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Written with 21st century students in mind, this text presents introductory sociology content in a highly interactive format that is both easy to use and highly compatible with digital applications Edward BrentJ. Learn Sociology creates a new paradigm for student-centered learning in introductory sociology courses. Written with 21st century students in mind, this text presents introductory sociology content in a highly interactive format that is both easy to use and highly compatible with digital applications.
Weaved through the text are recurring themes that put sociology into context, such as social structure, social control, social inequality, the social construction of reality, scientific knowledge, and social change. Based on a modular concept format, each chapter in Learn Sociology addresses a major concept craigslist uconn hookup the introductory sociology curriculum. Associated with each module are key learning craigslist uconn hookup, preview statements, illustrations, and a concept learning check assessment.
With Learn Sociology, students have access to immediate computer-based feedback on essay questions that helps them practice writing and revising, reason critically, and grapple with real-world issues. All content in Learn Sociology is highly visual, current, and easy to understand while avoiding distracting and off-topic material. Visual overviews play to dynamic learning and underscore important points. Craigslist uconn hookup result is an introductory sociology curriculum that is engaging, consistent, and complete while providing students with a craigslist uconn hookup for learning, reviewing and self-assessment.
The Sociological Perspective and Research Process. Society Social Structure and Social Interaction. Class and Stratification in the United States. Aging and the Elderly. Family and Intimate Relationships. Politics and Economy in Global Perspective. Health craigslist uconn hookup Health Care. Collective Behavior Social Movements and Social Change. Race and Ethnicity in Society. Learn Sociology Edward BrentJ. Learn Sociology Learn Series.

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