from the false-advertising? The company, Great Expectations, apparently set expectations a little too high.
The service, which started out nearly thirty years ago as one of those video dating services, has moved into the online world in a big way, and apparently thought that let it off the hook of the NY Red velvet dating scandal edpectations Services Law. The company plans to appeal, xervice the really odd part expectayions the story is just how much the expecattions cost.
Whether or not you agree with the law and it's not at all clear why such a law is neededit still seems like these women entered into an arrangement where they knew what they were getting into. In what world can their be a guarantee that you'll meet someone if there simply are no matches and no one wants to meet grezt back? If the company promised meetings, that's one thing and one the woman in the four year program says she was promised dates, so perhaps there's a claim therebut it seems unrealistic to simply expect dates when there's the entire other half o the equation to consider.
While the fees being paid and the idea of dxpectations up for a four year membership that promises marriage seems somewhat staggering, especially considering the competition, it just seems like these women made a bad decision in signing up for this service. If you liked this post, you may also be interested in New York Legislators Trying To Make A Bad Publicity Law Even Worse Another Judge Says The Microsoft Decision Doesn't Matter; Orders Google To Hand Over Overseas Data Supreme Court Sees Criminal Red velvet dating scandal Forfeiture Can Be Abused Too; Almost Does Something About It Should Tumblr Be Forced To Reveal People Who Reblogged A Sex Tape?
Somebody has to ask. Were the women in question like big fat ugly sweathogs expectatjons nobody in the civilized world would even talk to much less want to date? Mike profile8 Nov 8: The article claims sating helsinki hookup live said that they were "intelligent, well-spoken and attractive professional women. Patrick8 Nov 8: Man, why don't these women just find me and buy me a car.
I can be a good little man-whore and they can keep me in a manner I want to become accutomed to. Anonymous Coward9 Dec 4: Either that, or they were probably only selecting men half their age and not even close to the same type as them. Or simply not picking anyone at all and just 'hoping' someone will pick them. Anonymous Coward1 May 7: I would rather be a fat ugly sweathog with a heart and some empathy for people, than someone like you who must think that the outside means everything!!
Good looks and good bodies helsinki hookup live go away as you age, don't know what planet you're living on it's inevitable. I hope you find that person of your dreams because of what helsinki hookup live look like, and that never changes Dalls a person helsinki hookup live you that I dread to meet on expctations dating Anonymous Coward6 Jul Red velvet dating scandal women dalas ripped off because it's a scam.
I myself am an attractive, educated professional woman who great expectations dating service dallas thousands for men that didn't exist because they showed me fake photos etc. I went on ONE date. They submitted my profile with typos even though I did not include typos I am a freaking teacher. They lied and promised marriage, saying they were Christian etc.
Then they closed shop and there went my money with them. I hope karma pays all of those liars and scammers a visit. The consumer office of CA did nothing to help me because they are "franchises". Yonatron8 Nov 9: Yes but shouldn't a scam like that be covered by existing laws in the vein of "don't scam people"? Seriously, why is there any member great expectations dating service dallas a legislature who thinks it's his or her business to decide what expectationz maximum possible value of a dating service is?
That's hurty on the brain. Anonymous Coward8 Nov Robert Martin9 Nov 5: Testosterone poisining, that's what it is. Women, unlike men, are raised in a culture that STILL often teaches they will find their "completion" in a relationship with a man. And for some people, male and female, their "other half" never shows up. These poor women will pay any price if it holds the prospect of "true love," because they are so indoctrinated.
That's why servkce law is needed, to prevent exploitation of the cinderella myth. If Great Expectations had paid me a couple of hundred, I'd have serviced these ladies, and GE would've kept a servlce, secure profit. They were hoping to avoid meeting slobs dating amish website you. I was ata party a couple expectarions back and talked with a girl who worked at one of those places. It might have even been GE. Anyway, she said the clientele tended toward a gfeat of dallass.
The guys were nerdy engineers and lawyers who had busted ass for years to have a helsinki hookup live salary and were now looking for a young hottie to validate their professional success, but were too socially awkward to approach women helsinki hookup live their own. The problem with that was, hot young chicks don't need to expectxtions a dating service, they already have more attention than they can handle. The female profile tended toward professional women who had achieved managerial success exectations the point where they had priced themselves out of the mkt.
They all wanted to marry guys who were more successful than they were, but the guys who were that driven and successful were picking up their potential trophy wives without 3rd party help. She said very few clients ever got what they joined for because objectively, nobody had very realistic expectations of their actual mkt value. A lot of the times nobody even got past the video viewing stage.
Craig9 Jun Unhappy TN customer8 Jan 9: You people don't understand the kinds of scam tactics GE uses. I am currently fighting legally for a refund for services not yet rendered which expdctations owe me under state law and refuse to expectqtions. Their helsinki hookup live pitch is riddled with lies and inaccuracies, they take your financial and govt.
great expectations dating service dallas

Dallas Dating Co. Complaint Review: Dallas Dating Co. Great expectations Complete scam of a dating service Dallas Texas. Great Expectations (again a nationwide fraud dating service) has had over 5 . the secret of meeting people, but Great Expectations / Dallas dating company. Isn't it interesting that this company changed its name from Great Expectations to The Dallas Dating Company? I paid, yes i was duped and paid, for the service. Dallas and Fort Worth Singles is an exclusive personal matchmaking service for 72pt Compatibility Test which maps your relationship goals and expectations.