Dating factory terms and conditions
dating factory terms and conditions

Dating Factory templates are fully customizable — you can edit your front page completely, including all the macros and dynamic components of the page, you can edit header and footer of the inside pages, edit existing content pages and add your own, edit CSS file and if you are not an HTML guru you can always change colours of your site using a very user-friendly Site colours panel. Your fellow posters and Expatica welcomes thought-provoking and insightful discussions, so long as all parties involved show mutual respect. In case Partner thinks that they have a legitimate reason for contacting another Partnerthe Partner should inform Dating Factory. I didn't want to setup sites with DF because I thought I will be disappointed again but… Read more…. Please treat new members with kindness and respect. If you do want to remove a profile and end a subscription at dating factory terms and conditions next renewal date you should make this clear to the service provider and they should meet your needs. I started with Dating Factory at the start ofand it has been by far the easiest platform to use, with high quality templates, fantastic language options, good niche discreet databases, excellent tracking facilities for PPC conversions…. If the Partner requires development services by Dating Factorycharges or minimum traffic requirements may apply. Tell the dating site provider if you suspect someone of being a scammer or a possible physical threat. You are entitled to ask your site provider whether the service makes use of some sort of pooling and how they go about it. Am I a Good Partner? We support USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, ZAR and are expanding this list every month. You must ensure that the details you provide are truthful and describe you personally. Dating Factory will provide an interface through which Partner will be able to create dating websites free of charge. If you know you have cancelled in accordance with the service terms and conditions, then you will need to contact the dating service. Cancellation will need to be done one month before the end of the term. Every niche is carefully created, pre-populated with members and tested to make sure that when you start promoting it you get instant conversion rates from the day one. With other systems, it took me over a month with dating factory terms and conditions same campaign to start seeing profits; my commission rates were not as high but still… Read more…. If not requested before this time, dating factory terms and conditions account will be automatically renewed. The first payment, if thresholds have been reached, will occur on the first working day 30 after days the end of the sales period in which the threshold has been reached.

Yes, you can run niche sites on Dating Factory white label platform — every niche was created involving representatives of this niche community and tailored to the needs of its representatives. Dating Factory templates are fully customizable — you can edit your front page completely, including all the macros and dynamic components of the page, you can edit dating factory terms and conditions and footer of the inside pages, edit existing content pages and add your own, edit CSS file and if you are not an HTML guru you can always change colours of your site using a very user-friendly Site colours panel.
Learn how to do it from Dating Factory dating factory terms and conditions here. Dating Factory templates are coded with search engine optimization SEO needs in mind and the fact that the sites are fully customizable allows you to optimize them to your keywords and niche market as much as you need. You have access to XML Site map and Robots.
Dating Factory design team provides top end templates developed and tested for conversion rates but if you require something more specific and need our help in doing this, our experienced design team dating factory terms and conditions develop a unique white label dating site for you. Contact us for more details. There absolutely NO COSTS involved in creating a web-site with Dating Factory.
Yes, you can use your own domain name. Just specify this during the site registration process in your administration area, and transfer the DNS to our name servers: Yes, Dating Factory hosts your dating white label site and provides all the technical and customer support service to you and your members joining through your dating web-sites. You are able to run your own advertising on your dating templates and white label dating sites — and if Dating Factory places any advertising on your sites you will receive commission from it as well.
We offer various promotional tools for your dating templates as well as white label dating sites. You have the access to our banner library that has banners of different sizes and colours for different niche markets — both animated and static — that provide a high click through rate for your marketing campaigns. Yes, we do provide different languages as it is one of our top priorities — to help you build your sites for different niche markets and geographical areas so you could compete with all the existing sites on national and international markets.
You can choose languages available for your site as well as default language that will be shown to all the visitors. We support USD, EUR, GBP, CHF, ZAR and are expanding this list every month. We always listen to our partner and are happy to work closely with you to open up new markets and opportunities. Every niche is carefully created, pre-populated with members and tested to make sure that when you start promoting it you get instant conversion rates from the day one.
We accept all the major credit cards and debit cards, cheques and bank transfers. We are now also working on adding SMS Giro pay for Germany and direct debit for the other European countries. If there are other methods you can think of — just get in touch and we will look into integrating them for your niche market. Yes, you can choose one of the payment models Dating Factory offer — the one you feel is more appropriate for your dating niche market.
And of course if you need something unique for your web-site we will always work together with you on dating factory terms and conditions it farm dating online just for you. You have access to all the information you need about members who join your white label dating web-site as you have extensive statistic and analytics reports in the administration area. You can view reports by date, country, sex, age, criteria your members choose and also get overview what are the top 25 criteria on your web-sites.
Yes, you can send out dating newsletters to your members through the Dating factory terms and conditions management interface and also change the look of all the emails that are sent out to your members by the system. For promoting outside the system dating factory terms and conditions dating and webmaster forumsetc. For more info click here. Menu Dating factory terms and conditions About Us White Label Dating Platform How It Works Revenues Partners News Contacts. Register About Us White Label Dating Platform How It Works Revenues Partners News Contacts.
Can I run niche dating sites on Dating Factory white label platform? How customizable are Dating Factory templates? Can I tailor them to my business needs? What marketing and optimization SEO tools will I have? Do you provide custom dating designs or only dating templates? How much does it cost to build a dating web-site with Dating Factory? Are there any hidden or startup charges? Can I use my domain name? Do you host my dating white label site? Can I have more than one dating site with Dating Factory?
Do I have any control over the advertising on my dating template and whitelabel dating site? What promotional tools do you offer? Do you provide web-sites in different languages? How many currencies do you support? Are the dating niches pre-populated? What kind of payments do you accept from customers? Can I choose my own pricing model? Do I have access to my database demographics?
Can I send dating newsletters to my dating white label sites members? Do you offer incentives for referring other dating webmasters?

Expatica provides detailed information on the terms of service for accessing any part To be bound by Expatica Dating and Dating Factory terms and conditions. However, the term betting is associated with it and this stigma is a challenge . However, offers its partners several templates that Norwegian Mass Killer Wins Human Rights Case Over Prison Conditions. Frequently Asked Questions about the Dating Factory Private and White Label Dating Platform. Can I run niche dating sites on Dating Factory white label platform? How customizable are Dating . Terms and Conditions · FAQs · Contacts. Terms and Conditions Un Affilié désigne un partenaire de Dating Factory France faisant la promotion des marques participant au réseau d'affiliés de Dating.